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Changing leadership

Please be advised that contrary to Mr Abraham Moss’ assertion in today’s issue of The Tribune:

Foremost, Sir Cecil's parents were Bahamians by birth and at heart

Included with your newspaper on May 10, 2019 was a supplement written and produced by Rights Bahamas.

Fire department losing its relevance

For some time now I have been inking remarks about the state of the Bahamas Fire Brigade on New Providence Island.

Not the comfort we need

Whereas I am sure the president of the Senate, Mrs Forbes Smith, is legally allowed to practice her old profession in PR and communications strategy and I am equally sure the comments made by Mr Carl Bethell AG technically are correct, her defence that her position is rather mundane is not correct, Mrs Forbes Smith is a very important person and people listen to her in part because she is President of the Senate and her sphere of influence I would imagine is vast.

Time to find paper trail

Developments continue and projects are ongoing in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, but why do we seem to be always regressing in our understanding of the procedures and approvals required from our government agencies.

Does the BCC speak for you?

When the Bahamas Christian Council speaks on an issue who exactly do they talk for?

The colours of confusion

Can we or should we contrive that the choice of a particular colour means anything in the global spectrum of politics?

Nearly there – Carnival just needs some polishing

Carnival the presence of visitors participating - before we hear all kinds of crazy statistics let MOT give us their basic evaluation as I have not seen any photograph-video in the media or on social media that indicates that there was as the groups are now promoting ’000’s of visitors.

At best, it's all well-intentioned incompetence

Two years into Dr Minnis’ administration, it’s most ardent apologists increasingly find themselves shielding it with the excuse of well-intentioned incompetence.

Breach goes unnoticed

There was a breach of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Assembly on Wednesday (May 1) that apparently went unnoticed by members. I draw attention to it because it should not be regarded as regular or as a precedent.

Hard to spot the enemy

It seems that for many social commentators a cruel twist of the saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” requires that we abandon our Venezuelan neighbours to the wills of a military dictatorship determined to rape that country and all its resources.

Blind loyalty to non-intervention makes no sense

I have read comments from the opposition in the House of Assembly and from some commentators in the newspapers who believe that the Government was wrong to agree with the majority of the member states of the OAS and of the European Union in recognizing Mr. Juan Guaido as interim president of Venezuela.

Poisoned legacy of Hanna Martin

I saw Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin talking about misogyny the other day. What a hypocrite. She went along with the PLP in pushing the Bahamian people to vote against equality for women in a referendum called by the then FNM Government.

We don't want this concrete catastrophe

Every day driving into Nassau from the west when I get to Junkanoo Beach I am aghast at the height and darkness that the new Pointe Hotel - Condos that the eight-nine floors have brought down over this area.

Sly way to avoid adding to debt

So PM and Minister Bannister are talking about this new fangled investment instrument they want to promote.

One from 10 equals 0

In 1962 as the nascent Federation of the West Indies struggled to find relevance, Dr Eric Williams, then Premier of Trinidad and Tobago uttered five words that still reverberate around the Caribbean – one from ten equals zero.

Keep politicians in the pew

The politician’s place in a church is in the pew - time and time again, successive Prime Ministers-Governments accept invitations to speak at Church Conventions - wrong actually very wrong and politically stupid.

Family deserving of all our prayers

I met him at the South Beach pools. This is his story.

Air is full of promises

General Douglas MacArthur said in his final speech, “old soldiers never die, they only fade away”. Well maybe I’m an old soldier, but I’ll not fade away easily. When I croak and they are taking me out toes up, I will probably sit up and ask, “where are we going or what if”.

Kudos to the Carnival organisers – and let's all have some fun

I fully endorse and support the privatisation of carnival…Kudos to the people involved, but, oh yes there is a but…don’t get too far and disrespect the Laws.

Beware a different dumping of sewage

Recently, the government and many in our nation have expressed outrage upon learning that Carnival Corporation cruise ships dumped almost 500,000 gallons of sewage in Bahamian waters in 2017, and rightly so.

Copying America not the way to go

Just why can’t this Hubert A Minnis government ever get a public relations occasion right?

Keep up the good work

I thought that your readers might be interested in this article by a young Turks Islander after a visit to The Bahamas.

Agreed, our customs duties are too high

The pugnacious Pierre Dupuch strayed off the metaphorical reservation. Again.

PLP's attack out of order

The country was shocked to hear of the killing of a Royal Bahamas Defence Force officer at Government House over the weekend. A family has to bear and endure the tragic loss of a loved one. We are all heartbroken.