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So what did the FNM rebels see?

Not so long ago the FNM displayed exactly what kind of prime minister we would get if self-imposed the highest Most Honourable Hubert Alexander Minnis was given the reigns of power.

Politicians amusing us

Statements from officials many times are the most amusing. Minister for National Security - people feel a lot safer now - hell yes, because we adjusted to the carnage of a year ago and still, believe me. Minister fear crime.

Tedious list of mistakes

According to this morning’s (Nov 5) dailies, Dr Minnis claims that his government’s decline in support over the last 18 months has been because of “mistakes’” made and a failure to get more positive messages across to the public. Nice try, but thinking Bahamians know better.

On a dismal trajectory

When I was a mere lad growing up is the settlement of West End, Grand Bahama, I used to hear older guys say that some Bahamian women would say “no” with their lips, but write “yes” in the dirt with their toes!

Downtown is a disgrace

A recent opinion piece by Diane Phillips “Oh for just a little bit of imagination” in The Tribune is so timely, and in many ways unwittingly responds to another article by John Issa, “A View From Afar” where he asks why can’t we lure more tourists off the cruise ships. And in many ways Diane Philips answers that question admirably.

Mighty dollar beats safety

Ministry of Health survey announcement….can the Minister explain why we are being asked to provide fingerprints as participation in the survey?

Four rebels, no real cause

It seems that in every parliamentary term at least one MP goes rogue and rejects the metaphorical paramour who invited him to the legislative dance.

It's time to restructure the Bahamas National Trust

In May 2018, I sent a long letter to the President, the new Council and the Director of Bahamas National Trust.

Why we all owe a debt to Roy Bowe

Please allow me a little space to pay tribute to a giant in the developing Bahamas. He was so much to all of us, but to me he was my hero!

Bathrooms need fixing – now

Recently, I came across a post circulating online in reference to Festival Place bathrooms near Prince George Wharf. It wasn't long before I had to go see for myself what all the ruckus was about. Seeing that I consider myself a die-hard Bahamian, I get a little sensitive about any bad publicity that could affect us – especially our tourism industry.

Shameful state at Okra Hill

How could Okra Hill Lodge, just off Shirley Street, be left in that state, and probably humans living in the building – without the police or Urban Renewal knowing?

Exuma Park: We deserve full disclosure

With great interest I read the October 30, letter regarding the apparent lack of transparency with the Exuma Park deal the Bahamas National Trust cut with Albany. I was travelling and missed the original story in September and the Trust’s “lacklustre” reply on October 11.

We must displace hatred with love and pray for a safer tomorrow

We are still shaken and deeply saddened from the appalling massacre in the Etz Chayim - Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA this past Saturday.

The police station on Potter’s Cay is a failure

Please allow me space in your column to pose the following public question to the Commissioner of the Royal Bahamas Police Force . . .

Question of Halloween

On Sunday past, I was asked my thoughts on whether Christians should celebrate Halloween. It is a great question, but it is one that Scripture does not speak to in a direct manner, as is the case with many issues that we as Christians have to think through. Therefore, in responding to the question asked on Sunday, my hope is that my approach can serve as a guide for how we should consider matters that Scripture does not specifically address.

Another flawed tender process

LIGHTHOUSE Pointe - Eleuthera … incredible someone in government understands - you can’t make an application for a proposal if you don’t have any rights to the land - thank you Ace Newbold …. hope you explain to PM Minnis and Minister D’Aguilar!

We deserve transparency over Exuma


Time for the Roland T Symonette building

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas is in desperate need of a Post Office Department. Instead of all the back-and-forth talks, something should be done and soon.

Government shouldn't have to bail out sporting events

The promo for the American Football Bowl - Nassau is laughable…as the American gives praises on praises behind him, the video shows precisely why this event should have been cancelled - the bleaches are totally empty.

Bradley Roberts ran his race well

THE most untimely death of Bradley Roberts, former long time member of parliament for the great constituency of Bain & Grants Town and cabinet minister extraordinaire, marks the end of a political era in our wonderful nation. My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to his widow, the children and immediate family. As long as there is a Bahamas, Bradley will always be fondly remembered.

All doctors and nurses deserve better conditions

Strikes and strike votes are action taken as a mean of protest where employees try to force their bosses to consider their demands regarding working conditions, salaries and many other concerns.

Beware the 'mental midgets'

The freedom of expression which we welcome and are now free to enjoy here in The Bahamas must cause us to lift the level of debates on crucial national issues. Most right-thinking people would agree that we are losing sight of civility and humanity in our national debates and dialogue.

What is the Bahamas without the Family Islands?

I want to respond to some of the things that the Acting Director of Education said about the proposed amalgamation of Cat Island schools.

UN Council consequences

IS our election to the UN Human Rights Council going to cause extremely complicated consequences as we do not and have not been able to resolve what two national referenda tried to do?

Bahamas-born not the same as Bahamian-born

Mr Jean Rony Jean-Charles is only the latest person to be ushered into our constitutional waiting room in the hope of getting a prognosis on his immigration fever.