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All packed close in on Bahamasair

The following was sent to my iPhone today that I thought might interest your readers. The letter writer said:

Extraordinary death total

Extraordinary number of deaths Bahamas/COVID Statistics are readily available online.

Corruption in Zimbabwe

Sadly, the Kenyan national who goes by the name African Tigress visited Zimbabwe for tourism on the 31 August 2021. At the Robert Mugabe International Airport, the immigration officials threatened her with deportation unless she gave them something. It is obvious that many people are being deprived of their money by immigration officials.

Have rethink on travel rules, please

Our family own travel agencies in northern New Jersey and have had a long association with The Bahamas, including being part time residents.

Fiasco in Afghanistan

The decision of great powers have exacting and long lasting effects upon other nations and their populations in the world. They always have.

Gibson’s unintended damage to the FNM

Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) executive chairman Adrian Gibson is running in the very safe Free National Movement (FNM) stronghold of Long Island. The only time that the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) was ever successful in winning a seat on Long Island was in 1977 with P P Smith in the northern district of that Family Island, I think. Back then, the White establishment had split Long Island, with its small Out Island population, into two constituencies. This was gerrymandering.

Different views on ivermectin

When I read the article written by Dr. Pinto under the headline “You are not a horse - FDA warns against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19”, I was surprised to see how little of what he said was evidenced by any science.

It’s your time

Four years and a few months ago, the people of this wonderful nation lined up in droves to vote the Christie led PLP out of office due to a myriad of reasons coupled with Christie fatigue and serious allegations of corruption. A large majority stood in long lines in the scorching hot sun just for an opportunity to vote Minnis and the FNM into high office. The rest is now history.

Cartwright deserves re-election

Shanendon Cartwright is the Free National Movement (FNM) candidate for the St Barnabas constituency. He is also chairman of the Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority. It is assumed by opposition forces that the FNM will be wiped out in New Providence, winning fewer than three seats. Pundits are predicting that the governing party should be able to hold on to St Anne’s, Killarney and Free Town. I believe that notwithstanding Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ apparent unpopularity, St Barnabas should re-elect the Mr Cartwright.

Think twice, Elizabeth

Before taking Hubert Ingraham’s advice and voting for former Health Minister Duane Sands . . .

Suddenly, we have an easy choice

Last week was an epiphany to some. But the shocking allegations of conflicts of interest by members of the present government (and their insulting, but predictable refusal to adequately address them by shifting the discussion back to the PLP) should have at least one positive effect.

The PLP campaign is unravelling

Although they repeatedly demanded that the Prime Minister “ring the bell”, it is now clear that the Progressive Liberal Party was not even close to ready to contest a general election. Dr Minnis called their bluff and now the PLP’s campaign is quickly falling apart.

The voting rights of quarantined

I write in response to your column of September 1, 2021, entitled “Why is there no plan for the Quarantined?” Good question! The answers that have been offered by the “powers that be” thus far lie somewhere in the range between pathetic and paralyzed.

Independence of the press?

I thought the press was supposed to be fair and impartial. If so, the behaviour of one media group in particular in the lead up to this election is positively shameful.

Hypocrisy at best?

The current Prime Minister while in opposition spoke heavily about corruption and bigotry within the Progressive Liberal Party. In fact, he campaigned to stand and stamp out chauvinism in politics. He championed creating good governance, accountability, and transparency. He said himself that he would hold his cabinet and members of his party feet to the fire; should they cross lines they will be dealt with.

The many faces of Brave Davis

We must size up two men to lead the country. A doctor and a lawyer. Where they differ is on character.

Union vote gimmick

They were overjoyed that the National Congress of Trade Unions and the Trade Union Congress had signed a memorandum of understanding committing the PLP, on becoming the government, of ensuring that all long standing union issues would be resolved and the united unions would continue in the best interest of the workers.

The scourge of disinformation

If the Bahamas and other nations were to be honest to themselves, COVID-19 could have been handled far better than today.

Pandemic expectations

We are now in a fourth wave of this horrible pandemic. We are told that most of those in hospitals with COVID-19 are not vaccinated, and others who have been vaccinated. The variants are driving our population to distraction. The Province’s Business sector has been carrying on, doing business in a safe and managed manner. There are many questions being asked by the public with regards to our health and safety.

Farewell, AD Hanna

Today is a sad day in The Bahamas as we laid to rest one of our national heroes and icons, the late Hon Arthur Dion Hanna, Sr.

Navigating the grim

Access to medicine and health care should be a basic human right but with our hospitals beyond capacity who will take precedence?

Stealing from the poor

I am writing this letter to you because I am fed up with the unscrupulous practices by merchants across the Bahamas. The stores have decided to take on the reversed philosophy of Robin Hood. In my opinion it is the perfect example of the rich stealing from the poor.

Disclose our debt

Election date has been set, Parliament has been dissolved and the Bahamian people are ready to go to the polls to select the next government to run the country.

Atlantis workers

I read with disgust and dismay the article in the August 27th edition of The Tribune regarding the letter from Atlantis informing its staff that they would have to pay for their own COVID testing as of September 1st. and

Problems in getting the vaccine

I’m reaching out to you hoping that light can be shed on the issue of the difficulty that some face getting a vaccine.