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Dissolve the Credit Bureau

In honour of the memory of Arthur Hanna (among so many other good things, a smart and nationalist Minister of Finance) the incoming PLP government should dissolve the recently established Credit Bureau and repeal the legislation upon which it stands. It has no utility whatsoever to the Bahamian consumer and only serves the interests of the (mostly foreign) commercial banks, herding Bahamians into convenient categories to be better exploited.

God is going to get you

So you ripped the grill, the bumper, and the lights of my Cube. A car that I made great sacrifices to purchase.

The Queen on $500 note?

I am delighted that Sir Arthur’s image will adorn our one hundred dollar currency note, but wondering why we have never taken that next little step and issued a Five Hundred Dollar note.

Colina and Indigo the same?

Re: The Insurance Act 2005 and Colina Insurance/ Indigo Insurance

Heroes of Zimbabwe

It is a pity that Zimbabweans said that they are celebrating Zimbabwe heroes and defence forces days recently.

Papers, please

Suggestion: A combination card that holds three sets of information of each Canadian Citizen:

PLP plays politics with lives

The PLP is playing politics with people’s lives.

Pandemic trauma

Since the turn of the century, warnings have been given about the powerful effects of virus and influenzas. Such diseases have killed billions throughout human history. Black Plague, Spanish Influenza to name a few you may recognise. Various Governments have not ignored their powerful destructiveness, and established agencies to study, catalogue and research these viruses and their cures. Much has been done to understand these powerful predators and governmental responses have saved the lives of many in the past.

A lot still separates political parties

On the very same day last week that Arthur Hanna, the lead architect of Bahamianisation, slipped into history, I had the dubious honour of meeting one of the Free National Movement’s batch of candidates for the upcoming election.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate...

Vitriolic debates, some of which degenerate into insults and name calling, rage on social media with respect to covid 19 vaccine hesitancy and rejection.

COVID gap between rich and poor

The recent photo of eight patients crowded on the porch of the Critical Care Block at the Princess Margaret Hospital was an ominous reminder of the overcrowding dilemma at the nation’s leading public health institution, owing to soaring COVID-19 cases.

Farewell to a happy warrior

AD Hanna had a unique way of communicating as much by what he didn’t say as by his actual well-chosen words.

Minnis and the church

The August 3 Nassau Guardian front page caption “Killer convention?” was a major source of conviction, sadness and embarrassment for this writer, as an evangelical Christian who loves the church, the mystical body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bring back Dr Sands as Health Minister

It is now clear that the Minnis administration has no real plan based on science to combat and reduce the surging rates of infection and possibly deaths. Whatever plans it has it would appear to be based on politics and not science. The Emergency Powers Act confers almost dictatorial powers within the hands of the Competent Authority, who has emerged as Dr Minnis and not the collective cabinet, at least that is the optics. With elections being just around the corner political considerations are first and foremost.

One Bahamas

My heart, mind and prayers with the Bahamian people and the Bahamas dealing with challenging times COVID-19, ecomomic hardship and division among Bahamians. It is my prayer, hope and vision for A One Bahamas, a Bahamas where there would be no dishonesty, but trust.

COVID demagogues

I have read and taken note of the PLP’s press release of 28 July, 2021 – addressing their official opposition position on COVID-19 in The Bahamas.

Pompey - a hero for our nation

Universal Negro Improvement Association founder Marcus Garvey, George William Gordon and Paul Bogle were the first three recipients of Jamaica’s Order of National Hero in 1969 – the year it was created by the Jamaica Labour Party administration via its National Honours and Awards Act.

BTVI needs Jeff Lloyd

Please - allow me to speak candidly about my experience as a 2021 graduate of the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute. I am a fully employed mother who decided to enroll in BTVI after attending the graduation ceremony of a friend in 2017 and hearing the newly appointed Minister of Education Mr Jeffrey Lloyd speak about his plans for Technical Education and how he will work to make sure that technical education gets the respect that it deserves. I took him at his word, knowing that he also graduated from BTVI.

Get rid of the Health Visa

As a long-time travel agency owner in cities in northern New Jersey I am writing because I am alarmed at the steep decline in interest for vacations in The Bahamas. For many years both Nassau and some of the out islands were very popular destinations for our clients. They were easy to book and good airline connections.

Safe shopping

I am happy to read in The Tribune that Mr Rupert Roberts is seriously planning to make his SuperValue foodstores as safe as possible as he and his customers ride out this pandemic killer.

Facts first

It seems the narcissistic talk show hosts and their oddball groupies have become experts on COVID vaccines.


Over in the USA many are questioning the mental and physical condition of President Joe Biden as the 46th President of that nation, to hold elective office. It does not appear to matter that he defeated former President Donald Trump in the Electoral Collage and by popular vote. Here in The Bahamas we have seldom, if ever, publicly questioned the the mental or physical abilities of our leaders, especially those who become Prime Minister.

Commentators in the media can save lives

It is difficult to read or listen to the media commentators in The Bahamas these days. They are a mixture of editors and other types of “thought” leaders.

A tsunami of lies about vaccines

The government’s policy of allowing tourists who are at least two weeks past their double or single dose covid vaccine regimen to enter without covid testing is being savaged on social media as the supposed vector for our third wave of the disease.

A bunch of clowns

Was it just a coincidence that your Monday’s editorial featuring the BPL bosses was almost right next to the cartoon of three clowns?