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Banking issues

IS there any rationality for the bank ATMs to only gush out $100.00 bills and never anything smaller?

Economy answers

Shouldn’t Dr Minnis have to answer to us all as to where our National Finances are 100 percent to our national economy?

The FNM quagmire

I am not and have never been an FNM member or supporter. I have long seen that entity as an unapologetic enclave for the so-called political elite and middle and upper classes. Not that anything is inherently wrong with that but the unwashed masses in the inner city areas of New Providence and Grand Bahama have always excited my public sensibilities and passion.

A looming refugee crisis ahead

A potential crisis and grave political embarrassment for the new administration has collided with hundreds of Haitian refugees entering our waters. We are facing a refugee crisis of historic proportions and it does not involve the coronavirus.

An open letter on nation’s transport

Dear Prime Minister, Congratulations on your victory at the recent polls.

Dictatorial tendencies cost Minnis

Immediately after the 2017 elections, Hubert Minnis set on a collision course, angered the majority of Bahamians, which ended in the most astonishing defeat in Bahamian history.

Time to stand up

“IF Bahamians are not prepared to stand up and defend their own Bahamas, then ya don’t deserve to have it ...” -- Pindling. Those words are as true and meaningful today as they were all those many years ago. In a way, they may be even more meaningful today.

The Minnis era of the FNM

Shortly after becoming leader of the once respected and revered FNM, the Hon Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) publicly and politically stabbed the former Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Hubert A Ingraham frontally by declaring that the Ingraham Era was over. He thought, I am sure, that he was playing cute and dismissive.

Trade deal inclusivity

Our world is divided into various political and economic blocks, nations with their corporations allied to others in an attempt to create a free trade situation. Not that real free trade exists anywhere. Like selfish children nations and the economic trade blocks carry out illegal actions that go contrary to the agreements they joined. Trade barriers, preference to their corporations needs, create unnecessary conflict and uncertainty. Trade Organisations try to be democratic in nature, and where you find democracy you can also find national self interest.

The War Cabinet

All of you know that for decades I have been privileged to be the biggest media supporter of the new Prime Minister, the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis, QC. When he was a mere lawyer @ Messrs Christie; Ingraham; Davis & Company at Victoria Avenue, I was there. When he established his own practice @ West Hill Street north, I was with him and now that he has ascended the greasy pole, I have more work to be done.

Time to heal after the vote

During his campaign, Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis journeyed through each island of the Bahamas. His message was simple. It was a promise to help bridge our current divisions as he has always worked to do previously. He embraced the fact that what the country needed at this time was real leadership that seeks to de-escalate tensions, open lines of communication, and bring us together to heal.

Smaller parties in election

Now that the 2021 general election is over, many people have expressed the view that third parties generally, and the Coalition of Independents in particular, have demonstrated that there is a need for a third political force in the country.

The coming national crisis

There is a monumental crisis looming in The Bahamas.

What next after vote?

Post election analysis for the FNM has tone soul searching, but essentially unbiased as faults there were there which did not start now, but were long established almost to the beginning of the administration in 2017… like Christie seen two years out.

Please help, Mr Davis

For the attention of: Hon Phillip E Davis, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and Hon Dr Michael Darville, Minister of Health and Wellness . . .

Assault accused granted bail

A MAN who denied assaulting another man was yesterday granted bail before his trial.

Five years to organise polling

Elections come and go usually every five-years so the organisers of them have the luxury of four plus plus years to get things together...all it takes is an eight-month jump forward and chaos.

Election nonsense

The usual PLP stalwarts have come out with the predictable drivel in your letters page reference the election.

A happy day for The Bahamas

In 2017, the Free National Movement came to power atop a crest of lies, amplified by a deeply biased media. How very fitting that in 2021 it was swept away in a tide of ugly truths, despite all the best efforts of the media to mask them.

A landslide win for PLP

The Bahamian people have spoken and have elected the PLP, led by the incoming Prime Minister, the Hon. Philip 'Brave' Davis, QC (PLP Cat Island), by a landslide. This is no time for gloating. The heavy lifting is now about to begin. Brave will be well advised to hit the ground running on behalf of a trusting populace. In the weeks and months ahead he and his administration will have two immediate tasks: get the pandemic under control as much as humanly possible and to build back our economy better than before.

Challenges for the new government

There are two critical and overwhelming issues which should be foremost for the new government and they are both interlinked.

Vaccine is the way to beat this

How many more indeed. Lovely article. Lovely poem by Dr Bartlett. Grateful for his survival and his new message.

PLP’s silent Long Island candidate

When will the Progressive Liberal Party candidate for Long Island, Tyrel Young (PLP), address the people of Long Island?

The deadly summer of ’21

AS the end of summer approaches, what should have been a time of great fellowship with backyard barbecues, basking in the sun, and frolicking in the sea, turned out to be a period filled with rage, anguish, and grief.

Make masks and vaccines mandatory

A BIG debate in the United States erupted recently when a state school ruled that any student attending that institution of learning had to wear a mask.