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Enigma - the leader of the opposition

Almost no Bahamian ever saw Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) as prime ministerial material before the former second greatest and effective Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Hubert A Ingraham suddenly resigned as a member of parliament following the debacle of the FNM’s staggering electoral defeat in 2012. That was in my considered view a bad decision.

Oil drilling

The latest debate in The Bahamas has been whether or not an oil industry, which includes offshore oil drilling and extraction, would be good for the country.

Open letter to Bar Association

Firstly, I would like to make a qualified statement to the effect that there may be extenuating circumstances or unknown, but relevant, reasons of which I am ignorant, with regards to the contents of this letter. If so, please disregard the contents, if not please enlighten the puzzled public.

Travel rules too tough

The comments by the Hotel Union President about the difficulties with lack of tourism are late in coming. Over the past several months there have been numerous letters to The Tribune about the difficulties with the harsh entry rules.

Ban oil extraction

In a previous letter (published January 12th), I explained that a legal ban on oil drilling and extraction would not amount to compulsory possession or acquisition without compensation of BPC’s property under the Constitution.

Behold the swingers

There is a famous song by a Bahamian entertainer par excellence, my favorite living sibling, Kirkland ‘KB’ Bodie, titled: ‘Boy Ya Got Swing’. We all know that song was always relevant, but it will become even more so as we approach yet another electoral cycle.

Health visas are stopping travellers

I operate a travel agency in Columbus, Ohio, and have sent clients on a regular basis to Nassau for many years both to hotels and on cruises. The Bahamas was always a popular destination. Regularly I read your newspaper online to keep up to date on travel news.

Domes, doom and the FOI

I can’t believe I am at the computer again shaking my head at more mind ‘bogglement’ taking place!

Where will tourists come from?

Where will the tourists come from should be the urgent problem which your Minister of Tourism and staff should tackle if The Bahamas is to ever recover from the current economic meltdown.

Governance by attitude

As a long time practising metaphysician I have discovered that the easiest way to achieve or to get something done is to follow the path of least resistance. No I am not suggesting for one minute that one should sacrifice principles or morals to get one’s way, but rather to come to the understanding that once something is conceived in one’s mind (conscious) that that sub-consciousness automatically kicks in and figures out a plan to accomplish the same.

Two-party nation

What do the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), The People’s Movement, Bahamas National Coalition Party, Bahamas Democratic Movement, Bahamas Constitution Party, Vanguard Nationalist and Socialist Party, Workers’ Party and the Coalition for Democratic Reform all have in common? They’re all fringe political parties that have failed miserably to make a difference on the political landscape of The Bahamas, unlike the Free National Movement (FNM) and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) – the two dinosaurs that have staying power, like the Democratic Party and Republican Party in the US. With the political pendulum swinging between the FNM and PLP each election cycle since 1997, this has reinforced the age-old consensus that The Bahamas is a two-party state.

Legal blunders

It’s unfortunate that we have the burden of an Attorney General and his staff both of whom appear to be clueless and possibly inept.

Georgia win for Warnock

The ability of our kind for self deceit and hypocrisy never fails to astound me. I am referring to Kevin Evans’ letter in The Tribune of Wednesday, January 13.

Travel woe

I operate a travel agency in Columbus, Ohio, and have sent clients on a regular basis to Nassau for many years both to hotels and on cruises. The Bahamas was always a popular destination. Regularly I read your newspaper online to keep up to date on travel news.

Campaign money bill

The noose tightens and the country is nearer to a dictatorship than we realise.

Georgia win for Warnock

As a black Bahamian male, I should be euphoric over the Rev Dr Raphael Warnock’s historic victory for the Senate seat in the State of Georgia, over the Republican incumbent billionaire Kelly Loeffler.

Entry regulations

As part-time residents of Nassau we are hoping that your difficult entry rules will soon be changed. We have been attempting to come to our Bahamas property for months but there is so much red tape and difficult, expensive and time consuming measures to complete.

Parliament ban on oil

Let us hear from our parliamentarians.

Trump defeat

The United States of America, the greatest democracy in the history of human civilization, currently had its democracy under siege by rabid Republican supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump.

Looking ahead for 2021

We made it into 2021. Thanks be unto The Lord Jesus Christ. 2020 is now behind us and as we probe this New Year, there is much to be thankful for despite the ongoing ravages of the pandemic and the anemic economy. We Bahamians often play the fool but we are a resilient and determined breed of people.

Pump and dump

To all the folks across the world on this mailing list I wish you a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy, safe, and prosperous New Year.

Stop the guns

How to get guns out of the hands of Bahamians and deter them from ending every argument with brutal force - often lethal?

Zimbabwe horror

Zimbabwe horror it is heartbreaking. Patients in Zimbabwe are sleeping rough on the floor in major hospitals. Zimbabwe’s health system is at risk of being overwhelmed as a renewed surge in coronavirus infections has caused a shortage of beds and equipment at hospitals.

Stars shine at Social Services

Minister Frankie Campbell, 2020 has been a truly rough and trying year, the world over; and our beautiful country and beloved, Bahamaland has been left feeling the weight of the crunch as well.

Sentences for guns

There have now been six murders in the first six days of 2021. All of these murders have involved illegal handguns. Yet little outrage was expressed in the media or elsewhere when a magistrate last week sentenced a man to a mere 13 years imprisonment for the possession of an illegal firearm, even though he offered the damning explanation that he had the gun for the purpose of selling it!