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Pintard: We will be cautious after employee tests positive

AGRICULTURE Minister Michael Pintard said officials will err on the side of caution after a Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources employee tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Straw market vendors face uncertain future

WITH no income coming in due to COVID-19 restrictions, straw vendors say they fear they do not have sufficient food supplies and income to last for the duration of a two-week lockdown as provisions made by the government are not enough.

Several customs officers in Abaco placed under quarantine

SEVERAL customs officers in Abaco have been placed under quarantine after a worker was exposed to a COVID-19 positive patient on the island, prompting officials there to close the Customs Department at the Leonard M Thompson International Airport on Thursday.

FORMER FNM Chairman Johnley Ferguson dies, according to reports

FORMER Free National Movement Chairman Johnley Ferguson died Thursday morning, according to reports.

Man dies after shooting on Pine Yard Road

A man is dead after a shooting on Pine Yard Road on Wednesday afternoon.

Pinder doubts shutdown will see job losses increase

WHILE optimistic about the current national lockdown, Director of Labour John Pinder said he doubts unemployment will increase during this period due to the extended NIB unemployment programme that is giving employers a necessary break.

Health chiefs accept suspect cases are severe challenge

AFTER several doctors and nurses at Princess Margaret Hospital walked off the job due to COVID-19 safety concerns, the Public Hospitals Authority yesterday admitted the facility has remained challenged due to the influx of suspected COVID-19 patients presenting at its A&E Department.

If you catch the virus - don’t panic

A Grand Bahama resident who has COVID-19 but did not experience any of the severe symptoms associated with the disease, says people should not panic if they too test positive because it is not “a death sentence”.

Students urged to look at distance learning courses

THE Ministry of Education has advised students planning to study abroad this year to instead consider distance learning, local tertiary schools or enrolment deferral until 2021 amid global uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pair of businessmen launch website to track pandemic

TWO local businessmen launched a new website this week to allow Bahamians to easily track the COVID-19 pandemic through customisable graphs.

Country’s natural resources are threatened, says pressure group

THE Bahamas Protected Areas Fund says the country’s long history of protecting its natural resources is being threatened by illegal poaching, climate change, external shocks and unfair rules governing the way overseas development assistance (ODA) and other international funding initiatives are allocated.

Son claims he had firearm so he could protect mother

A MAN who claimed he pleaded guilty to illegal firearm and ammunition possession to “protect his mother,” is expected to appear before the chief magistrate for sentencing today.

Man who is accused of home theft remanded to prison

A MAN was yesterday remanded to prison over allegations he broke into a residence to steal a video game console and its accessories.

Denied bail over assault charge

A 35-year-old man who assaulted another man earlier this week was yesterday denied bail ahead of his trial.

36 new cases of COVID-19 reported on Wednesday

The Bahamas recorded 36 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, 30 on New Providence and six on Grand Bahama.

Government releases lockdown emergency order

THE government released the emergency order for the current two-week lockdown on Tuesday night.

Schools will still reopen in September, says Lloyd

THE Ministry of Education still intends to reopen public schools on September 21 with virtual education first and then move on to “blended learning” to be a combination of virtual and face-to-face classrooms, according to Education Minister Jeff Lloyd.

Davis blasts the government for its 'failure

PLP leader Philip “Brave” Davis labelled the Minnis administration a failure over its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying the new lockdown is “only necessary because of a series of specific mistakes” made by the government.

Turnquest: Expect big changes to family budget

FINANCE Minister Peter Turnquest said while officials expect some changes to happen in the “family budget” due to the re-imposed national shutdown, decisions have yet to be made concerning the future of public servants.

Abaco mother worried about support after her son tests positive

AN Abaco woman, whose son has COVID-19, says she is concerned about the lack of communication from health officials on the island as she and her husband have yet to be tested for the virus.

Salons fear they will not survive second lockdown

AFTER the initial COVID-19 lockdown forced them to close for three months earlier this year, some salon and barbershop owners fear they won’t be able to survive this new restrictive period.

Mountain of PPE equipment arrives from China

THE shortage of Personal Protection Equipment has been a problem for countries all over the world since the COVID-19 crisis first exploded.

PMH STAFF PLEA FOR PROTECTION: Doctors and nurses beg for equipment to guard against COVID

WITH the situation at Princess Margaret Hospital at “a boiling point”, doctors and nurses yesterday called on health officials to implement the “necessary protocols” to better protect workers amid safety concerns at the hospital about the COVID-19 threat.

Why close down islands with no recorded cases?

FAMILY Island restauranteurs like Dwight Hart are frustrated with the one-size-fits-all COVID-19 restrictions that will force him to shutter his business for two weeks even though Exuma only has three confirmed cases of the virus.

Johnson’s warning on work permits

AMID economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Immigration Minister Elsworth Johnson said the government will not be issuing any new work permits, except under “urgent circumstances”.