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Right choice for our port

It has long been accepted and preached from the roof tops throughout this wonderful nation that I am a proud New Deal PLP. My leader is the Hon. Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, MP (Cat Island; Rum Cay & San Salvador), whom I consider the Prime Minister-in-waiting. So, my political alliance is not a hidden secret. There are events, however, which transcends the inevitable blur and misconceptions of pure politics.

Why waste so much on drones?

Can the Commissioner of Police, or anyone else definitively state, as a result of police action serious crime - serious crime, murder, has decreased, or is it the law of averages…300+ murdered over the past three years. Perhaps 300 criminals locked up, so you have basically exhausted who will commit the serious crime? Oh, we are pleased with the decrease.

Walkabout won't solve the mess

How we solve our problems is a pretence of questionable sense – get five – six ASPs from the police together and do a walk-a-bout downtown, if that reassures anyone - gather four-five ASPs do a walk-about and all is resolved like drinking down Alka Seltzer!

Time to reveal the ugly truth

So the four PLP parliamentarians have walked out of the House claiming that government is harassing their supporters and marching them into the hands of the law. Apparently, they have no intention of returning to parliament until the so-called witch hunt ends!

Cut out the speed bumps

I understand that there is currently a proposal before the Ministry of Works to install even more speed bumps on the eastern end of New Providence, specifically on Sassoon Drive.

Too much secrecy, I fear

Why has Government created around BP&L so much secrecy – unusual lack of transparency?

Don't upset the Palace

Seems we have annoyed Buckingham Palace so much that HRH Prince Charles, Her Majesty’s heir who, with his wife, has announced a Caribbean visit, have excluded a visit to one of the new realm states in the Caribbean – our Commonwealth.

Dionisio, a shining light in the gloom

On a personal level I admire and deeply respect Ministers Duane Sands (Health) and Marvin Dames (National Security). Despite my being a PLP, to this very day, I could not support the former MP for Mount Moriah and, as a part of my civic duty, I supported and voted for Dames. In the case of Sands, I was an adviser and semi-confidant. In fact, during one of my radio talk shows, I privately told him to seek a reconciliation with the then leader of the fractured FNM, Dr. Minnis.

Arinthia the right choice for DNA

I write to congratulate the newly elected Leader of the Democratic National Alliance, Mrs Arinthia Komolafe.

We need to avoid general ignorance

Your Editorial of Saturday February 23 featured a headline (“The Complexity of Bahamian Unemployment”) that was encouraging to anyone who tires of the oversimplified and just plain ignorant presentation of facts and statistics in Bahamian media. It then dove headlong into one of the worst examples of both genres.

D'Aguilar could be the surprise leader

There are times in politics when a rising star hits the jackpot. I suspect the interview or panel Jerome Sawyer had last evening might have been one of those occasions.

This time it’s me, standing in the need of prayers

There’s an old so-called negro hymn which goes: “ It’s me, it’s me. it’s me oh Lord, standing in the name of prayer.....not my mother, not my father, but it’s me oh Lord....” The words of that hymn could well apply to individuals and the very nation itself.

Sorry for horses

As a Canadian who has visited Nassau multiple times, I feel I must comment on the working conditions of the horses travelling Bay Street each day.

Food for thought

Kindly afford me space in your respected columns to comment on what seems a preferred, politically perverse and pervasive public lie relative to our inability to achieve some semblance of self-sufficiency in national food production.

Politicians should stick to cutting ribbons . . . and employ experts

For the past several years we have been bombarded in the press, on the radio and on television, about the atrocious state of the General Post Office on East Hill Street.

Wrong place for bank

So the most prime site in downtown Nassau has been transferred for the new Central Bank Building?

Nassau comes first

We have to thank Carnival for their staying power, in their new cruise Port proposal for Grand Bahama, as many investors would not have waited two plus years from signing an MOU early in 2017, with a Government to finalise and obtain approvals. Why?

And pigs might fly . . .

The new tourism promotion advertisement and Lenny Kravitz … Madam DG be careful when stating statistics, as to the good gentleman’s following … accuracy shows professionalism.

Hard to contain waste

The City dump - or as we politely call it now - the Environment Disposal Site. The hype from the final signing months, seemingly of negotiation had to be negotiating down from the original $140 million to $45 million over 15 years one asks, begs accuracy. When was there a National emergency declared at the dump - ever Mr Minister?

Our shared concerns

I watch the BBC, and Al Jazeera networks daily, to get a good understanding of global events, and trends.

Some people are just too gullible

The gullibility of some people in positions of influence can be nauseating at times.

Stench of corruption too strong

The PLP has been in panic mode ever since the beginning of investigations into alleged corrupt practices on their watch.

Ashamed to call myself a Bahamian

The absolute horror reported on the above date of Mr Douglas Ngumi's unlawful incarceration at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre sent shockwaves through me.

Cronyism is still thriving

We have had no garbage collection in our neighbourhood for more than two weeks now, forcing me to transport stinking maggot encrusted bags of refuse to a public dumpster in my own vehicle.

Reusable fuels is the way to go

OBAN - very disturbing comments from Senator Foulkes.