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Sorry Nassau and the ghetto

“On the Island” was originally “created” after news of the May 9, 2019 double homicide in White’s Addition off Kemp Road -- the morning after the double murder at Potter’s Cay. While I did not witness the White’s Addition shootings, I was on the Queen’s College campus and heard the gunshots and the wails of grief that followed.

Cannabis is a control issue

THE Cannabis conversation we are having right now in The Bahamas is all about control.

Beauty and beast

The natural beauty of the Montagu waterfront: The displays of shifting colours and shadows orchestrated by the setting sun. The gentle, refreshing breeze a welcome respite after a stifling hot day and BPL outages. The families, especially the children splashing in the shallows, and others immersed up to their chests in the sea recapping the day and solving the country’s problems.

An insane event

I recently read in one of the dailies about an upcoming party to be held on Sassoon Drive in Winton Heights, which apparently advertises the event as “bare naked-The ultimate summer pool party. Apparently it is an economic event advertising general admission tickets as $25 and VIP tickets as $50.

PLP back in the running

With the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) securing only four seats in the 2017 general election, it seemed like a farfetched notion that the oldest political organisation in The Bahamas would be able to rebound and become a viable alternative to the incumbent Free National Movement (FNM) with its 35 seats.

Pictures we don't need

I firmly believe in the citizens right to freedom of expression and of the press so now in the day of social media and with the proliferation and instantaneous postings Government and especially the law enforcement Agencies need to wake up and be far more responsive to incidents of public interest.

CA Smith is the 10th

In both their speeches during the swearing-in ceremony Friday morning Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and new Governor General C. A. Smith got some history wrong.

Symonette exit will cost FNM

Brent Symonette’s resignation from the Minnis cabinet is a net loss to The Bahamas and to the FNM.

No time to privatise

Just as residents of New Providence tuck into another muggy summer of intense load-shedding that (by official statement released in late winter) is not happening, the Guardian chooses this time to call for the selling off of the utility. One sometimes wonders if those in charge do not share such ambitions, which are (in some minds) advanced by the failure of BPL right in the midst of one of the hottest summers on record.

Three ministers stood out in the budget debate

The budget debate has now, mercifully, been concluded.

Grab power with cannabis

Let us not forget that the legal battle that the Bobo Ashanti has put against the government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas has been overcome in other Commonwealth jurisdictions.

Keep protecting us

Police shoot to live, not to kill. It is obvious from the conduct of criminals that they do not care if their target is armed or unarmed. Most of the victims being shot and murdered are unarmed. The criminals expect the Police to be armed and when confronted will shoot to kill.

We should have higher goals

I wish to inform the Hon Minister Bannister that when I can’t sleep because of boiling temperatures, when I watch my appliances malfunction, when I can’t watch my favourite tv programmes, when I can’t cook or heat my food, all because of BPL power cuts, the fact that there may have been more power cuts under the PLP brings me no solace.

Ambassadors represent us all

Successive governments have adopted the practice of appointing ambassadors plucked from the private sector who often have no formal training in diplomacy or even the public service.

Lucky to live in this beautiful country

The Development Board, the predecessor of the Ministry of Tourism, once referred to the Bahamas as the “Isles of Perpetual June”. With the abundance of beautiful trees in flower at this time, I think we should refer to the Bahamas as the “Isles of Perpetual Bloom”.

Citizens must lead the fight against corruption

Edward Abbey, an American author said “a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government”.

It's time to regulate all of our JPs

Re: It’s time to regulate all Justices of the Peace, in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

No sympathy for Fusion

The Fusion Super-plex complex complains about BPL and its power outages impact on their business.

At least that $20m stays in our economy

BAHAMAS Hot Mix has been awarded a $20 million contract by the Nassau Airport Development Company to upgrade two runways at the Lynden Pindling International Airport.

So, what news from capsize investigation?

In February, 2019 a boat left Haiti with reportedly 97 persons on board: The boat reported capsized and sunk in Bahamian waters in the Abacos. The media published the reports and told us that law enforcement in The Bahamas would be investigating this major incident. We have heard no more of the incident and the result of the investigation.

Devaluing scholarship

PM Minnis just devalued the credit and scholarship of the University - thanks but no thanks.

Nationality is not the main concern

I read with some disappointment a news article in your June 19, 2019 edition that reported concerns being raised about the appointment of Commonwealth citizens to senior posts in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

No fan of Hanna Martin

I have been watching Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin’s performance in the House of Assembly for a little while. I have been very disappointed by her.

Time for summer recess

Unprecedented, the Prime Minister moves from the front beach of the Government side to sit with a back bencher on the Opposition side then, oh that Travis Robinson speech…so much lucky split! The yesterday now the best of friends Robinson sits next to PM on Government side…what big announcement coming soon?

So has this party got a government permit?

The social media page advertises the event as “bare naked – The ultimate summer pool party.