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Attracting the sharks

Over the past month much has been written about the subject due to the brutal attack of a young woman snorkeling off Rose Island, along with several other attacks last month. While it may seem farfetched, I think shark feeding has become a tourist attraction in The Bahamas. Why do I say that? I will give you two examples that I know of first hand.

Follow Britain's lead

I am becoming more and more discouraged about the direction of our country and, of course, the world.

Far too much speeding

I have never seen on TV, or otherwise, The Queen of England being raced through the streets of London, with a siren blaring and I am wondering why it is that her designated representative in the Bahamas, Our Governor General, should feel the need himself, to be raced around our streets as has been the case since his ascension to this high office. It is so undignified.

Obie stunt blows up in his face

Thank God for the drama that unfolded over the fight for chairman of the PLP, otherwise their just-concluded convention would have had the same effect as a handful of sleeping pills.

I cry shame on you, Mr Bennett Minnis

THE garbage of Mr Bennett Minnis…seems he is embarrassed that Milton Taylor who hailed from Long Island and formed the first political party in The Bahamas which eventually became the PLP.

Don't change Arawak Cay – it's a native area

I saw the plans proposed by the Prime Minister for Arawak Cay and I feel that these plans should not take place. Arawak Cay is a native space. This is the main reason for its appeal to visitors and Bahamians alike.

A booming rental world

Slowly people are realizing that the biggest economic betterment that has come about in the past 3-4 years is the “service tourist accommodation” the AirBnB service condo-house, etc.

Too many sign eyesores

Re: We need regulations to control the signs everywhere.

We need regulations to control the signs popping up everywhere

For those of us living in the east, and travelling around the bend of Fort Montagu Park, it used to be a delight to look out over the beautifully manicured, low, sea grape hedge, across the freshly mown lawn or grass, onto the majestic beauty of Montagu Bay beyond.

Are more coming from Europe?

The Tourism Director General made a comment as to the impact of the Lenny Kravits promotional videos promoting the Bahamas…she made mention that Mr Kravits had concerts in Europe at stadiums with 60+000 audiences.

Cannabis is not all about the money

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

A shifty, uncharismatic and uninspiring leader

PHILIP 'Brave' Davis and Chester Cooper have been reelected, respectively, as leader and deputy leader of the PLP. This act, though not unexpected, confirms that the stalwart councillors are not a group of individuals who think critically or strategically with either the national or the party's interest in mind. In my opinion they are beholden to a tainted, shifty, uncharismatic and uninspiring leader. This is most unfortunate!

Mitchell, rank opportunist & chameleon

Like a chameleon, Frederick Mitchell changes his colours and political stripes depending on the needs of the moment and his self-serving political survival and relevance. His principles seem to change as fast as a growing child changes his shoe-size.

Don't over-tax our visitors

Every year my son takes his family to one of the Family Islands for about ten days. His mother and I tag along.

Burning issue haunts Mitchell

Well, mudda sic! I almost choked on my oatmeal this morning when I read Fred Mitchell’s advice to party followers as they went into convention to vote for their party’s leaders last week.

Obie now at the back of the bus

The Progressive Liberal Party has now concluded its 54th National Convention.

Stop letting the side down

Since the evolution of human societies diplomats have been in the business of conveying messages between polities safely and reliably. In modern as in ancient diplomacy the nature and functioning of the diplomatic machine has remained the same, with few notable additions.

Me first the way to go

On July 24, 2019, Boris Johnson became the new prime minister of the United Kingdom(UK). He is known to be bombastic and was selected by his conservative party to get a better deal from the European Union (EU) or leave without a deal.

Don't bear false witness

Nassau Guardian cartoonist Stan Burnside is on his way out at the esteemed publication.

Tobacco so illogical

Worldwide there are generally two legalised drugs. The first is tobacco, Sir Walter Raleigh brought tobacco from the Americas to Europe in 1586. Incredibly it was perceived in its early years as being beneficial to your health.

Collapse is on the cards

I am a life long student of Bahamian politics. Politics here in our wonderful nation is phenomenal and oftentimes perplexing. Everyone, literally, expected the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to have lost the May, 2017 general elections. Few, however, expected the landslide victory of the Free National Movement (FNM). That party declared that it was “the people’s time” and the rest is history.

Shrewd play by the PM

There is a theory that the Prime Minister was being cunning like a fox when he chose to stare at the leather in his shoe rather than look the international boss of BTC directly in the eye.

We must hold on to those things that make us who we are

I am a Bahamian who has grown weary of reading editorials about why we need to cut ties with our British or colonial heritage.

Obie stays above fray

I must commend former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP and Tourism Minister Obie Wilchcombe for demonstrating civility and political maturity amid vicious propaganda attacks against him in recent days.

All change on Bay Street

My late maternal grandmother, born in 1900, would often reminisce about the sleepy town of Nassau, with its quaint little Bay Street shops, many of which buildings are still here today.