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A rational perspective

There was a letter in Wednesday’s Tribune referring to how to get a reluctant population here in the Bahamas to take the vaccine. Maybe some rational thought would assist?

You can’t win with that, PLP

I have read the leader of the official opposition – the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis’ latest press release today – captioned: Guidance to PLP Candidates. It’s good to know that PLP candidates and campaigners were informed that they cannot be on the campaign trail if they are not vaccinated. This is in adherence with the latest COVID-19 emergency orders. In the meantime, he said that the PLP is examining avenues for legal recourse. Apparently, the PLP doesn’t agree with the new emergency orders – restricting campaigning to vaccinated personnel only.

Minnis must be careful

The Free National Movement (FNM) administration of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis once again finds itself in a rather awkward situation with the Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) and the entire Christian community.

Allen’s honour is deserved

The Hon Algernon SPB Allen has been awarded the Order of the Bahamas as a companion by the Governor General, the Hon Cornelius A Smith. He was among a number of other distinguished Bahamians who were given various other awards in this year’s National Honours Awards. While I congratulate him and his family, I am somewhat disappointed that Algernon (as I am privileged to know him) was not knighted by Her Majesty the Queen for his stellar services for and on behalf of a grateful Bahamian nation.

Scrap the Health Visa

Those of us who operate travel agencies in my part of the northeastern United States recently held a virtual conference about the reopening of more tourism after the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Minnis has failed - but he’s not alone

Let me state from the outset that I don’t tote water for the Free National Movement (FNM) or Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis. Minnis is obviously the whipping boy of the media and opposition forces, over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020.

Fake polls and reality

We the people gave Minnis and the then opposition FNM a massive victory in May, 2017. We were allured by the many, now bogus, promises made by them plus we were dead tired of brother Christie. Since being elected it is to be admitted that back-to-back events, the hurricanes and now the ongoing pandemic created grave difficulties for the incoming government. It is how it reacted to and dealt with the effects that has now turned many Bahamians off with the PM and his halting administration.

Stay out of trouble for a year - or go to prison

A 21-year-old man who was caught with $20 worth of marijuana must stay out of trouble for a year to avoid spending three months behind bars.

Unvaccinated treated like scapegoats

When the coronavirus began to spread across the world in the first quarter of 2020, we heard the word asymptomatic so frequently that even those who had never known the word before can now comfortably use it in a sentence correctly. That word has fallen into disuse and now unvaccinated is the only word being touted by the media. There is not a news bulletin aired without unvaccinated being mentioned. The unvaccinated are being likened to asymptomatic I presume. The hospitalised are mainly unvaccinated. The dying is unvaccinated.

South Africa

I am deeply disappointed that South African National Congress is failing to tackle the challenges and crises in South Africa. ANC is a political party which is well managed and has strong leadership unlike the Zimbabwean ZANU PF political party. I am urging ANC and its leadership to address the deep issues that is threatening the peace and economic prosperity of South Africa urgently.

Taking flight?

The Minister of Health, the Hon Renward Wells (FNM-Bamboo Town) said the other evening at Holy Trinity Activities Centre that once the PM rings the bell that the FNM party is ready to take flight. I view Wells as a reasonably intelligent individual perhaps not the Einstein that he reputed to be by self-promotion, but a modicum of common sense.

Ban oil drilling

For the first time in over 14 years there are no active foreign oil drilling licenses in Bahamian waters. We applaud the government for refusing to renew Challenger Energy Company’s (aka Bahamas Petroleum Company) licenses because they have failed to pay their basic fees. Yet we are still vulnerable to the risks of oil drilling in our waters from future corporate misadventures. With no possible legal barriers remaining, the time is NOW to lead boldly and ban future drilling for oil while charting a course for a sustainable blue economy.

Reaching immunity

Looking at the latest Bahamian vaccination statistics, we are falling far short of herd immunity, which is also defined by the WHO as “the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”

Sovereign Wealth Fund

There has been a lot of chatter in the news and on talk shows about our national treasure and the need for a Sovereign Wealth Fund, and it has become tiresome listening to all the banter around Aragonite.

Early elections - is it best time?

Please permit me to comment on recent news reports concerning the possibility that the Prime Minister may call an early election with some suggesting that it may be held as early as August 2021.

Character references

I just went to Quakoo Street Police station to put in for a character reference. I was shocked and annoyed to hear that all character references must be picked up from Thompson Boulevard due to COVID.

COVID windfall

A private healthcare institution was in The Tribune bragging about its $7m-plus revenue intake from the 100,000 COVID-19 tests it conducted in 2020. When told that her impoverished subjects lacked bread, the 18th century French Queen Mary Antoinette is alleged to have replied that they should be given cake. Sharp-witted Bahamians will immediately wonder why I mentioned Marie Antoinette.

Raise age of consent

I read in The Nassau Guardian that the legal consent age for sexual intercourse is 16. A 16-year-old cannot vote in The Bahamas. One must be at least 18. Engaging in an intimate relationship with the opposite sex is, in my opinion, a far weightier matter than casting your ballot.

Our leaders and foreign investment

It’s now official. None other than Minister of State for Finance Kwasi Thompson (champion of the investment-begging Commercial Enterprises Act) has conceded that The Bahamas actually dwarfs all of its colleagues in the latest UN report on Foreign Direct Investment.

Zimbabwean refugees

It is traumatizing and shocking that the United Kingdom has been falsely convinced by Zimbabwean president Mnangagwa that the human rights situation in Zimbabwe has dramatically improved and therefore asylum seekers can be deported to Zimbabwe.

China’s rise is peaceful and unstoppable

At the recent celebrations for the centennial anniversary of the Communist Party of China attended by 70,000 people and watched by fellow Chinese all over the world, General Secretary Xi Jinping confidently announced that China has fulfilled its first centenary goal of turning China into a moderately prosperous society by putting an end to absolute poverty. This is a historic achievement for a century-old party, who was born in the throes of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

Murder spree a boon for defence attorneys

Nassau is currently under-siege by a violent group of gangs engaging in a reckless game of tit-for-tat, which has spilled over into communities that were once thought to be safe.

A deserved honour

It is heartwarming to see my friend Algernon Sidney Patrick Benedict Allen receive a well-deserved honour. The honour given can hardly compensate for his charity. His selflessness is his calling card. The ease he displayed in freely giving is a rare quality. I am positively sure that many would quickly jump to their feet in applauding Allen’s contributions to this country. He is selfless. Few have helped more people than he.

This is war

Tribune front page reads.“Killings product of our failure”.

Soaring sales but where are the taxes?

Once again headline after headline of soaring sales purchased by the elites, yet the government refuses to tax this insane wealth but actually has the audacity to put a cap on it.