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Let's check patrol logs

POLICE walk-about - are they not showing the lack of and bad side of policing?

No smoke without Fyre

It is not the first time that serious allegations have been made concerning the promotional event…before we all forget there was the Caribbean Music Fest - $’000’s paid and a no show everything stupid, Rawson Square and nothing.

Get in the right lane

Between May, 2017 and now there has been a considerable increase of taxi licence plates issued, but the question I wish to raise did they pass some form of a Drivers Test?

A question of faith

Chaplain to the Prison?

Hubert Ingraham was a man ahead of his time

After Andrew Jackson won the US Presidential Election in 1828, Senator William L Marcy of New York coined the famous phrase: “to the victor belong the spoils.”

Suspicious donations

ZNS News ran a story recently which was a blatant spin on the truth of the story implying RBC donated $10,000.00 when it was not RBC donating anything, but the RBC employees.

Rule it out of court

Opening of the courts - is it necessary to have the full ceremony in Nassau to be repeated in Freeport? Once the courts are opened in Nassau the Ccourts in Freeport are. Likewise? What is the cost for travel, etc, of all of demand officials?

For the love of Joe

No one was robbed in East Street, not a single gunshot was fired in Pinewood, no one died in Fox Hill and in Bain and Grants town all the children did was play. Parents are thanking God for the way their sons are turning their lives around. Police are being seen as allies and are welcomed into the neighbourhoods. 2019 is shaping into the year we are praying it would be.

It's far too easy for those sloops

Haitian migrant sloops yet again on the headlines but what we should be looking at and investigating is the coincidence of the timing of one-two-three-four Haitian migrant sloops being able to enter the territorial waters of The Bahamas and sail virtually 50% of the length and not a soul Royal Bahamas Defence Force or Police or Immigration saw them?

My concerns for the year just starting

Concerns as we start a New Year?

New controller, really big stick

I hear there’s a new sheriff in town and rumour has it, he’s got a really big stick.

We must keep our flexibility

I have long argued that those advocating fixed election dates and term limits on the office of Prime Minister really do not have a clue of the very basics of what Westminster democracy is and how it operates. Rather, they are simply taking cues from superficially corresponding elements of a fundamentally very different US system.

Don't underestimate those US presidents

Richard Coulson in his Business Bites opinion piece said that only two US presidents were chronic womanisers: Bill Clinton and Jack Kennedy.

Unions should have some perspective over Minnis bailout

The Free National Movement (FNM) administration of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has taken plenty criticism for going out on a limb and purchasing the Grand Lucayan Resort for an estimated $65 million from Cheung Long (Ck) Property Holdings, a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa.

Our next Chief Justice decision is a slam dunk

There has to be further concern that we are still without a confirmed Chief Justice - we hear from learned Attorneys and last week the plea from the currently Acting Chief Justice that this is untenable, but why does the Prime Minister continue to refuse to approve?

Isn't it best to rely on public to call police?

THIS ShotSpotter Alert system the Minister of National Security talks about - searched high and low, I don’t see a RFP for that - was there one as is required?

The year when we build each other up

LAST week all of the newspapers front pages were ablaze with both the commissioner of the police force Mr Anthony Ferguson and the minister of defence Mr Marvin Dames touting the success in the reduction of crime in 2018, especially the decrease in the murder rate. I might have missed it and stand to be corrected but not once did I hear them give thanks to God for the hand he had in the country’s fight against satan’s onslaught on our youth.

Why we should listen to the conch

One last question...

We are in a right mess over honours

JUST why do our politicians refuse to comply with what is so obvious - time and time again contradiction in action and process.

Rushing gets you nowhere except annoy the public

SIRENS - flashing lights are supposed to be an exclusive area for fire, ambulance and police patrol vehicles and police outriders in an emergency or escorting a VIP if anyone does not know even those.

Policing by PR is failing

If the stats from the police are correct we have to admit solely because of statistical elimination (in probability there are only so many people who will commit a murder and so many that will be victims) we see a limited reduction without considering the cases at the coroner which have not as yet been classified.

Canon Campbell Misfires

The Reverend Canon Sebastian Campbell is passionate about our home-grown national honours system and well he should be. He has worked assiduously to bring it in to being.

Post office boxes

East Hill General Post Office, which has not provided the renters of Post Office Boxes for three-four years any resemblance of some service, again the Post Master - Ministry of Transport defined everything and asks for full payment of rental for 2019-2020!

Baha Mar dock

BAHA MAR’S new marina… a dock is a dock an erection of wooden piles with a walking area on top usually straight out into the water - a marina might have a boulder breakwater, as the new Baha Mar does plus berths which their marina has.

Queen's Honours

It has been a tradition that “worthy” Bahamians are acknowledged for contributions they may have made to nation building by being placed on the Queen’s New Year’s list.