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No wonder we're a mess

This is a letter regarding the article "Crunch time for NIB payouts".

Maillis deserves the credit

I regret having to correct the opinion of the Rev C B Moss that he saved Clifton back then…he is incorrect he was Johnny come lately.

So will Trump remember to look into travel?

Comment from the Minister of Foreign Affairs on President Trump keeping his word to look into Travel Advisories…what a joke you really think President Trump remembered?

Political world closing in on the ridiculous

Since May, 2017 I suggest the best description of the political world is very similar to the soap opera ‘As the world turns’ - mostly very unpredictable and usually questionable closing to the ridiculous.

Medals show the difference

The results of CARIFTA as the public in Nassau have been told was that the Bahamas came second, 2nd…with 26 medals.

Fair play in public life is fast disappearing

It is very interesting to observe that public morality and politics here in our wonderful nation are not practised on a consistent basis, if at all. There are several cases in point but none more glaring than the legalisation of homosexual and lesbian sex between individuals sixteen and over and, of course, the worst one of them all, so far, legalisation and the so-called regulation of gaming or the numbers. The other one is the abject attempts to destroy and belittle genuine politicians and those who are about doing good for this nation. Let’s get down to basics.

Too much hype, not enough beef

Talk in the House of Assembly - Ministers-MP’s need to listen to their comments after they have made contributions.

Morality by consensus is not my way

According to Gallup polls, 4.5% of Americans ‘identify’ as a member of the LGBT community.

Students tackling fossil fuel emissions

We are three Grade 8 students from Lyford Cay International School (LCIS). As part of our curriculum, which emphasises community-mindedness and being well rounded, Grade 8 students explain how to take action to address an issue within our community. As part of our community project, we have chosen to spread awareness about how carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases and harmful emissions produced by burning fossil fuels are harming The Bahamas while highlighting what can be done to fix it.

Time to ensure our passport office works

I begin by acknowledging the efforts of the staff at the passport office who are courteous and hardworking but lament the poor system that is in place to serve the Bahamian public.

We need help from the US coast guards

RBDF … well no excuses now dem boys have radar…range 50 miles that is on shore of Haiti and Dominican Republic! Problem is at HMBS Coral Harbour they miss Haitian sailing sloops sailing under wind right up to their doorstep … will that change?

Facing the brutality of politics on the ground

Now that we have celebrated and observed the Easter Season, we are faced with the brutality of politics on the ground.

Mitchell needs to show more respect

Fred Mitchell's recent comments about the Royal Bahamas Police Force were deplorable and uncalled for in my opinion. As an experienced politician he should know better than to make reckless and irresponsible comments about hardworking law enforcement officers, just because it serves his political agenda. As the brother of an officer, I take personal offence.

Back the guy with a PhD from the University of Hard Knocks

The “Graduate” never ceases to amaze me. After saying all the good things Rupert Roberts has done in his lifetime he proceeds to get nasty, degrading and personal.

No merit in this troubling story

In an age of rampant misinformation on many social media platforms, the maxim that a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes holds true in The Bahamas.

Time we stopped turning a blind eye

A cursory review of the draft Nationality and Immigration Bill currently making consultation rounds reveals one glaring example of our national hypocrisy.

Dealing with corruption

A real Bahamian, I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing our politicians adopt bogus stances towards alleged corruption by the party in power when the other side is in opposition. It is dead wrong and it is an overt insult to the collective intelligence of the unwashed masses.

Propaganda for the FNM

Please publish my commentary on a recent Nassau Guardian editorial:

Support middle class

PRIME Minister Minnis and his FNM government won the election in May, 2017 on the theme of the election – “It’s the People’s Time”.

Rupert Roberts must evolve

King Canute was simultaneously ruler of England, Denmark and Norway from 1016 to 1035. He became famous, rightly or wrongly, as the ruler who stood on the sea-shore and tried but failed to hold back the tide.

Get tough on owning a gun

BEFORE any Bahamian government or Commissioner of Police gets too comfortable with the recent marginal reductions in several categories of violent crime, we would do well to finally address the underlying matter at the heart of our violent crime problem.

Foreign policy based on cult of personality

The A-list columnist Philip Galanis posited an interesting take on the geopolitical machinations by the US and China to achieve hegemony in the Caribbean.

Why you don't want to get your wires crossed

You may recall last year when some hapless boater tried to tow a cabin cruiser home along Eastern Road and got the boat’s “tuna-tower” entangled in the electrical supply lines going across Eastern Road, in front of the Brigadoon Estate, and pulling two poles into the road before it stopped.

A little more digging would be in order

URCA is alike a mouse that roared…is it impotent?

We all make mistakes, but . . .

Re: Runway Blunder. The Tribune April 9, 2019.