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Why health policy needs radical new approach

First let me share my heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Robert Valcom Jr., the young man who died waiting on an ambulance to respond.

Let's hope think tanks sell plenty of copies

After seeing your story about our so-called competitive drop in providing financial services, I took the trouble to read the entire just published “Global Financial Centre 25 Report for 2019”, and totally agree with Minister Finance Turnquest that it should cause no concern for The Bahamas, or be of much relevance to serious financial analysts anywhere.

We need to police the driving public more

The old people would often say when you were “talking fool”, “ain’t no good fa you to beat up ya gums wid dat now” and I could only wonder as social media carried the story of no cell phones and no drinking, “what is the point of adding new offences to the Road Traffic Act when the huge number that already exists are not being enforced and unlikely to be enforced in the lifetime of anyone living today” ?

The elected become more like overlords

In order for good governance, transparency, accountability and goodwill to be the order of the day in The Bahamas it is a moral imperative that this constitutional democracy have a fitting constitution which is not the present situation.

RBPF continues to be Nassau's finest

The Royal Bahamas Police Force, Nassau's finest nation builder and protector of this great nation and its inhabitants.

The world is changing and we must react

The boom and bust cycle of the global economy is well established. WTO says global trade has under performers with growth of 3% and is expected to decline in 2019 to 2.6 %. The IMF forecast a global slowdown for 2019. The United States (US) is the world’s largest economy in nominal GDP so I will focus mainly on the US in my analysis.

Time to stop playing games

IT has now been over a year since the government announced that the international fuel giant Shell had been approved to construct a new power plant for BPL at Clifton Pier.

Roll back on university fee increases

As always, I thank The Lord Jesus Christ and my biological parents, the late Reverend Doctor Ortland H. Bodie Sr. and my late mother, Annie Hepburn, for allowing and affording me the stellar opportunity for a good education from primary school (Our Lady’s Primary) straight up to university level (University of London). Later, I was articled in the law chambers of the Hon. J. Henry Bostwick, now a Queen’s Counsel and admitted to The Bahamas Bar.

We must resurrect ourselves from this quagmire of mediocracy

I read with a mixture of nostalgia, disappointment and actual hope that very significant reflection by Diane Phillis in Thursday, April 4 Tribune, entitled: STOP SELLING OURSELVES SO CHEAPLY. She spoke eloquently about the continuous degradation of Downtown Bay Street. Coming from Long Island as a boy of 14, I have seen over these 63 years as she so pointedly expressed, the rise and fall of the majesty of Bay Street.

Why are we still waiting for this transparency?

If the Governments’ scheme to attract Bahamians who have been professionally successful outside of The Bahamas then internally after they have been recruited whatever - whichever institution or organisation they are assigned to must operate daily - hourly under the disciplined parameters that that person was used to…anything different you will find frustrations - annoyance and eventually the final decision - why did I come home for this mess? Corruption or whispers of are not accepted.

Proud of my time at ministry

I take full and unmitigated responsibility for the conduct of affairs, administration and protocols of the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture during my tenure as Minister.

Understanding the power of the mind is key for us all

The human mind has the power to believe anything.

We want our old garbage system back

Further to my letter of 2nd January 2019, questioning why our government would feel it necessary to summarily dismantle a garbage collection system that was working extremely well for several years and replace it with novice entrepreneurs ( ontropeners in the colloquial ).

Too many questions

Being a woman who likes to make lists of “Things to do”, here are a few items that never seem to get off the list:

Choking on a slice of Minnis humble pie

We all knew that the Prime Minister can whip up a mean pot of tasty stew-fish at virtually a moment’s notice. But some were pleasantly surprised to learn that the PM’s other culinary skill was that of pastry chef.

A word to the wise

On or around 20th March 2019, multiple American news outlets and online magazines highlighted a European study, originally published in Lancet Psychiatry, that showed an increased risk of losing touch with reality (psychosis) in users of high potency marijuana.

Support real men of God

A few weeks ago while tuned into a radio talk show that was discussing the role of the church.

Look after paradise

My wife and I have enjoyed three trips to your beautiful islands, two to Eleuthera and one to Andros.

Quick action needed

Ministers - MPs - Revs. Can spin as much as they like the reality is we have and have had a serious social problem in the schools and outside of the schools when it comes to social safety of our young people.

Self-righteous attack

As the self-appointed defender of this FNM government, the letter writer temporarily dubbing himself ‘the Graduate’ in Monday’s Tribune launched a silly and self-righteous attack on Nicki Kelly for suggesting that our Prime Minister seems weak-kneed before wealthy foreigners yet dismissive of poor and ordinary Bahamians. He suggests she was employing a ‘dog whistle’.

A dinosaur position

Very fortunately for BP&L news distractions take what has been going on at BP&L off the headlines but their issues stand and their issues involve all of us for at least 20 plus years forward so they are extremely important.

It's hard to influence PM

Lawyers are taught that in order to prevail in the courtroom the premise of their argument must be more plausible than the conclusions they draw.

We need Financial Independence

I entirely agree with your correspondent Brian E Plummer which you published on Monday, March 25, when he points out that developed economies deal more in manufacturing than the developing economies.

Are the PLP anti-jobs?

I must say that I am very surprised at the anti-development, anti-job stance adopted lately by Her Majesty’s Official Opposition. The Progressive Liberal Party was once a party of the people, the party of the working man. This is no longer the case, it would seem. Nowadays, a new-look PLP is everywhere criticising the government for signing deals that create much-needed jobs for struggling communities and give regular Bahamians hope for their future and security for their families.

A drummer's letter of thanks

My sincere and heartfelt thanks goes out to the members of The Nassau Beach Alumni Association for an amazingly, spectacular tribute in my honour on March 1st, 2019, at The Barrabas House, Junkanoo World, Oakes Field.