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Scrambling to catch up on marijuana

The good Pastor Cedric Moss is nothing if not consistent. Unfortunately, he consistently views debates in the public square through the prism of extreme puritanism.

Schools need reading programmes for all

Having worked in education at several schools for over 20 years, I can say that I am thoroughly frustrated.

We need more male principals in education

How many male principals do we have in our junior and senior schools today?

Beware this racial inferiority complex

The Bahamian population is over 92 percent black. Within this massive racial demographic is a consciousness of our skin tone, due to what African Americans would call colorphobia, colorism and internalised white supremacy.

FNM must remove this disgraceful man

The PLP believes that the point was properly made in The Tribune’s editorial about the conduct of Bennett Minnis, Member of the Board of the Water and Sewerage Corporation, who engaged in a homophobic, racist diatribe by voice note. In the news pages, he doubles down on his conduct and words, quite proud as he wallows in ignorance and stupidity.

No shortage of work to be done

When I was much younger, there was a saying about “holdin’ on ter ya ma gown-tail”. In more demeaning tones, it was said “under ya ma gown-tail”. I knew what it meant then, and I wonder how many of us would understand that bit of Bahamianism today. Since this country’s Independence, nearly a half century ago, it seems that there is still a pervasive mentality of being attached to that colonial past; gown-tail.

Time to end the suffering at Potter's Cay

This is a plea for the saving of the economic lives of the Bahamian Potters Cay licensed businesses, that sell conch salad, food, and drinks to many visitors and locals alike.

People should be free to march

ONE word…freedom. Is the Bahamas not a free country? Whether you agree or disagree with people’s choices, all of us living in this country have the right to free speech and free expression.

Poor leadership puts Bank of Bahamas on the critical list

I am always saddened and angered when I think, hear, or talk about our beloved Bank of Bahamas (BOB). It has become the self-inflicted scorned legacy of the last three administrations; inclusive of the present regime – while the bank continues on life support.

Sorry to see you go, Mr Symonette

Dear Mr Brent Symonette . . .

Deep down, we are troubled

Do we today really have National Pride or is it just a thing for the next day or so? We are asked to don our Gold-Turquoise and Black as if that means anything except to the shop selling the gear because I don’t think it does.

Electioneering already . . .

Wow it seems pre-election campaigning has already started!

Pride parade would be an audacious move

Pride Bahamas spokeswoman Alexus D’Marco obviously understands the provisions in the constitution which allows for the freedom of expression and the freedom of movement and assembly for all citizens, although I don’t believe the framers of the constitution had in mind Bahamian homosexuals marching though the streets of Nassau.

Pride march is a horrible idea

I just read in today’s edition of your newspaper, that the Bahamas’ very own LGBTI community is actually planning to stage a pride parade, sometime next year. Personally, I think this is an unbelievably bad, if not, horrible idea that will undoubtedly lead to problems, including possible violence.

It's time we were more honest about marijuana

Nowadays, almost daily, the marijuana debate is in the news, and quite often it makes headline news.

The value of a good education

We are living in the fourth industrial revolution and human beings without technological skills, which a good education provides, will be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. A long term deterrent to a life of crime is a good education.

Focus on family for our future

As I read about crime in our newspapers, I think and ask myself, “What are the answers to our social problems, crime, and the pressures on us from the outside? How do we solve them?” I realise that so much is clear from God’s word that will guide us back to a safer, more caring people, but I wonder why we as a people can’t see it or why do we ignore it? It is as if we are blind to the truth of what transforms lives and or to what works.

Why Eyewitness News must be held to account for its mistakes

After erroneously accusing the BPL Board and Stephen Holowesko, the Deputy Chairman of the company’s Board, of a conflict of interest on the news programme Beyond the Headlines, Clint Watson of Eyewitness News went on TV the following evening to apologise to BPL and to Mr Holowesko.

What about the moral garbage from carnival?

During his contribution to the recent budget debate, Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis announced that the government will no longer be cleaning up garbage left over from carnival. That is the right decision, and I commend the Prime Minister and his government for making it.

Idea is dead on arrival

Alfred Sears’ proposal would seem to be an attempt to support possibly a potential challenge to the leadership in the PLP of Brave Davis.

The same old broken cars

National Pride Day Rawson Square - have to ask if the Police Summer School did not bus hundreds of children there how many children would have turned up? I suggest few.

A PM who is as unfit for office as Mr Symonette

In the run up to the 2017 General Election, the media and the public at large were whipped into a frenzy by a supposed conflict of interest that was exposed in email exchanges between then Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald and Sarkis Izmirlian, the original Baha Mar developer. In the emails, Mr. Fitzgerald enquired after his father’s company’s application for a contract with the resort.

Traffic men have their own power

Tuesday around 11am Nassau went dark - the whole island did not have any electricity but the Royal Bahamas Police, Traffic Division must had have a generator and in their eyes nothing changed and it would seem that they did not consider their presence at junctions controlled by traffic lights could need some assistance? Kudos to ASP Mark Stubbs.

Uniformed opportunist chasing clicks

I saw a Facebook video of a Free National Movement (FNM) supporter alleging that a controversial media personality and political opportunist has described Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis as being an Uncle Tom.

Enough to make your eyes bulge

A popular phrase these days is, “there are many ways to skin a cat”, with apologies to cat and animal lovers.