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Economic injustice

Permanent residents with the right to work and contributing to The Bahamas for 50 plus years are receiving valuations on their land some 400% more than what they are worth. Even with appraisals Real Property Tax is being completely unreasonable yet again.

Thanks for holding it together

Shortly after the great hurricane Dorian, The Bahamas found itself struggling to deal with an even greater catastrophe brought by COVID-19 – a once in a lifetime pandemic.

The dilemma we face over vaccinations

In 1798, Edward Jenner invented the first vaccine for smallpox. That was 233 years ago. Smallpox was a deadly disease which killed millions worldwide. This vaccine was considered a God send as parents up until then often lost their children to this brutal disease. Smallpox no longer exists and Jenner condemned it to history. Well done Jenner a true hero.

Abaco homes

I was incredulous and saddened to see videos of peoples’ homes being bulldozed in Abaco on the orders of our government. Am I delusional or did I not understand when it was revealed that there was a housing shortage in Abaco, and the Ministry in charge of remedying the damage done by Dorian had not made sufficient headway in repairing damaged homes or rebuilding destroyed ones.

Cock eyed policies & inhumanity

The Minnis-led FNM administration appears to be spiraling out of control rapidly. A majority of Bahamians supported and voted for the then opposition FNM in 2017, four years ago and counting. People were simply fed up with former PM Christie and he had to go apparently by any means necessary. This now seems to be the same place in which Minnis and his crew find themselves. How ironic.

UN appears to endorse shanty towns

It would appear by their recent bumbling statement that the United Nations is still grappling with putting a definition to our so-called Haitian problem.

Bishop in battle with cancer

“Doctors have given me 18 months more to live. God promised me up to 120 years. Whose report should I believe?”

Sent into a tailspin

This COVID-19 Pandemic has thrown the world into a tailspin. But it has also revealed the selfishness and ignorance of so many of this world’s people, many of whom think it an imposition to be told that the only way to protect themselves and others is to be vaccinated – or at least tested. And, oh, by the way don’t forget that mask!

A mother left frustrated

On Wednesday, May 6th, a group of eight persons from the Ministry of Education toured the entire prison facility.

Zimbabwe government

It is tearful that in Zimbabwe there is one set of laws and law enforcement agents for those who actively oppose the ZANUPF regime and corruption; and another set of laws and law agents for those who don’t. In essence the rule of law is an alien concept in Zimbabwe. Government of Zimbabwe violates the rights to shelter, food, freedom of movement and residence, freedom of assembly and the protection of the law.

No way to treat people

The longer that we are mired in this pandemic the more our humanity is being stripped away. This was illustrated very clearly when I returned home to Canada in early May. I am sharing this experience because I feel that it is important to understand that while it is easy for visitors and residents to complain about their experiences in travelling to The Bahamas, Bahamian customs officials are like schoolboys in short pants when compared to the draconian methods employed by some Canadian officials.

Book us elsewhere

“Book us Elsewhere” has been the constant hallmark of the past year concerning possible trips to The Bahamas at the travel agencies which I operate in Rochester and Syracuse New York.

No way to bounce back after pandemic

Confusion and uncertainties are the hallmarks of the current entry rules to travel to The Bahamas. They increase daily with the ongoing comments of your Tourism Minister and staff.

Water and Sewerage suppliers

There have been a number of reports in the newspapers about the deteriorating relationship between the Water & Sewerage Corporation and its water suppliers.

Davis is a man for all seasons

Many Bahamians often wonder about my politics. Some say that I am an FNM while others say that I would die the death of a thousand cuts to preserve and promote the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, (PLP-Cat Island). Whatever my political preference maybe, there are a few members of the House of Assembly, whom I support regardless of party labels.

Issues and ideas

Issue: The Smuggling of Guns of various types into our country. Gun violence exposing the public to grave danger. Government, Public and Law-enforce response.

A young voter

This upcoming election will be the third time that I, as a young Bahamian male, will vote in a general election.

Kelly needs electronic wake-up call

The letter writer Catherine Kelly is usually a “glass half full” sociologist but occasionally she draws back her bow and the arrow lands way off the mark.

Govt’s poor treatment of Bahamians

Please see the list attached of almost a hundred Government employees that Paradise Island Lighthouse & Beach Club have been sent on a merry-go-round in seeking approvals, giving presentations, writing letters, providing a never ending litany of requirements, present to board meetings, asked for meetings, being told “no”, the big Bahamian government run-around and yet foreign investors get the red carpet treatment and a one stop shop at the Office of the Prime Minister!

It has to stop

It has been some months since I have written a letter to the press. However, several articles in yesterday’s newspaper “jook up ma vexation”, so here goes!

I am not my mother’s daughter

I was my mother’s consequence not her daughter. I was the consequence of her intimacy with my father, but I was not her child. The words ‘daughter’ and ‘child’ denote a caring and closeness that is thought to be normal and natural between mother and child. For my mother and I this was not so. Although I came from her, I was foreign to her like an invading pathogen to the body.

The importance of environment protection

The Building Regulations Act, through its Planning Department, sets out the requirements for obtaining a building permit and makes it an offence to commence construction without a building permit. This includes all elements of physical development, from cutting down a tree to building a city. It includes operating a home office to a theme park.

Debate about debates

I hear all kinds of noise about debates between political leaders in the country. Once again, much of it is “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”. UB Professor Nicolette Bethel has now weighed in with her two cents.

Mandatory vaccination

There has been much spirited debate, and not a little political posturing on all sides, over the issue of employer-mandated COVID-19 vaccinations. Much of the discourse is being shaped without regard to the Law; focusing rather on the ‘politics’ of appeasing apparently irrational public fears or scepticism fueled by social media posts.

Tourism chief miscalculated

I read with amazement in The Tribune that your Tourism Minister is lamenting the fact that Air Canada will not be resuming service to Nassau next month. This route is longstanding having begun in 1947. I have operated a travel agency in the Toronto area for fifty years and have been regularly sending clients to Nassau for all that time. Our family are also of Bahamian ancestry.