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BAIC bailout - and more to come

The Tribune advised this morning that BAIC has received a $500,000 bailout from the taxpayers money to pay down the $3.123m debt of that corporation.

Why, why, why?

Why is the cable still off and when it is on why are there channels missing, you should get there channels that you paid for, if the package changed someone should let you know, channels have been taken away and added nobody let me know what was going on.

Dynamic duo of politicians

Two of the most intriguing personalities to dominate the Bahamian political landscape during the 1950s and 1960s, in my opinion, were Sir Randol F Fawkes and Sir Stafford Sands. The latter was the most polarising politician in Bahamian history. When his image was placed on the $10 banknote by the Free National Movement (FNM) administration of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in March 2000, it stirred up a hornets' nest.

Ignore the shot spotters

Minister of National Security is making a lot of fuss about this Shot Spotter Alert system that will be rolled out very soon.

Long range binoculars?

Haitian sloops being able to enter the Bahamas and seemingly have free will until just within eye-shot of Nassau - Why?

Entrepreneurs in first anniversary

A boutique print shop and shipping company based in Centreville is celebrating its first business anniversary this month.

Travel advisories are not flippant

Travel advisories are issued by sovereign governments to advise their citizens of danger or potential danger when visiting a particular city, area or country – they are not flippantly issued.

Let's get ready to defend drone attack

How we like to copy so has the Ministry of Transport - Police and NAD got some very strict regs to ban the flying of drones anywhere close to LPIA or any airport?

We should join the Canada club

Canada is the second wealthiest country in North America with an impressive GDP of $46,437 per capita.

Public safety is key concern

Every sovereign State has the right to issue advices to their citizens as to the safety of travel to any area in the world – it is their sovereign legal constitutional responsibility.

MPs need to disclose

CRUISE Port of Nassau - the best choice is the Cruise Lines without any doubt as already commented on - dah - who controls the itinerary’s where the ships visit, not the Cruise Line, so if they are managing Nassau Port there is an enormous financial reason to visit.

Three ships the minimum

Who would you prefer managing the Port of Nassau?

Competent would be enough


Did Minnis jinx Saxons?

The readership of this newspaper will undoubtedly recall Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ lighthearted comment to the media about his desire for the Shell Saxons Superstars to win the Boxing Day Junkanoo Parade. The comment came in response to a question regarding the unprecedented industrial unrest the Free National Movement (FNM) administration was facing in early December.

We need to deliver good services so tourists return

I read in the newspapers the other day that air arrivals to the country were up 16.5 percent for the year. That’s extraordinary.

Why Dr Minnis still gets my vote

I voted PLP and DNA before, but 2017 was the first time I voted FNM. I’m glad I did. The party was the best choice on May 10, 2017, and it remains the best choice today.

If you resist the devil, he will flee from you

Hey you, yeah you who all about terrorising the country. Killing, robbing innocent people and raping young women. Yeah you it’s you I’m talking to. Going around giving our country a bad name. People being warned not to come to the Bahamas. Nice tourists places like the fish fry getting caught up in your stupidness.

Promises taking the joy from life

The incomparable Dionne Warwick sang a song that went like this,

Moving in the right direction

An open letter from the FNM government after its first full year in office.

Marley's lasting legacy to people of The Bahamas

This month of December marks the 39th anniversary of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s International Year of the Child Bob Marley benefit concert at the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre. Tuff Gong, as the Jamaican reggae artiste was nicknamed after Gong Guru Maragh, better known as Leonard Percival Howell, was invited by International Year of the Child Commission members the late Beryl Hanna, Rubie Nottage and Telzena Coakley.

A different take on democracy

It is the Christmas season and my favourite time – new year– is approaching. It is a time of reflection and improvement. Some improve their home by repairs, painting and decorations. Some improve themselves by being generous and making new year resolutions. In this vein I suggest an improvement for the Bahamas’ political system which is a representative democracy.

Visitors love Fish Fry

Last week, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines released a letter warning its passengers aboard the Anthem of the Seas about levels of crime in Nassau.


The issue of legalisation of ganja has become a popular issue in the global discourse on drugs since the pioneering role of countries such as Uruguay and Canada led the way regarding the legalisation of ganja for medicinal and recreational purposes.

Church and State

BAHAMAS Christian Council (BCC) President Delton Fernander’s apprehension regarding the Free National Movement (FNM) administration’s Non-profit Organisations Bill may be legitimate.

Going into a year of hope

If no one else in The Bahamas believes that I am a prophet, I do. Please, my beloved fellow Bahamians, do not take this assertion as an attempt to big up myself or a vain one to convince any reader to accept whatever I might say or prognosticate without a dose of Morton Salt. Nor, I declare and proclaim is that to suggest any degree of infallibility.