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Going for the lowest bid makes sense to me

Re Hot Mix & Brent Symonette

Don't pretend we are not a wealthy country

I have followed the letters of Abraham Moss for some time, and find them to be well-informed and to demonstrate a good grasp of some of the most exasperating issues facing our country – often the same ones that provoke me to write.

Leadership of The Bahamas in the international arena there for all to see

Response to a Letter to the Editor Appearing in the Tribune dated June 17, 2019

Why we must protect legacy of Alrae Ramsey and Blair John

The heart of this nation should ache for the loss of two propitious young men who met a cruel fate in Italy. The fact that few Bahamians knew these men should not detract from the promise they held out for all of us.

Responses to Mrs Emmanuel mean-spirited

During her contribution to the recent budget debate, MICAL MP Miriam Emmanuel was clearly flustered and unable to articulate some budget numbers. She was clearly embarrassed by her performance.

A tarnished legacy

The Free National Movement administration of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has extended condolences to the Jamaican people on the passing of their former Prime Minister and Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Leader Edward Seaga, who succumbed to cancer in a Miami based hospital on May 28.

Arrogance is a roadblock on the highway to wisdom

I must speak whenever there are injustices being visited on anyone. I must also, without ambiguity, express how I arrived at my explicit opinion.

Why you should never give people absolute power

UNDER the point of the sword, King John of England enacted the Magna Carta on 15 June, 1215, and created parliament. The principle is that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial. The problem with any rights is how you enforce them. s1

Foreign affairs cost money

Did the Ministry of Foreign Affairs totally fail us, even embarrass us in their endeavour to win a seat at the UN Security Council?

Pay up or be shamed . . .

We owe $400 plus million on Real Property Taxes…Mr Minister - Mr Acting Financial Secretary a very, very simple method is to write to the people and/or their companies and give them 30-days to settle.

So where is the outrage?

We, as a nation, must not accept violent crimes, especially rape and murder, as the “new normal”.

Governor General should not be a political post

There is no such thing as a PLP Governor General or FNM Governor General

Smoking and driving sounds a bad mix to me

One of the Government’s Ministers made his point in justifying the new traffic laws by saying that people driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana should pay stricter penalties than other traffic violations. He was referring to driving with an open bottle of alcohol in the car.

Many thanks, Alicia, for your moving words on young men

I am moved to thank Alicia Wallace for the column she wrote about the deaths of the two Bahamians Alrae Ramsey, my former colleague at the Foreign Office and Blair John, the St Mary’s Ph D student.

Get things under control, Minister

THERE are Ministers who can’t go a day without being on the news. So often they appear, usually they talk absolute rubbish as one did last week. Upstaging more senior ministers is a no-no.

CA Smith will do us proud, even though he blurted out the news

Let me start off by saying that I see absolutely nothing wrong with the Honourable Cornelius Alvin Smith being appointed to the august position of Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Having ‘known’ CA for decades, at a distance, I have no doubt that as a seasoned former politician; member of parliament and the cabinet along with his stellar post political career as a diplomat, he will do the people of The Bahamas proud.

Mr Johnson's boxing clever

Too many Bahamians have taken to the use of the conditional perfect, “would have” to refer, incorrectly, to action that was presumably taken. It has become a virus in our language.

Healthcare is a basic human right

THE Tribune has a long and proud editorial history of speaking its mind and doing so with conviction and reason.

Thanks, but we must decline offer

The past generation (40 years) has seen human beings in the free world race toward a brighter, more productive future. Progressive ideas of growth, technological advancements in all fields, new developments daily in science and medicine, all continue to give way to tides of change. Notable global pivoting, redirection, restructuring and even conversations about retribution have come to head in an effort to empower all citizens of earth.

Two wrongs don't make a right

The real story about the North Andros Airport terminal and the exorbitant rent was that it took the good Minister 24 months to discover and even seemingly after not finding a lease Government continued to pay.

Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

Let me clarify that I am an advocate of corporal punishment and not abuse. I do not advocate hitting children in the head or breaking their bones or “blacking” their eyes. I do see nothing wrong with a child being beaten with a belt or cane on the legs, hips or arms. Again, sometimes cut hip leaves a mark and yes I am “fa real”.

Time to reform pension system

Right thinking Bahamians everywhere should be calling for reform to our current pension system. While I agree with certain positions in government receiving pensions for a specific duration of national service, there has to be a limit on the amount of sources a person can tap into to receive pensions from the public treasury.

Flying to a solution

The Minister recently announced that the biggest drag on Bahamasir’s profit was the high and increasing price of fuel, which he cited as approaching $85 per barrel. Even allowing for a jet fuel premium, can management be so dim as to buy fuel at such a huge margin over the present West Texas Crude quote of about $54, in a flat or even declining trend? That price has come nowhere near $85 since briefly in 2017.

We're losing the silent revolution

A note to our Government: eight out of 10 women in the maternity ward of the Princess Margaret Hospital are Haitian; this from a nurse who works there. 60% of the patients at the Government Clinic are Haitian; this from a nurse who works there. 40% of the children at Abaco Central are Haitian. Similar number of children at Abaco Primary are Haitian. All the Haitian women in the Mud are holding a toddler by the hand, carrying a child in the arms and pregnant with another one.

People who work hard are being prosecuted

The government recently made changes to various tax laws, which included the criminalisation of non-payment of taxes.