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LW Young and broke candidates

Leon Walter Young, better known to us as L W Young, was first elected to the House of Assembly in 1912, during the governorship of either Sir Gilbert Thomas Carter or Sir William Grey-Wilson. A carpenter and building contractor by profession, Young would serve in Parliament for the Eastern District of New Providence, from the aforementioned 1912 to 1942 – the year of the Burma Road Riots.

PLP using Trump’s playbook

It is quite depressing to reflect on the journey that the Republican Party has taken since the days of the American Civil War. It was once the party of Abraham Lincoln that ended slavery in the United States. Today it is the party of Donald Trump and uses anger, fear, conspiracy theories and fake news to whip up the emotions of a section of society that is shrinking and getting more desperate by the day.

Let the games begin

The proverbial electoral bell has been rung and Bahamians go to the polls on the 16th September, God willing. We who are registered voters will have an opportunity to either return Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) and the FNM to power or to vote in the New PLP led by the Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis, QC, (PLP-Cat Island). I am persuaded that the upcoming general elections will be a nail biter of the highest order.

RBC’s awful customer service

I nominate RBC for the “Worst Customer Service of the Year Award.”

Leadership conundrum

One of the greatest conflicts facing aspiring or “established” leaders is not so much a lack of support, as much as it is a lust of support and power. Too many leaders “live to be liked personally”, as opposed to living to make life better for other persons. As a result of this flawed viewpoint, many of them work harder trying to build their own “Fan Clubs and Ego-centric Empires”, instead of demonstrating a commitment to build healthy organisations and communities that truly empower and inspire others to be their best, even when things are at their worst.

A vote for the people

In light of the recent crash election announced by the Rt Hon Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, there has been an uproar regarding the circumstances in which the announcement has been made. Amidst a number of dire crises, from a healthcare collapse to strikes from a number of agencies, there has been a sudden dissolution of Parliament.

FNM ‘lie machine’

In the run up to the 2017 election, seemingly the entire Bahamian media fixated on some leaked email exchanges involving Jerome Fitzgerald. The narrative was that, as Minister of Education at the time, Mr. Fitzgerald broke some (as yet unspecified) rule relating to conflicts of interests.

Are FNMs ready for PM Davis?

I believe that diehard Free National Movement (FNM) supporters must now come to terms with the possibility of Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader Philip Brave Davis becoming the next prime minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Three years ago, Davis becoming this nation’s leader seemed farfetched. However, the onslaught of COVID-19 and the catastrophic passage of Hurricane Dorian have placed this highly coveted job well within reach of the PLP leader.

A big decision

Well it’s election season and it would appear the two main parties are not short of cash.

The upcoming General Election

It’s official, the bell has been rung.

Back to the future or same again

This, like every other election before it, is supposedly to secure our future. The FNM platform leans into the future. The PLP dreams of a new day, asking voters to gaze into a crystal ball.


The plight of an Atlantis Furloughed staff member.

It’s time for all hands on deck

There are three fundamental principles that guide followership and leadership.

Minnis-less FNM party

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has been the second most successful leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) in the 51 years of its existence, second only to former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Anniversary of FNM’s 1992 victory

I consider former Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham to be the greatest political leader in the annals of modern Bahamian history. If Sir Lynden Pindling is the Black Moses, then Ingraham is the Black Joshua, who led The Bahamas into the land of Canaan, where true democracy along with its attendant freedom of speech and expression, evident in the opening of the airwaves, resides.

Rental assistance

Navigating one's way through the sweltering heat of hardship is no easy undertaking. An unduly harsh economic climate, reduced work hours and the myriad of uncertainty that surrounds and assails the poor and marginalised in this country can be daunting.

Social media and COVID

Speaking as a senior when we were younger we got all our information/news from TV and radio.

A holiday for Arthur D Hanna

Am begging public support for a holiday to mourn the passing of unclaimed National Hero, the late Arthur D Hanna.

Misleading on vaccines

There is no mandatory policy for the vaccination of children.

Afghanistan: Asia’s pit of despair

The Taliban has control of Afghanistan once again. The power elites throughout the globe will act as though this is a surprise to them, inconceivable, unplanned and unwanted. The Taliban will consolidate its power in one of three ways.

What has happened to missing boys?

I am distraught – I haven’t slept a wink after reading in The Tribune that two little Bahamian boys — six years old, no less – were deported to Haiti shortly before that island was hit by an earthquake. And their only sin?

Squabble over bank note change

What a dreadful image for The Bahamas internationally to see our Prime Minister and other MP’s arguing about who is most responsible for completely eliminating our Head of State Queen Elizabeth II from our currency notes. There was no public consultation when this process began and none when The Queen was removed from our coinage.

Keep the Queen

Our family purchased a property and made investments in The Bahamas after consultation with your Government Investment Authority and Nassau lawyers. We were told that our investments would be safe and secure because Queen Elizabeth was Head of State and there was a British style Parliament and Court system. Based on these reassurances we went ahead with transactions.

Well done, PM

After many months of criticism of our Prime Minister in the handling of this COVID pandemic in our country (by myself personally)... I feel the need to congratulate him today.

Issues with the Travel Health Visa

Our family operate several travel agencies in southern England and have sent clients to The Bahamas for many years. My late parents purchased a property there and we have enjoyed wonderful holidays over the years. It was always pleasing to send people for Bahamas holidays.