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It’s Miller time

Subsequent to the 2017 general election, the talk within the official Opposition Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) was the goal of rebranding its image – a public relations exercise to regain the trust of the Bahamian people.

Nygard distraction

It is with great and predictable fanfare that the FNM and its allies have suddenly begun to promote the sordid tales emerging about Lyford Cay resident Peter Nygard and his legal travails abroad.

Freeport economy

Perhaps in a move to get under the skin of the Free National Movement administration that sacked him from the Hotel Corporation in 2018, the outspoken Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine tabled a private Bill for an Act to repeal the Ocean Industries Incorporated (Aragonite Mining Encouragement) 1971 in the House of Assembly in early December 2020.

Trying to lose next election?

While driving to work this morning and being made aware of the protests by the Nurses Union, the dissatisfactions of the Customs Union and disappointments of the Hotel Union, along with the actions/non-actions by the FNM government with regards to Abaco and Grand Bahama, following hurricane Dorian and mostly the general feeling amongst Bahamians on the whole, a thought/realisation suddenly hit me, “are the FNM intentionally trying to lose the next election”?

Tribute to Zelma Dean

I received news recently about the sad demise of Zelma Dean. I was a colleague of Mrs Dean’s in the late 60s, when she was a maths teacher at Robinson Road School, through to the late 70s when the school became C H Reeves Junior High and Mrs Dean was the principal.

Help our children

Today (19/1/20) I received a very disturbing video on social media of the physical and psychological abuse being committed on well over a dozen children by four or five female staff at the Children’s Emergency Hostel. This is totally unacceptable and heads should roll for this. These women should hang their heads in shame for their behaviour.

PLP and vested interests

In the United States, the production and repetition of empty political slogans (“Yes we Can”, “Make America Great Again”, etc.) have come to mask not only the widening gap between lofty professed ideals and persistently depressing outcomes, but also the minuscule distinction between the parties themselves on virtually any matter of substance.

Biden blow to athletes

According to the Bahamas COVID-19 Dashboard, as of January 22, there have been 8,088 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 6,720 recoveries.

Complaints against police

The violent attack on the 117th United States Congress and US Capitol in Washington, DC, on January 6th must be of concern to law-enforcement agencies and democratic governments and societies around the world, particularly in this region.

Timing is everything over credit bureau

Your Monday, January 18th, Business Section headlines: “Credit Bureau to hit 30% borrowers”. Timing is everything it is said and this just confirms it.

Where will Bahamians go?`

I operate a travel ASUE on WhatsApp and have sent clients on a regular basis to both Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Florida has always been a popular destination for these travellers — on any given long weekend look for the suitcases in Sawgrass!

Issues and ideas

The Gaming Industry and our economic recovery. This is my second article in a series of articles that I am writing with ideas that in my opinion would boost the Bahamian economy.

No one above law

It is very rare that I write to the newspapers regarding matters of current events. But I do so today as a Bahamian with a sense of responsibility and concern for my beloved country.

Travel trouble

I have just completed a virtual conference with other travel agents from Canada, eastern United States and England.

Not so simple to visit The Bahamas

I have just read Hotel Worker’s Union President Darrin Wood’s almost unbelievable statement that people “will think twice about jumping on a plane” and coming to The Bahamas.

Litigation in the Media

As a trained lawyer and a media personality it pains me to see how representatives from the activist groups who are against the oil drilling initiative by Bahamas Petroleum Company and those from the company itself who appear to be litigating their issues and differences in the media and press. This is unprecedented and unheard of.

Needed: A Bold Strategy For Tourism

In case anyone is interested, Jamaica is currently teaching a master class in how to manage tourism during the uncertainties of quick-changing Covid-19 protocols.

Need for limited government

The size of the central government in The Bahamas is simply too big and unwieldy. The head, indeed, may not at any given time know what the tail is doing. In short, the tail may be wagging the dog as opposed to the opposite.

Rental expenditure

Issue: The Government’s Huge Rental Expenditure Let’s have a look at abandoned and derelict Bay Street properties.

Children’s home beatings shock

The article about children being severely beaten and mocked by staff in an emergency care home is sickening.

Oil drilling in The Bahamas

Oil spills of huge proportions are causing major damage to the Bahamas’ fisheries and the environment.

How the world works

How the world works - I would like if possible to address various issues of relevance at this moment in time.

D’Aguilar knee-jerk reaction

Into his fourth year as Minister of Tourism and Aviation, one would have hoped that the Hon Dionisio D’Aguilar would have more fully taken onboard some rudimentary lessons about statecraft and governance.

Challenge to the two-party system

Last week we celebrated the 54th anniversary of Majority Rule – the day we pay homage to the pioneers of our modern democracy. Whether you stayed safe at home, took a day in at the beach or exercised your constitutional right to protest, we must never forget the day’s importance. I would like us to reflect on three significant submissions contrary to the notion that The Bahamas is a two-party political nation.

COVID test to enter U.S. a good step

The latest fit of hypocrisy to take hold here is the protestations from some Bahamians at the fact that the US is finally taking steps to bring its intractable Covid crisis to heel.