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Our system gives one person too much power

The general elections scheduled for 2022 will not be our fathers’ elections. There is an emerging realignment of politics as we know it in our wonderful nation. The FNM is now approaching its third year back in office. While there have been some small baby steps and minimal successes, the political jury is still out on its performance or lack thereof over the last two years and counting.

Level the playing field

THE comments of the US Assistant Secretary Western Hemisphere is laughable in fact so jokey that it really makes no sense.

What's the hurry?

If someone removes some of the cards in a pack of playing cards, players would say that they are not playing with a full deck. And so it might be said of some people, who seem not to have a full measure of intelligence.

Why national interest and sovereignty must prevail

The singular obligation that the government and People of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas owe to illegal immigrants is to treat them humanely.

A 20th birthday worth celebrating

There are many non-profit organisations that have fought bravely to preserve the rights of Bahamian citizens, one such organisation is the Coalition To Save Clifton (CSC). This awesome body of proud Bahamians, have throughout the course of 20 years, worked tirelessly to ensure that what rightfully should be enjoyed by Bahamians, is indeed given to them and not others.

Shooting alert system off target

This $1.5 millions electronic system for the police to hear gunshots seems to be totally redundant taking into consideration the quickness of the very active social media.

You're not including the people

I watched the Prime Minister last evening…an interesting address badly put together, but we expect that of OPM Communications who seem to constantly have a failing grade.

US needs to back $ with gold

The petrodollar is a system where oil is sold in United States dollars exclusively.

Pay up or feel the wrath

So some of the Web Shops are not compliant (have not paid) the required licence fees/taxes…big deal Minister…simply issue a judicial warrant on the offending businesses and seize their assets and, of course, immediately close them down not to open til every dime is paid…

It's a question of tenders

All procurement tenders or RFP’s are controlled by the Financial Secretary - whoever holds that position sits as Chair of the Tenders Board. Tenders Board overseas all tenders of Government.

Colour can't be that hard

Colour of vehicle licence plates - so it needs a Cabinet decision to change these and probably an amendment to the Road Traffic Act?

Explain yourself, minister

The military funeral for the late Warrant Officer Perpall who met his death on guard duty at Government House from the TV News showed that the Minister for National Security was absent and Minister Lloyd stood in his place.

We need to find the skills

The Minister of Labour, Hon Dion Foulkes, in a news story in The Nassau Guardian this Tuesday reportedly stated that there are a number of issues relating to Bahamian workers lacking skills and skills they really ought and need to have a greater opportunity to be employed. He indicated that this “is a very serious issue”.

Not the First Lady

Before this gets out of hand - empathically the wife of the Most Honourable Dr Hubert A Minnis is not the “First Lady” nor is she a holder of the title - “Lady”. People posting on Facebook please be educated and understanding she is the wife-spouse of the Most Honourable Hubert A Minnis, nothing more and nothing less.

Erase this yes, sir, boss mentality

What is WTO? It is the World Trade Organization comprised of some very large countries and organisations controlling the economies of smaller countries. Is that not colonisation?

Play us straight, sir

Finance Minister Peter Turnquest acknowledges some difficulty in collecting Gaming Taxes from the Number Houses. I support the government in its effort to collect any and all legitimate taxes.

PLP hypocrites

What hypocrites these PLPs are!

D+ max for FNM

Pre-May, 2017 we heard such pious words and promises - every second allegation against the then government so now two years in I wish to sum up my report so far for the FNM. A max grade of “D plus”.

Evil always prospers

Kindly indulge my compulsion to respond to Bishop Simeon Hall’s clarion call to pray for 30 days without murder.

Relays were no loss

This weekend if the decision of the past was maintained Nassau would have had the IAAF relays, but fortunately this time it went to Japan.

When illegals can be a bonus

There are few subjects that evoke as much emotion as that of immigration in Bahamian society. I would like to focus on illegal immigration.

Some national service could be the answer

Given the level of crime in our country I believe it’s time we reconsider compulsory national service for our youth (young men and women). Perhaps we could split the participants evenly across the defence and police forces and rotate them at the halfway mark of a two-year programme. I think the potential benefits to our youth and country would be tremendous and include:

Time to stop bickering and deal with each other

Crime continues to mar our lives in The Bahamas.

Are these cones legal?

I am fully aware there are strict rules as to blocking a road a such and alike the landscape people/workers do daily infant of Bah Mar.

Be part of the digital world

Bahamian retail businesses truly seem to want to remain in the backwater of the digital age. A Google search says that Visa does around 1,700 transactions per second on average (based on a calculation derived from the official claim of over 150 million transactions per day).