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Is the police force someone's toy?

The ladies charged with working without a work permit and one for overstaying.

Thanks to the many who helped rebuild St Mark's

It is with great humility that I embrace Diane Phillip’s heart-warming article The Fall and Rise of St. Mark’s. Diane is a gifted, compassionate writer who has so eloquently captured a time of great fear, an unknown future, and the faith and spirit of Anita Collie Pratt and her neighbours on Acklins in the bullseye of Hurricane Joaquin.

Exhausted credit cards

Prince George Wharf - Cruise Port Management

Lunacy we should have avoided

A scant 54 days into his Prime Ministership in 2017, a buoyant Hubert Minnis went to Grenada on what was his foreign policy debut.

Clients can’t be held responsible for their lawyers

THE recent decision by the President of the Court of Appeals to hold clients liable for the conduct of their attorneys in the Supreme Court is troubling and brings the sagacity of that decision into question.

Beware the taxi drivers

Someone has upset the sleeping tiger of the taxi drivers! Hope they know what they are doing? Because we all remember what the infamous general strike started with…a strike of the taxi drivers at the airport.

Hard to stay focused

Yet again the Prime Minister spoke for too long….45 minutes - all studies say no longer than 20 minutes at the most! There was content, some positive but it simply did not hit home, it was lost in so much flowery talking.

We have evolved and adapted to living in the midst of filth

Your editorial today, 30 January 2019, on the topic of run down Nassau and downtown is apropos.

Nassau needs to be the first call

Employment quotas based on gender? Has not the good minister studied the constitution? Article: 26. Starting to wonder if there should not be an understanding - The Constitution Test for Ministers?

Keep it simple

Why does the RBDF constantly suggests that they have such an enormous area to guard our borders, when in geographical reality it is about only 30% of the country, as the majority looks after itself?

PM playing the Pied Piper game

The so-called national address by the embattled Prime Minister was straight from the Twilight Zone.

Crime in The Bahamas does not affect tourism

Educated statements of Ministers are supposed to be the norm, but week after week, we hear what can only be described as political mumbo-jumbo – verbal rubbish unfounded and unsupported by facts.

We must forget this obsession with courtesy titles in public

We have become seemingly obsessed with the proliferation of honorific and courtesy titles in public life, particularly when applied to current or former public servants.

Cameras which can’t catch the criminals

How good is your memory? When did the first CCTV camera go up in downtown? Did crime decrease from the petty pick-pocketing and selling of drugs? It still goes on today with cameras.

Sending chilling negative messages

As a trained and highly experienced former member of The Bahamas Bar, I do believe that I am qualified to opine on judicial matters locally and around the world.

Talk show trivia

Unfortunately for my experience, every time I do listen to a talk show - misinformation is spoken, not only by the host, but reinforced by the callers.

I see three ships ...

Prince George Wharf - Cruise Port Management

Madness incorporated

Why at this time of our economic development, except to assist and do what the clearing banks are supposed to do, do we want to implement a Credit Bureau? Note it was the political guro of the DNA, Johnny Rodgers who proposed this.

Why it's time to extend the retirement age for our judges

When a distinguished retired high court judge like Jeanne Thompson talks, political and civic leaders should stop beating up their gums and take notice. Justice Thompson again rang a bell over the delay by the Prime Minister in recommending a nominee for the post of Chief Justice.

Parasites living off the poor

The government is trying to attempt to balance its budget by increasing revenues. One of these measures was to increase VAT by 60%. At the time there was considerable negative comment about the proposal but on July 1, 2018 the increased rate was introduced, not even a reduction in the rate!

Without vision, the people perish

WHY are we back to a situation we only recently faced, that of having an Acting Chief Justice for an unknown period of time. The facile answer from the Prime Minister’s Press Secretary that he will appoint one “in due course “ is cold comfort to citizens of a country which seems to be spinning out of control.

Why I was ashamed to watch Netflix Fyre documentary

I watched Netflix’s Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened documentary, and found it both deeply disturbing and ironic that Exuma and Norman’s Cay are once again at the centre of an international scandal of epic proportions that has brought embarrassment to The Bahamas.

Death of death penalty

Let’s face it, when one is sentenced to death in The Bahamas these days it really means life in prison. The condemned prisoner knows that all he has to do, is appeal and wait on the commutation call, or total freedom – in some cases.

When you thought it was safe . . .

The blockbuster hit movie Jaws had a tag line something like “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water ……”

Financial complexity sees another small bank close

I have recently learned of another small bank that, without being charged with any offence, chose to shut down facing the expense of complying with the growing complexity of Bahamian laws and rules compelled by foreign authorities like the EU and OECD. The last straw was having to hire a “compliance” officer who had no role in handling actual banking functions.