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Concern over vaccinations

As a concerned citizen of The Bahamas, I am disturbed by recent events regarding the issue of vaccinations. I understand that the Prime Minister made a statement where he declared that persons who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be exempted from PCR testing when travelling domestically. He also stated that indoor dining can resume for those who have been fully vaccinated, and that fully vaccinated individuals can interact in closed environments once all individuals in that group have been fully vaccinated.

Travel restrictions

Yet again the Tourism Minister has given rosy predictions about the revival of tourism.

West worst for police to serve

Almost a week ago, eight people were attacked by hitmen in a well-coordinated shooting, only two people survived, and six others killed, marking this incident as the second recorded mass shooting since 2013 and a similar incident that was reported back in the early 1960’s when the Bahamas was under the British Crown.

Vaccine dilemma

Society and governments around the world are going to have a major dilemma with the COVID vaccine.

Not the country we once knew

I remember the days – yes, the good old days — when the only weapon a Bahamian policeman carried was a “Billy” at his waist, and if my memory serves me right in my early days of reading The Tribune it seems that the only crimes committed that could see you before the courts was offending the delicate ears of the constable on the beat with “foul language’’.

Filming the police

While all eyes were glued to their television screens, smart devices, waiting with bated breaths just to hear the verdict as it was announced in real time, cities around the USA braced for riots in the event a not guilty verdict was returned. Judge Cahill read calmly the verdict arrived at by the 12-panel jury. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

Clearing banks

To those Bahamians who were paying attention, the emptiness, shallowness and myopia of the FNM’s supposed project to assist middle class professionals with access to affordable land was sharply exposed by the response of the Clearing Banks Association to the initiative.

Government and legal plunder

Over the past forty odd years governments all over the world, inclusive of The Bahamas, have evolved into organisations which seemingly tax the poor while enriching those who are already considered to be amongst the elitist classes. The marginalised and the poor, as spoken of in the Bible, are ever with us.

Independence or oppression?

It is tearful that this year Zimbabwe turns 41 amid growing fear among citizens, repression, human rights abuses and closure of democratic space.

Animal abuse and violence

I sent a letter to this paper about the abuse of a puppy by a young man in a pet store. I do not know if it was published but I never saw it in the paper and I purchase The Tribune almost every day.

America’s clone

With each passing day, this tiny, archipelagic Caribbean nation known as the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, becomes more and more like its giant neighbour to the north, the United States. And if you’re paying attention to what’s going on in America as of late, you know that that’s not a compliment.

Abaco shanty town

HaItians were brought into Abaco in the early 90s to work the 3,000-acre Bahamas Star Citrus Farm. They were more or less treated as slave labour and treated cruelly and paid a pittance. They worked behind barb wire topped fencing with gates padlocked from 5pm to 9am. Without the Haitians there would have been no citrus farm.


In his inauguration address on January 20, 1960, American President John F Kennedy uttered these timeless words: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Unfortunately for The Bahamas, many Bahamians have developed a completely antithetical mindset, having imbibed a culture of political nepotism and political cronyism, believing that the state owes them something.

The rudest awakening

Picture this: It’s 1980’s Bahamas. The Internet does not exist. Cable has not yet arrived.

A well-deserved thank you

When things go wrong, we are quick to complain. When things go right, it's rarely noticed.

The way to the average Bahamian voter's heart is through his stomach

The political framework of The Bahamas is stubbornly rudimentary, to the extent that Bahamians with a low IQ can comprehend the basics of politics.

Bahamian false prophets are running amok on Facebook

The legendary Dr Myles Munroe was a trailblazer in Christian broadcasting in The Bahamas, having learned at the feet of American Pentecostal faith healer and televangelist Oral Roberts. Munroe attended ORU in Oklahoma in the 1970s. Many of the contemporary features we often take for granted in today’s charismatic churches were first introduced by Munroe, when he founded Bahamas Faith Ministries (BFM) in the early 1980s.

D.E.P.P disrespects architects

The newly constituted Department of Environment Planning & Protection is another slap in the face of architects. It is beyond me why architects have been the only profession to be singled out by successive governments for attacks.

A prison officer speaks out

I am a corrections officer at the Bahamas Department of Corrections (BDOCS), and feel that it is my duty as a public servant to speak out about what I am seeing take place at the institution. I must say that the statement given by Commissioner Murphy to the media regarding inmate unrest at BDOCS was in my opinion untrue.

The church, the apostle & the prison

Many of us have been following the letters to the editor and now the March 29th article in the Insight section of your paper in which a former inmate shared his first hand experience at the Bahamas Department of Corrections.

End corruption in Zimbabwe

It is tearful that the police, local councils, the vehicle inspection department that issues driving licenses and the education department were among the most corrupt institutions.

Farewell to a fearless fighter

On April 6, 2021, I lost a very dear friend and mentor. He was a giant of a man; a fearless fighter for inclusion, justice, equality, and opportunity for all, no matter where you were from.

Who qualifies for NIB fund?

I have been a contributor of the National Insurance (NIB) fund since the 1980’s; more than three decades ago. I have applied for the unemployment benefit on February 01, 2021. I had included all the necessary documents.

Travel trouble

Like the rest of the world, I have grown COVID weary with lockdowns, travel restrictions, and curfews. I miss hugging my family and shaking hands when I meet someone. After a year of seeing Bay Street deserted, the novelty of being able to park downtown is wearing off and I’m looking forward to seeing more tourists. In the face of an uncertain job market, homeschooling, and curfews Bahamians push on with stoic optimism.

To vaccinate or not?

The salient question that is now foremost in most Bahamians and residents minds is: “Do I voluntarily take the recommended vaccine and just how safe is it?” During the past two weeks I have been polling listeners on my radio talk show: ExpressYourself @ 99.5 FM on exactly that same question. So far, in excess of 75% of the responders stated that under No Circumstances, except mandated by the law, would they be injected with the vaccine, Astrazeneca, now available in limited quantities in The Bahamas.