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Has a permit been issued for the work at Baha Mar?

Glad someone saw this development…seemingly quietly the expansion of the original dock has now a breakwater and marina docks.

Unwise to suggest Nassau is getting safer

There are times Ministers and senior officials when they will be well advised not to comment as usually what they say comes to bite them hard. Between the PM’s statement copied by the Asst Commissioner of Police and the Minister that it was safer in Nassau can only be described as stupid.

The wrong moral course

The LGBT community in The Bahamas is active and robust. Its leading spokesperson, Erin Greene, recently took Senator Ranard Henfield to task for allegedly uttering a homophobic slur while on Facebook. To his credit, Henfield has apologised. Greene seems to want more from the former We March organiser. With her typical persecution complex, Greene has called for MPs and senators to launch an anti-hate speech campaign, as if the LGBT community is being systematically harassed by the heterosexual population. I’m certain there have been LGBT members who have uttered heterophobic slurs in the past. However, Bahamian heterosexuals never seek to make a mountain out of a molehill by demanding government intervention when they are insulted by gay people. Why is it that Greene and co. always feel as if they are entitled to preferential treatment?

Adrian Gibson, our shining star

The year 2018 is about to end and I felt it would be remiss of me to go into 2019 without giving kudos to Long Island’s Member of Parliament, Mr Adrian Gibson, who has worked tirelessly on behalf of the residents of Long Island since he took office as their representative in May of 2017.

Best choice is clear to me

Global Holdings and APD/Arawak Port Development must have got a shock of their lives when the PS, Finance read out that a Mega Cruise Line group - Carnival - RCL - NCL -Disney had put in a bid for the Port of Nassau.

Disembarkation is the key

PORT of Nassau RFP. When has The Chamber of Commerce ever been partisan in supporting any proposer-candidate to develop anything?

After three double murders, time to resume hanging

The Bahamas has had three execution styled double murders in a three week span, for a grand total of 89 murders in 2018 thus far. There are arguments for and against the death penalty, but philosophising alone does not produce tangible results in reducing criminality and murder. My personal opinion is that the government should resume hanging, but not as a knee jerk reaction to the reckless rampant taking of human life we have been witnessing.

Triple top: Here are my leading MPs of the Year

THIS year was not a good one for the average Bahamian. On balance, since the advent of the ruling FNM regime, the economy has contracted and things are 'tough' for the bulk of the lower and middle classes. The upper classes, as usual, especially the politicians, apparently, and their cronies, have increased their net worth and appear to be living large on the proverbial hog.........the Adrosian one.

Some of our political class have been willing to sell us into economic slavery

Bahamas Power and light seems intent upon forcing us to pay more for electricity than is necessary or affordable for the average Bahamian. Every day, people tell me about having to choose between paying their light bill and other important bills and expenses. And yet there is no good reason for this.

We must beware people who want to change their name

I am a Bahamian citizen by birth, origin, heritage, lineage down through time were Bahamian. My grandparents birthed my mother and she bore children– there were ten of us – each gender properly represented…and we all were given names…so that differentiation/can take place…so that we/they would be able to systematise the differences.

Time to tame the dragon

This tale was inspired by the resolute and ongoing work of the members of the Lighthouse Point Protection Coalition and my reading of Columbia University and NASA climate scientist Kate Marvel’s fairy tale in Scientific American, Slaying the climate dragon. Marvel’s tale serves as a launching point for a tale about another metaphorical dragon, and I am indebted to her for both inspiration and her reminder that, while not all original fairy tales have sanitised happy endings, the impact of the villian on the victim can be mitigated by virtuous champions — thus allowing fairy tales to end on a hopeful note, inspiring the done-to, the affected, to continue to do battle against the dragon.

Stop giving these murderers the kid glove treatment

In October 2013 I wrote that Bahamas Christian Network CEO Silbert Mills had posted on his Facebook page that there were 1,000 murders committed in The Bahamas up to that point since the state execution of David Mitchell on January 6, 2000.

Why American Football event is a bad investment

For whatever reason does tourism think the Bahama American Football Bowl is an event that should be expensively sponsored? We have to demand that after this year there will be a public disclosure of the audience - attendees at Thomas Robinson Stadium - cost to Tourism - hotel revenue/spend?

Juries can’t deliver the justice we need

Our justice system makes use of juries in criminal and select civil cases.

Courts need to show the way

In the last fortnight, social media has been obsessed by the PM’s silly remarks about Bahamians having lost their fear of crime under his watch. While foolish remarks by our prime minister have long since become as newsworthy as the sunrise, it is sad to see the focus of the discussion about crime once again misdirecting itself: this time onto the absurd distinction of whether 90 or 110 Bahamians were slaughtered with illegal guns in a given year.

Too many guns are coming in from US

There is a craft which politicians need to learn when to talk and when to simply shut up and be quiet!

We’re no fools - we’re just tired

PM so correct on the future for electricity but we cannot forget the 80MW Standby generator RFP…or the pre-RFP contractor -   is still in place therefore the RFP was ‘not issued’?

My thanks to an inspiring Knight

Bastian pays tribute to Mr Denis Knight.

Don’t they know it’s Christmas?

Social media is awash with commentary about the time chosen by “someone” to do road works to East Bay Street between the Bridge and Who Knows Where. Not that that little stretch doesn’t need repaving, but OMG does it have to be done at the busiest time of the year when people have the least amount of time available to sit and dither in traffic?

Judge, jury and executioner . . .

I am disappointed that Sandals Bahamas briskly decided to take on the roles of judge, jury and executioner in the matter pertaining to the New Jersey couple and the Bahamian butler.

Way too fast for my liking

Traffic - speeding and where are our $6million worth of new patrol cars?

Too much privilege for the US embassy

Strange it could be, but did you see the equipment the US embassy donated to the Ministry of National Security?

Sad but marriage has lost its value

I wrote this a while ago and I would like to bring out what Is important to this article:

Time we had a more efficient taxation system

As a way to raise revenue for The Bahamas, I can think of no worse way than the current customs duty regime.

Downtown redevelopment: Why is it taking so long?

Downtown Nassau continues to be a terrible eyesore and a stain upon our national reputation.