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Tourism figures

We have visited The Bahamas for fifty years and our family has owned a holiday property for a long time.

Embarrassing state report on The Bahamas

Last week’s report from the US State Department once again outlining the absolutely appalling conditions at the prison did nothing but vindicate and support the chain of letters this month by former inmates. How much more international embarrassment must The Bahamas sustain before our leaders get it right?

Why the vaccine controversy?

From our birth to the age of 18 years we receive 16 vaccinations some via multiple doses.

Can we make adjustments?

The subject matter was the headline in The Tribune on Thursday, April 1st, 2021 (Too heavy to fly cost him his life). The article was about Mr Louis Edward Rolle, a 74-year-old man who died in Bimini.

Vaccine is not the mark of the beast

The following is my exposition of Revelation 13 and the dreaded mark of the beast, which many Bahamians have wrongly assumed to be the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. This faulty conclusion is due to them disregarding the time text indicators in the opening and closing sections of the Apocalypse (Revelation 1:1,3; 22:20).

Open letter to the PM

I listened with bated breath recently while you were on a trip to Ragged Island, where you were asked by a reporter to state your opinion on oil drilling in our archipelagic waters.

Draconian measures

Our family have been longtime property owners in The Bahamas and have always enjoyed holidays in your country. However this past year my wife and myself and our parents have been unable to make the journey because of all the rules which your Government has implemented.

BCC report on vaccine

The Bahamas Christian Council’s COVID-19 Vaccine Report was recently released. It is evident that many hours went into producing such a concise document dealing with this complex issue, and Pastor Mario Moxey and his Committee are to be commended for their efforts.

Not mark of beast

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ announcement to the nation on February 21 that over 100,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca is enroute to The Bahamas was undoubtedly met with cynicism by a cross section of the Bahamian population that engages in newspaper exegesis.

Praise for Bowleg

Not very often do we find people who are unselfishly dedicated.

Third party vendors

Please permit me to comment on what appears to be an aggressive and intentional initiative by the government to transition its various agencies to cashless operations. Part and parcel of this initiative is the requirement that persons who wish to use cash to receive government services are made to utilise selected participating private third party vendors.

Theatrics and consequences

Traditionally in Bahamian politics confrontation; demonstrations and protests have been employed to garner public sympathy and support for political parties; fringe groupings and ambitious individuals. This was the case way back in the days of the now fabled Burma Road spectacle and the events at the then Oakes Field Airport. The late Sir Clifford Darling; Charlie Rodrigues and my own father, the late Revered Doctor Ortland H Bodie Sr, et al, who was then a foreman at the Oakes Field Airport, to come to fame.

The lunatics are running the asylum

Growing up, this little catchy phrase “The lunatics are running the asylum” would amply convey the opinion that a business or other enterprise had lost all of its senses and gone crazy.

Christian Council

The Bahamas Christian Council’s (BCC) COVID Vaccine Investigative Committee’s pending report on the various COVID-19 vaccines should be thoroughly examined by the entire Christian community, as a way of separating fact from fiction and wheat from chaff.

Failures at Corrections

Could it be that the reason that so many people are writing and speaking out about the disgusting situation at the Prison is because so many people have friends and loved ones who have been personally and negatively effected by their time there. Yes, they may be convicted criminals, but they are also first and foremost human beings - Bahamians who deserve to be treated decently, humanely and shown a better way.

Thank you, Minister

I am writing to commend Mr Dames and The Prerogative Board of Mercy for the progressive steps they have taken to give deserving offenders a second chance. There are so many countries that have moved away from this “lock them up and throw away the key” way of handling inmates which we have sadly embraced for decades.

On the front line

Amid this dark and gloom that circles our world–

Path to dictatorship

The leaders of this country are heading in a very dangerous direction. Before World War 11 Germany had a weak leadership and Hitler was able to take control. What followed ended with worldwide destruction. In the Bahamas, our democratic system is coming under great pressure and unless we are careful, it will be replaced by a dictatorship.

Unlawful assembly

Please permit me to offer a few comments with respect to the offence referred to in The Bahamas Penal Code as “Unlawful Assembly” as well as offer a brief commentary on The Minister of National Security and The Attorney General’s protestation on public assertions/suggestion that the detention of members of The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) by the police was politically motivated.

Home ports, tourism and recovery

The one single brightest light in The Bahamas recently is the announcement by Crystal Cruise Lines that it intends to make the Prince George Wharf its home port. I understand that there are other cruise lines which are also considering doing the same. This is a fantastic piece of good news, for a change, and pardon the pun but like noted realtor and businessman, Mr Mario Carey stated the other day, this is a potential “game changer” for our tourism industry and the second home market.

Markle for president?

We are living in serious times. But what makes it worse is that certain persons who are in positions to influence public opinion are making a joke of our predicament – particularly in the United States, where it is now being suggested that Meghan Markle, who could not adapt to palace life in the UK, is now interested in running for president of the United States!

Christian Council report on COVID

Well the world must be waiting with bated breath on the outcome of the Christian Council’s report on the COVID vaccine.

Getting the vaccination

I wish to share with your readers my experience on Friday when I received my first Covid-19 vaccine.

Capturing government

Retail politics in The Bahamas is akin to riding a bucking bronco (bucking horse) or a steed (riding horse). The watching crowds are titillated and amused by the spectacle, especially if a participant is gored or run over by one of the raging animals. It is no different here in our wonderful nation as general elections unfold. The ancient Roman Gladiators often fought to the death and the so-called best man always won. The upcoming elections will be hand-to-hand combat. There will be many bodies strewn all over the arena at the close of the games.

Corrections in need of correcting

I am writing to thank Mr Taylor and Davis for their courage in speaking out about their experiences in Prison. It is a national disgrace to read a public institution and its officers who are paid to help people that have lost their way and need help are instead adding fuel to the fire.