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President of UB should have pension

THE revelation that the prestigious and highly responsible post of Presi- dent of the university is not pensionable is at once amazingly surprising and utterly astounding!

A poem to Duke Smith

PLEASE publish this birthday poem that I wrote for my oldest brother, Duke Bradley Smith.

Diversity and politics

THE lack of diversity in politics today is both troubling and wrong in a representative democracy.

Brave Davis in the Same Ole Place

BACK in the day the “Same Ole Place” was a popular eatery and political watering hole in Nassau. Nowadays the “Same Ole Place” appears to be emblematic of where Brave Davis has driven the “new” PLP.

Taxpayers paid the most

As we come to the final chapter, the coda or epilogue of the FNM government, one of its damning consequences has been that taxpayers have paid the most for the FNM corruption.

This is not masterful governance

A country where sub-standard governance is called masterful and excellent.

Loretta should run

I am compelled to raise a political question what if? What are the possibilities if Loretta Butler Turner had not left or moreso was excommunicated from the ranks of leadership of the FNM and had stayed in place avoiding the bad advice she was given to challenge the leadership of that party. I believe everything is based on exact divine timing. I am convinced if she were still in place, now would be the perfect timing for her to challenge the leadership and perhaps become the leader of that political entity.

Life and death

These people through Brown’s Alley/Benneby Alley, here off Kemp Road, are being allowed to ruin another evening, another Sabbath Day.

Praise for Bahamian entrepreneurs

It is refreshing to hear and read about Bahamians who are excelling in the business and professional world here in our wonderful nation. We have been so caught up in the woes of Dorian and the body blows inflicted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that often times I would wonder: ‘Where is the good news’?

Greed and double dipping

Last week, my friends came to visit me from the USA for a week of fun in The Bahamas.

Law failure

When a law enforcement officer only knows one small part of the law we are in trouble.

Follow the rules and avoid deaths

I see that government publishes a regular report on the number of Covid-19 cases throughout the 15 islands of the Bahamas.

Recalcitrant lawyers

Many years ago, I was disbarred for a gross act of malfeasance – commingling a client’s funds with my own. This is what lawyers call it but it is pure and simple the unauthorised use of a client’s money. In the real world it is called stealing, but not with the intent to deprive the client permanently of his/her funds. Lawyers do this as a matter of routine, especially when there is a slow down in the economy. I am talking about lawyers across the board, regardless of race; colour or creed.

Where is your heart and soul?

Recent events and statements by senior FNM ministers and Chairmen suggest that the administration is trying its level best to lose the next general elections.

Who are PLP trying to fool?

It is the height of hypocrisy for the Progressive Liberal Party to be crying foul over any harsh criticism they get online or elsewhere. I see the PLP leader complaining about garbage campaigns and suddenly a flurry of well-timed Letters to the Editor claiming to be from “patriots” and “independent voters”, repeating Davis’ talking points almost word for word.

Why we need income tax

There are 15 countries in the world that deem it unnecessary to levy a progressive personal or corporate income tax.

Stay away from bells, Dr Minnis

In December 2011, Andrew Holness was a 39-year-old rookie Prime Minister of Jamaica in the job just over a month when he made the disastrous decision to call an election 12 months early.

Vaccines and outright lies

There is a lot of furore and outright lies going on with the roll out of the COVID vaccine. When we were children we were all given our numerous vaccines we had no say in the matter. That’s because our parents trusted the doctors, scientists and the experts. Now the world is in a staggering health crisis like nothing any of us has ever seen. Not since the Spanish flu of 1919 has anything of the scope of COVID been such as an existential threat not only to our health but also to our very civilisation.

Weekend magazine

I AM an avid reader of the Weekend Magazine which forms an important part of my weekend reading.

COVID - crime and choice

There were 73 people murdered in 2020, down from 95 person in 2019. This gives a homicide rate for 2020 of 18. 6 per 100 000. This is still considered an epidemic. According to United Nation, Homicide rate of 10 per 100 0000 or above is considered an epidemic.


I don’t know if English Language Comprehension is the problem or if it is a matter of outdated legal terminology, but dealing with import brokers, who deal with Bahamas Customs, indicates that Bahamas Customs doesn’t understand the fundamentals of commerce today, particularly e-Commerce.

Time to break cycle

The reasons for the upcoming snap election (the first in Bahamian history) are as clear as daylight. The unprecedented fiscal challenges posed by a year of lost economic activity have the government facing a dilemma long in the making.

Girls and school closures

It is very sad that our girl children have to endure this challenge of walking long distances while on their menstrual cycles. Rural children, particularly the girl child will be the most affected by the closure of schools due to the COVID-19-induced period, legal consultant and educationist.

Will union perish with no vision?

Please publish this letter to our Prime Minister.

The Bahamas and COVID vaccination

To bring this pandemic to an end, a large share of the world needs to be immune to the virus. The safest way to achieve this is with a vaccine. Vaccines are a technology that humanity has often relied upon in the past to bring down the death toll of infectious diseases.