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Be who you is

The sad state of affairs in the northern Bahamas relating to the lagging rebuilding effort almost two year post-Dorian has prompted this letter, along with virtually attending a UNESCO regional seminar last week on “Sustainable Urban Development: Tools for its implementation through heritage and creativity in Latin American and the Caribbean.”

Heritage sites

Much has been said and no doubt will be said about a group of Bahamians seeking a contract from the FNM administration to manage some of our cultural and heritage sites. The current chairman of the FNM, Charles Culmer, has rightfully admitted that he is a part of such grouping along with others, inclusive of FNM and PLP supporters, et al. Such sites would include the forts; the Queen’s Staircase and other sites.

Controversial way to save The Bahamas

For many Bahamians, we believe that the country is nearing the crossroads of destiny.

Changing times over Marlin fishing

I see where a letter writer to The Tribune was sickened by your front page photo on June 7, headed “Sport or Slaughter”, and environmentalist Sam Duncombe has taken the sportsmen to task remarking that it is “absolutely ludicrous” that the capture of the country’s national fish is allowed in such events, adding that “these bloody tournaments” need to stop.

Let’s meet, Dr Minnis

An open letter to the Prime Minister of The Bahamas

COVID-19 Jim Crow

Within days of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ announcement of a forthcoming Vaccination Day for fully vaccinated Bahamians – in which the state will unwittingly carry out discriminatory measures against unvaccinated Bahamians – the United States Congress passed legislation which officially recognises June 19 as a federal holiday. In Congress, 415 lawmakers voted in favour of the holiday, while 14 Republicans voted against the bill. The holiday is named Juneteenth, which was officially signed into law by President Joe Biden on June 17.

What riles you on the road?

What are the things that yuck up your vexation the most during your morning commute?

Baby timing

I am somewhat confuddled by the timing of your front page article this morning on the Stervante Moss killing.

Law and order established

For two hundred years the settlement of Hope Town on Elbow Cay, Abaco, was a sleepy little fishing village with very little crime. In the 1990’s when the internet put the island on the map, the economic growth that followed, led to more and more crime. A tipping point came in 2018 when Hope Town experienced its first armed robbery http://www.tribune242.com/news/2018/may/22/holiday-weekend-blighted-by-series-of-armed/robberies.

Nightclub noise

Club Waterloo’s principal should not be permitted to operate a nightclub at its current venue, even if COVID restrictions are lifted.

How solvent is the NIB pension fund?

National Insurance Minister Brensil Rolle’s recent statement regarding the $263m the National Insurance Board (NIB) has given to Bahamians in assistance and jobless benefits raises the question as to how solvent is the NIB pension fund.

Revisiting structure of our taxation

There has been much talk in recent times about the G7 nations introducing a world wide 15% taxation of corporate earnings. I see nothing wrong with this and would encourage our local politicians and economists to consider the pros and cons of this proposal. Yes, some will argue that The Bahamas is a tax haven and as such should not get involved in global economic debates. I beg to differ.

Well done to Spanish Wells

In natural and economic assets, Spanish Wells has very little that every little community in The Bahamas doesn’t. In many ways, it has less.

Answer on flying of Pride flag

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and all creatures on this earth, including man and woman and God saw that everything that He had created was very good, “ so says the Bible, the book by which many Christians live and on which we all swear when we take a solemn oath to tell the truth.

End child labour

I am deeply traumatised that the Zimbabwean Government is in a struggle to end the persistent scourge of child Labour.

The great smoking debate

The Minnis regime in complicity with the so-called Marijuana Commission, co-chaired by a prominent bishop and a former Assistant Commissioner of Police is set to introduce legislation to approve and regulate the so-called medical marijuana industry.

End this slaughter

The Tribune’s front page photo – June 7 – entitled “Sport or Slaughter” has sickened me.

Black Lives Matter ‘hypocrites’

American political writer Kenneth R Timmerman claimed in his hard-hitting exposé of Rainbow PUSH Coalition founder and African American civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, Sr, that Booker T Washington forewarned that there will come a time when hucksters will seek to enrich themselves at the expense of the Negro population.

Farewell to Bishop B Wenith Davis

A man of Great Moral and Academic Stature dies at 74 years.

The moral majority

It is a given that morality in public policies and initiatives cannot be legislated. Either one has an innate or adopted moral compass due to upbringing; societal structure and/or spiritual dogma. The basic unit of society is the traditional family... a male... a female and where necessary children. This is what we often call the ideal or nuclear family. It has been said that God Himself created and designed the family.

A deserved thank you

I wrote several months ago to express my appreciation for the stellar organisation and professionalism of the vaccine site at Loyola Hall. And just when I thought the first experience couldn’t have gone better, I write again to say that it was even better.

Exemptions are a cruel gimmick

By its nature, a Value Added Tax affects the whole domestic eco-system of an economy. It applies to everything. That is how it is intended and that is its strength. As such, the application of “exemptions” is meaningless, because everywhere the recipient of the exemption turns, he still has to pay VAT in order to use the money he has “saved” via the exemption.

VAT increase a start

While it is all but too late the government has finally woken up to implement a tax to help the treasury while not even creating a dent in the elites standard of living. It is a start, however, it does not go far enough to make the obscene “in your face” wealthy pay their fair share. Neither does it alleviate the paralysis placed on the poor and middle class (the latter all but eliminated at this point).

Let’s get vaccinated

The potentially crippling and lethal Corona Virus is fluid, dynamic, deadly and dangerously potent – and it rages on in many quarters of the universe. We hear about vaccines, and new variants of the disease regularly, and it appears that no one really knows how to control the contagious and rapidly mutating COVID-19.

Minnis must take stand on Pride flag

Please publish this open letter to the Prime Minister.