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Do the right thing on Paradise Island

I am not a spear carrier for Toby Smith of the Paradise Lighthouse Company, but rather a Bahamian who is anxious to jump start the economy and getting as many fellow citizens to work in the shortest possible time frame. I do not subscribe to his public relations and coercive tactics in the least even if he and his advisors think that they are effective...more irritating than anything else. Facts on the ground:

Taxing the rich? What a joke!

Don’t believe for a minute the government’s transparent gimmick about now beginning to make the wealthy pay their fair share of the country’s tax burden.

Spanish Wells - the fix is in

Quiet, picturesque Spanish Wells is about to be overwhelmed by hordes of cruise ship passengers. Hundreds of them at a time.

Virus investigation

I watch quite a bit of US TV – especially CNN, which I think of all the US stations gives the best, objective news coverage. I recall the first news of what is now known as COVID-19 being announced as having escaped from a marketplace in Wuhan, to a nearby medical clinic in China.

The corned beef and grits Budget

It is clear that the trio in charge of the Ministry of Finance has been forced to come up with a corned beef and grits 2021-2022 budget. If this is the best that they are able to come up with, God help us. It is conceded that taxes have been held at bay but that there is no real wiggle room for critical infrastructure and people development.

Animal control

I am writing in hopes that you and your paper can bring my family and me some relief from a bad situation that exists in my area of “Kool Acres”.

Clear the red tape

A young man recently lamented: “I’m now going on five plus months in my venture to form a company, and obtain a business licence for a web-based business...”

A call for help to UN delegation

THE following letter was delivered by hand to the UN delegation which visited The Bahamas over the last few days.

Dennis Dames declares war

As a Free National Movement (FNM) supporter since the 1970s, I am ready to cast my net on the other side. The party has been transformed in to a sweetheart political organisation – where the leaders appear to be following in the footsteps of their whore-mongering predecessors.

Speaker’s suit is beyond the pale

Watching the HOA proceeding yesterday, I was flabbergasted with the Deputy Speaker’s oft attire sitting in the Speaker’s Chair in a tan suit.

Do the right thing

Last week Atlantis announced that they were severing ties with 700 employees.

Behold the power of money

Three years ago, I was recruited by Island Television to host a radio/television show. I was the “darling” of the owners of that particular entity, or so I thought. Lo and behold I made certain references to the PM and a particular attorney-at-law. Within hours I was ordered to apologise to both of them. Needless to say I refused and I was summarily dismissed.

Nygard coming back to roost?

Peter Nygard seemed to dominate the news today, May 20th, 2021, including his unpaid legal team.

Looking for a connection

Some years ago I had an English client who had a marvelous way of telling you how to overcome Murphy’s law. “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong, and usually does”. He would say a gentleman needs a pair of braces (suspenders ), a belt and a piece of string to ensure that his trousers stay up.

Fighting for project’s approval for ten years

Paradise Island Lighthouse & Beach Club Co Ltd is now in its tenth year of trying to receive approvals from the Government of The Bahamas. We have Bahamas Investment Authority Approval, a Memorandum of Understanding and accepted the Government of the Bahamas’ offer for a Crown Land Lease in 2020. The Attorney General of The Bahamas has told us that the agreements that we have in place amount to nothing which prompted us to take the Government of The Bahamas to court to have the Crown Land Lease honoured.

Farewell to a familiar landmark

My heart broke last week when I saw the cutting down at Town Centre Mall of the historic silk cotton tree that was once the glorious attraction to what was many years ago the “silk worm farm.” I don’t know how old the tree was because even then it was pretty ancient, and today — although myself a small child when it was in its glory, am also pretty ancient — so I know the tree was there long before I was even born – that’s a long, long time ago!

Pollution on our roads

A quick look at “About Nassau Container Port” lists all of the key dates and time frames of how shipping was relocated from the Downtown Waterfront to the Container Port. A key element of that move is identified following. 1990s-2011.

Why foreign influence and policy matter

In the US and other countries, we’ve heard about a popular word amongst political circles, simply called “Foreign Policy”. It’s usually the discussion on diplomatic, economic and military affairs with different nations and regions that are allied with your nation or are seeking to work with you on a variety of issues or open up opportunities.

We must get a grip on homicides and anger management

These are the days and nights of lamentations. Almost daily we read and hear of some unfortunate Bahamian – man, woman, boy and girl being killed in cross-fires or executed by rivals within the criminal communities. Several weeks ago an unprecedented horror unfolded on our streets.

Why home ownership in New Providence is cost prohibitive

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ plan to make land in Western New Providence “affordable” to young Bahamian professionals is commendable.

Politicization of sports is against the spirit of the Olympic charter

China as the host country has been steadily advancing preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Paralympic Winter Games, which will open in Beijing and adjacent Zhangjiakou on February 4, 2022 as scheduled.

Crystal Cruise lines to Spanish Wells

I would greatly appreciate it if you would allow me space in the opinion/editorial section of your newspaper to state the following:

Privileges for the vaccinated are wrong

I write this letter to the Prime Minister as a rebuttal to the announcement of the newly identified “special privileges” being afforded to “fully vaccinated persons” in this country, released in the government’s most recent Emergency Orders issued May 14, 2021.

Apostle Williams

The advent of the pandemic and the economic and social fall outs would have either driven Bahamians closer to God or they would have caused many to fall off spiritually and question: 'Where is God in the middle of all of this?' The Bahamas Christian Council and many of our churches are not doing enough, publicly, in my view, to assure doubtful and fearful Bahamians that The Lord is still on the throne.

Minimum wage

Apart from demonstrating that he understands next to nothing about the economy and economic history of The Bahamas, Tripartite Council Vice-Chair Peter Goudie's rejection of the recent finding that the livable wage of New Providence is $2,625.00 confirms just how out-of-touch much of our business community is to life in the modern Bahamas.