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Why the Point might struggle to entertain us all

Can the Minister of Health confirm that we have an epidemic of Foot in mouth? PM at Point topping off…this project will add to the culture of our city!

Proud to be a descendant of Eleuthera

Please allow me space in your newspaper to share my thoughts on the Lighthouse Point proposed development by Disney Cruise Line.

Polls paint different stories

Sam Duncombe needs to understand The Tribune Poll probably is mostly Nassau-Freeport residents, done on-line whilst The Domain Poll was targeted across all islands.

We must beware the cunning spider

According to the town hall meeting televised from the Green Castle Primary School in Eleuthera on Wednesday, many Eleutherans decked in pro-Disney Cruise Lines t-shirts, made it clear that they wanted to hear no opposition to Disney’s proposal to turn their God-given uniquely beautiful island into a playground for Disney’s cruise passengers.

We need a new sense of freedom

“FREEDOM.” That is what the island of Eleuthera represents, indeed what its name means—from the ancient Greek word Eleutheria.

Too many questions

WHY is the public library downtown closed at nine in the morning? To my knowledge everything is supposed to open at 9am downtown.

Save Lighthouse Point for us all

I wish to refer to The Tribune of 18 September and to the letter by my friend Joe Darville entitled, “Lighthouse Point must be saved”. I fully concur with the contents of the letter.

Selection of heroes 'too political'

I am sad that the criteria used to select our so-called heroes was political. The accolades bestowed on some were self imposed and therefore dilutes the value of the intent, as I understand it to be.

False pretences

SOTIC…CTO conference PI…always a big event but…

It's all political window dressing

EDITOR, The Tribune Have a serious accident with loss of life then Government wakes up oh only for that moment and time for a lot of talk and little else.

We need to be proactive

Why is our Government system totally reactive rather than proactive? Acting after the fact and discovering what was supposed to have been in place was not!

Do we owe Nygard a thank you?

Recently, there has been some not so pleasant occurrences as it relates to a well-known resident of The Bahamas and indeed Lyford Cay, Peter Nygard.

A real BPL enquiry?

BP&L - do I believe there is any enquiry going on? No. The enquiry anyway should be on the Shell America deal and BP&L not complying with URCA.

Disabled parking

EDITOR, The Tribunes1 Re: Parking in a disabled bay - You’ll be fined.

Charged over a seat belt

A few months ago, my niece was charged for not using her seat belt while she was in the back seat of a moving vehicle. The driver of the car was also charged with allowing a passenger to be in her moving car who was not using their seat belt.

Beware of special interests

The following is an open letter to the Hon Dionisio D’Aguilar, Minister of Tourism on the Lighthouse Point Beach matter.

Sands should go

While it is becoming an increasingly trite and depressing exercise to judge which of the members of this government is least competent, Duane Sands continues to exert every effort to claim the prize.

BPL tender issue

Absolutely no apology! I return to the BP&L RFP/tender issue as there has been no resolution to correct malpractice and breach of the Electricity Act 2015. Your Editorial position believing the opinion of BP&L is wrong - you have not spoken to URCA who controls the practice of BP&L who are not lords unto themselves.

Lighthouse Point and Disney deal

I am an environmental proponent but I am also of the opinion that where there appears to be a conflict between protecting the environment at the expenses of creating sustainable jobs/employment opportunities for real people that the latter should take precedent.

Britain’s Brexit dilemma

UK and the EU - their Brexit, March 2019 is turning out to be the most laughable event in UK political history. UK never really wanted to join the EU - reluctant from the beginning and then only after the EU being an enormous economy force UK saw the advantages and asked to join.

Follow the process

It seems some people wish to avoid due legal process in this issue of Lighthouse Point-Eleuthera.

Someone tell govt we're broke

The reality of our fiscal situation still seems to elude those in political office. When I read of the efforts, and expense, of The Bahamas joining the WTO, I wonder who has told the government that we have the money to spend on this fool’s errand.

Save The Bahamas

Recently the Deputy Provost Marshall of the Supreme Court was refused entry to the property of Peter Nygard at Simms Point in order to serve a court order to seize the property. After many hours, the court official along with high-ranking police officials were turned away empty handed.

Save our architectural heritage

Someone at Public Works has no clue what Colonial Heritage in The Bahamas entails. Either Amos Ferguson, former lecturer of History of Architecture I and II at the College of The Bahamas, should run a special interest course for people interested in learning more about historic buildings, etc. before any structure, especially within the city limits, is constructed it should include Dormers, Quoins, Casement Colonial windows, etc. (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns, etc.)

Raise age of consent

If there’s one law in The Bahamas in dire need of a complete overhaul, it is the law regarding the age of consent for sexual intercourse. Under the Bahamian jurisdiction, adolescents aged 16 are legally able to consent to participation in sexual activity, even without gaining permission from their guardians. Conversely, the legal age for drinking alcohol and voting is 18. The age of consent law undermines the fiduciary guardianship of Bahamian parents.