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A former inmate speaks

I am writing publicly to thank Mr L Taylor for having the courage to share the truth about what has been going on at the prison.

The rules of entry

Your Minister of Tourism is quoted in The Tribune as saying he is “thrilled” at cruises set to return to The Bahamas.

The prison is unhappy

The difficult working conditions at the Bahamas Department of Corrections absolutely deserve to be taken into account.

Zimbabwe problems

IT IS sad that Zimbabweans have no capacity to join the rest of the world to celebrate International Happiness Day because of multiple problems faced by the country. The Zimbabwean government has failed to improve the living standards of Zimbabweans and many citizens have migrated to other countries in search of better living standards.

Protests by prison officers

I WATCHED the protest demonstration by prison officers this week and could only shake my head with a sarcastic laugh.

Anonymity of civil servants

One of the principles of the Westminster system is that civil servants should remain anonymous. This anonymity is necessary to protect public officers from public ridicule and abuse when acting on behalf of the government. Cabinet Ministers are supposed to defend and shield public officers by accepting responsibility for their action or inaction.

What next to ban?

Possibly stranger things can happen, however, in the House of Assembly members may not use the word Devaluation – an economic descriptive word used globally by all regulatory-banking institutions and financial commentators.

Use phones to stop abuse

Remarkable how modern technology (specifically cell phone cameras and recording devices) can be used to bring about the starkest changes in behaviour among some public officials in The Bahamas.

Rollout of COVID vaccine

The Press Release from the OPM dated March 14, 2021 is a disgrace and a calculated insult to the elder population of The Bahamas.

Why just PM to pick board?

Please permit me to offer a few observations on the recent Public Procurement Bill, which was one of a compendium of bills, introduced (now passed) in parliament to provide, in the words of the Prime Minister, for more transparency in the award of government contracts and make the government more accountable.

The only hope for my country

I will state up front that the only Hope for The Bahamas is found in God and His Word. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” - Romans 1:16

Markle and the Palace

It would seem that — according to the world of former actress Meghan Markle – ancient Buckingham Palace should have changed its age-old traditions to accommodate her misunderstandings.

Elect then neglect

During the election season we are all up in arms over “We” politicians or political parties. When elections are over and it’s all said and done we does be like “do whatever you like Sir/Madam”. This leads me to think “We does elect, then neglect”.

Save the children

The recent spike in shootings and alleged homicides through the nation but more particularly here in New Providence, is troubling. What is even more startling is to see and read about the apparent wanton killing of innocent young children. It is written: “Suffer the little children to come unto me.....” Nowhere does it say: “Kill the babies.”

Elections and Christian voters

As Christians we have a sacred duty to know the character and competence of our political candidates, to understand their personal and political philosophies, and to evaluate their policies and promises so that we can determine by the grace of God who are the best persons to rule this great country.

White privilege and slavery

“WHITE privilege” is a main tenet of institutionalised racism and has only been successful because of the desecration of accountability. This is but a minuscule reference of an obscene period in history.

Prisoners in Zimbabwe

IT IS tearful that Prisons in Zimbabwe are generally overcrowded and dilapidated.

Zimbabwe and women activists

South Africa can help Zimbabwe to stop persecuting women activists.

Black conservative Bahamians and the death of Rush Limbaugh

I would like to give my thoughts on the passing of the incendiary American radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who unfortunately died on February 17, due to complications from lung cancer.

Reflecting on Harry and Meghan’s ‘tell all’ interview

What a pity that Harry and his wife in their recent Oprah Winfrey “tell all” interview should have played the race card.

Ignore Chamber of Commerce and raise the minimum wage

Let’s be clear on what a Chamber of Commerce is – and what it is not. It is an organisation that promotes the interests of the predominant players in the current economic and business environment. As such, it naturally supports the status quo, however good or bad that may be for the population as a whole. It is not a group that has any more knowledge of or interest in the condition of the country’s economy as a whole than anyone else.

Minimum wage raise will boost economy

Employers always reject the idea of raising the minimum wage – the time is always wrong. There is never a right time. The PLP have claimed they want to raise it to $10 per hour and employers have instantly replied it will destroy struggling businesses and damage the economy, etc., etc.

Convinced Greenslade will win in Garden Hills

I am very selective when it comes down to my politics. Yes, I am perceived as being a die-hard supporter of a well-known party but my personal preferences have little to do with how I look at and react to various politicians or those who are seeking front line participation.

We need new leadership

It is relatively clear that politicians think that in order to become prime minister, one only has to remain leader of the Opposition long enough for a real or contrived scandal to hit the governing party.

Thou shalt love thy Chinese neighbour as thyself

I would like to commend the Chinese Community Association of The Bahamas for the generous food donations to the Red Cross, which will undoubtedly go a long way toward feeding many hungry Bahamian families in Nassau.