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No WTO scare tactics, just facts

It is said that people like me who don’t like WTO and have the courage to say so are using “scare tactics”.

Case against legalising marijuana

Today in The Bahamas and in countries throughout the Caribbean and around the world, the marijuana debate rages on!

Beating children is our sport

IN all my many years of buying and reading the dailies, both The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian, I have never seen anything as ridiculous and nauseating as an editorial letter written to this very newspaper.

Chaos of migration

I believe that most people would agree that the dissolution of the traditional family has contributed significantly to most of our societal ills and criminality, but I cannot help considering the influence of another factor.

I would ignore this private study group

Bahamians may be alarmed at a headline calling our corporate tax the world’s most “corrosive”—according to the Corporate Tax Haven Index 2019.

WTO: Don't keep dancing around

The debate in the public square over whether we should accede to full membership in the World Trade Organization has produced a virtual cornucopia of old wives tales, misplaced fears and a general lack of knowledge of some of the facts that should inform the debate.

An exemplary appointment

The appointment of Ruth Bowe-Darville as a Justice of the Supreme Court has ruffled the feathers of the PLP which issued a statement protesting the appointment of the known FNM supporter and activist as an attempt by the FNM to politicise the courts.

Belts will leave a mark but that is not abuse

I am a Bahamian and proud of it. I am proud of the foundation upon which our country is built.

This prostitutes the system

I am a layman but I attended the constitutional conference in 1972. I have been around a little while and I have learned how proper attorneys general and judicial commissions work.

Taxi drivers' open letter to Renward Wells, MP

Please allow the Taxi Driver’s Grievance Committee to address the following open letter to the Minister of Transport Renward Wells, MP, it is the people’s time.

We need figures on who does the work

COCO Cay - Ocean Cay - South Eleuthera - Carnival/Freeport these cruise lines destinations might have some economics but we need explanations.

Cameron put May behind high wall

Your columnist article: EU felled UK PM is interesting but for accuracy has to be rebutted.

Projects were never meant to influence an election

I take exception to opinions proffered in the editorial appearing in the May 21, 2019 edition of The Tribune under the heading “Nothing lessens the purse strings like an election”.

We have allowed tyrant governments to wreak havoc

Your editorial (May 28), castigating Brent Symonette and Immigration, could have had some balance if it were recognised that Immigration has been, (second only perhaps next to Fox Hill Prison in terms of dysfunctional Government Agencies), a disastrous department over the last 50 years.

We're not controlled by Beijing

You kindly published my opinion of the comment of the Assistant Secretary US on Chinese influence in The Bahamas…a reader commented electronically and I think it appropriate to respond.

Time for some lateral thinking

Intellectual question: am I the only one who does not like that the sun sets at 10 to 8pm, or waking up in the dark? And I wonder why, with our scorched plants waiting desperately for the rain, we are in the same time change zone as those in the north who are desperately looking for sun to bring the first buds out of the ground?

We need the taxes

Coco Cay RCL’S resort island ain’t cheap any more you gotta pay for everything…you think the Most Hon Dr Hubert Minnis knows?

Prices never go down

Prime Minister’s address with reference to solar reusable energy.

Look after labour

The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanise production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a fusion of technologies that are blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.

So how many places are allowed to sell alcohol?

For some time now, I have attempted to inquire into some of what I have deduced is a contributing factor to some of the ills plaguing many of our communities…needless to say, that the exact figures for what was said to be public information…I was denied access…perhaps, editor, you may be able to acquire this information.

Security is paramount

The current crime trend in The Bahamas and in particular the island of New Providence dictates that we enhance security measures provided for our government officials. Since my departure from the Royal Bahamas Police Force, (as a regular) I have been engaged in the security profession, firstly as corporate director of security at the Paradise Island Resort & Casino and continued with the Atlantis resort. It is at this resort that I had the opportunity to study and be exposed to security concepts that included VIP security. The resort had frequent visits from dignitaries, such as the Shah of Iran, presidents of the United States of America, movie stars and local high profile politicians. Special security arrangements had to be implemented during such visits to the resort. We hosted Royalty at functions in the resort.

Respect the process and don't jump to conclusions

The nation knows that I supported and voted for the now Minister of National Security who was seeking election to the House of Assembly for Mount Moriah. As a constituent and resident, I was terribly disappointed by the representation of the then MP. He was the worst of the worst in my view. This was no state secret as I had told the then DPM this on countless occasions, in the presence of that individual. The PLP and its leadership cadre paid me no mind, to their peril.

We're going backwards

I am writing from Mangrove Cay, Andros, where I have lived for the last 15 years. Clearly, we are going backwards, and I think this can be said for The Bahamas, in general.

Morality is for group prosperity

Human cooperation is the cornerstone of human achievement. From the development of language and the brain via sharing information in tribes, clans or in modern times the nation state. I have an hypothesis that the formation of criminal gangs in The Bahamas is a modern expression of human cooperation not just for survival but for prosperity of adversely affected groups and will either cooperate or challenge the formal system.

Globetrotters with new shoes

Pre-election 2017 was it not the FNM who heavily criticised the PLP for travel and never reporting?