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We are living in the world of designer babies

Yesterday it was announced that twin girls were born in China. They are the first babies in the world to be genetically altered, in order to make them immune to HIV.

PLP is at a crossroads

While Sir Lynden was the foremost leader in Bahamian history, the Progressive Liberal Party is not the party of Sir Lynden, nor is it the party of any one man. Instead, it is a party emboldened by an idea of a grand experiment promoting the social and economic well-being of all Bahamians. Beneath the rubbles of our defeat is an ascending philosophy inscribed of ordinary duties inherited by the common interest we share with our founders.

Unshackle our Family Islands

Some writers have recently brought forth the importance of immediately acting on the idea of democracy, most especially the revision of our local government laws.

McAlpine gets his 15 minutes

Saw a video clip of Free National Movement MP for Pineridge Frederick McAlpine breaching a makeshift barricade which was presumably erected by officers of the Royal Bahamas Police Force on Rawson Square at the Enough is Enough demonstration.

Cemetery campaign looking like a success

My recollection is that I began my campaign to have Eastern Cemetery Lane restored to its rightful purpose, sometime in 2008, now some ten years ago.

We need small government

I agreed with the PLP when they opposed the sale of majority shares in BTC to a private company. Now, several years on, I must say that my position has completely reversed. We now have two telecoms companies and while I am happy to say that I do not use BTC, I understand that their service and standards have improved exponentially through competition.

Middle classes are being decimated by rising taxes

Every time the PM and his celebrated Free National Movement Administration seem to be getting it right they bungle and do so very badly. It is almost beyond logic and simple common sense to try and understand their intention towards the bulk of the unwashed Bahamians.

FNM needs a better narrative

MARK Twain once said that a lie can travel half way round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes

Why it's now time to legalise marijuana

IN the coming months here in the Bahamas “white” men are poised to run huge marijuana businesses, dreaming of cashing in big. Big money, big businesses, selling weed, dope or whatever you may want to call it, after 50 years of locking up impoverished young and old black Bahamians for selling this same product.

Protect the democratic process

Other than the pot calling the kettle black about “shoddy accounting”, what could be the motive for government forcing businesses to provide audited financials with their business licence application?

Squandering our potential

I always have mixed feelings when tributes pour in for prominent persons in our society, particularly former politicians who are recently deceased. On the one hand there are glowing reports of their accomplishments and successes, their love for God, family and country and their impeccable character and on the other hand, there is the truth.

Time to stop pandering to irresponsible vendors

THE Nassau Straw Market is teeming with Progressive Liberal Party devotees and PLP Leader Philip “Brave” Davis is cognisant of this. In an act of solidarity, Davis and PLP executives toured the straw market recently and heard the complaints of disgruntled vendors against the Free National Movement administration’s crackdown on delinquent vendors who are failing to pay their $37.50 weekly rental fee.

It's David v Goliath all over again

I have just finished reading a book called Moneyland by investigative journalist Oliver Bullough. The second last chapter is entitled Tax Heaven USA. The cover on the book says “Why thieves & crooks now rule the world and how to take it back”.

Why BISX still has role to play

I read with interest your critique of David Kosoy for his calling BISX “Useless” – a view I myself have sometimes shared.

Hotels should not ignore local talent

I was not surprised at all by the comments of the director of labour regarding unemployment and the expatriates working in the hotels.

Time to think outside the box

As the battle rages on about whether the BEC/BPL rates are too high, or whether they have increased by 60% or 70%, there is one thing that everyone seems to agree on and that is that electricity costs far too much.

Don't hide your identity

Within our current reality in The Bahamas, we’re noticing that Bahamians, mostly females, are beginning to embrace their Afrocentric (natural) beauty/appearance.

A PM term limit would prevent another Pindling

Two referenda have failed in The Bahamas under the last Progressive Liberal Party administration of former Prime Minister Perry Christie: the constitutional referendum in 2016 and the gaming referendum in 2013. Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ plan to implement term limits for the office of prime minister will almost certainly succeed in a referendum. I believe Minnis wants ten years or two terms for the prime minister.

Why airspace fees should come to us

Our failure to capitalize on our own airspace is losing us millions of dollars each year. Most Bahamians may be unaware, but every aircraft that flies within our national boundaries pays a fee, a kind of tax if you will, for right of passage through our territory. The problem is, currently those fees, which can number in the many thousands of dollars per flight, get paid to the United States authorities!

We need a Governor General we can respect

There comes a time in life when we must recognise where we are and when our time has come. Too many of us remain on the political scene only to suit our own purposes and not the country’s. Like many preachers, politicians cannot exit the stage and enjoy their retirement. Greed blinds us.

Perverse and ignorant comments

Was the PLP’s Mall Renovation Estimate Inflated?

We need to take control of our airspace

Several months ago, the government said it was working diligently to get control of our airspace from the United States. This is a vital initiative in terms both of the country’s ability to earn revenue by charging fees to airlines that use our airspace, but also in terms of our sovereignty and dignity as a people. Why should the United States be making money every time a plane flies over the Bahamas? Common sense will tell you the status quo is an absurd arrangement.

Bradley, a man who meant well for us all

I was astonished to learn that former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chair and Bain and Grants Town MP Bradley Roberts had passed away on the afternoon of October 25.

Get ready to be shocked

NHI - we all know how desperate this is needed, but there is a problem - can we afford it based on the wages and monies left, after we pay all the taxes, supermarkets and medical expenses?

Cut away the dead wood

PLP postpones much heralded Convention. What is the real reason? PLP commentator Philip Galanis led the public to suspect something was coming, and in usual manner, the populous were asked not to oppose Brave Davis as leader. What they promised Glynis and Obie?