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Two on trial for running food services after 8pm

TWO men who denied operating separate restaurants past 8pm as specified in COVID-19 emergency orders have been granted bail ahead of their trials. Vernal Major, 43, appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes after he was accused of operat

Building its fleet

THE Public Hospitals Authority is continuing to build its fleet of emergency vehicles in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian last year. The devastating storm significantly impacted the National Emergency Medical Services’ ambulance fleet, destroying a

Major roadworks set for Long Island

MAJOR road works will be carried out in Long Island in the coming weeks. According to the island’s MP, Adrian Gibson, various inspections have taken place over the past few months along Queen’s Highway to assess and determine the civil works require

Gunman robs woman of cash

POLICE are looking for a man who robbed a woman on Sunday. Shortly after noon, a woman was at Spikenard Road when she was accosted by a gunman who robbed her of cash. The suspect escaped in an unknown direction, police said. Police also made severa

Son admits threatening to kill father

A 28-year-old man was ordered to attend grief and anger management classes after he admitted to threatening to kill his father during an altercation over the weekend. Chavargo Woodside appeared before Deputy Chief Andrew Forbes charged with one coun

Every donation makes a difference

Every little helps in these difficult times and for Hilltop Cottage Ministries they were grateful for every donation to their efforts to help feed needy families. Representatives of the Righteous Remnant Ministry International from Bolton, North Car

Juvenile remanded over allegations he supplied cocaine

A JUVENILE was remanded to the Simpson Penn Centre for Boys over allegations he supplied cocaine to another person and was found with a quantity of marijuana he intended to sell. The 17-year-old appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes

Two new cases of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama

The Ministry of Health announced on Monday that there are two new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama.

24-year-old driver dies after losing control

24-year-old Philip “PJ” Rolle lost his life on Independence Day when he seemingly lost control of his car and crashed into a concrete wall in Exuma. Although police did not release his identity, a Tribune source in Exuma identified Mr Rolle of Rolle

Freeport Pizza Hut staff member tests positive for COVID-19

Pizza Hut in Freeport is closed until Wednesday after a member of its staff tested positive for COVID-19. I

Sir Randol awarded top honour

GOVERNMENT House has announced the recipients of National Honours this year, with former labour leader Sir Randol Fawkes given the posthumous top honour of the Order of National Hero. Dubbed the “father of labour” Sir Randol pushed for the establish

Operation Sovereign Bahamas takes to the streets

OPERATION Sovereign Bahamas held a march through the streets of New Providence on Independence Day over a myriad of issues. The march, organised by a team including former radio talk show host Adrian Francis and attorney Maria Daxon, called for “no

Three female US tourists climb locked fence at Cabbage Beach

THREE female tourists from the United States jumped a locked fence at the entrance of Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island on Friday. The women, who are from Boston, told a local news station they travelled to the Bahamas for the beach and were not dete

Grand Bahama COVID cases are hard ‘wake up call’

FOLLOWING the sudden spike in COVID-19 cases on Grand Bahama, Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest is urging residents to keep their “guard up”’ He said it is important that residents strictly adhere to the COVID-19 protocols to stop the spread of the virus. Six cases were recorded within one week on the island, while the country recorded seven cases overall last week. Health officials are conducting contact tracing.

Funding for students to study abroad put on hold

THE Ministry of Education has announced that it will not give new scholarships for international studies for the 2020/2021 year due to funding constraints. This includes scholarships to the University of the West Indies, among other institutions.

ActivTrades: The story behind the decisions that lead to war

The history of mankind, has to a large extent been that of its wars, with the winners of any conflict invariably finding themselves in the privileged position of being able to immortalize their own version of the events.

Staff face probe after video shows court party

TOP judiciary officials are investigating a video of people - some who appear to be court staff - staging a party in a courtroom.

RBDF officer among those arrested for possession of drugs

A ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force officer was among several people arrested on Friday and accused of drug possession. Shortly after 1pm on Friday, officers from the Operations Unit while patrolling Lewis Street, observed the occupants of a silver Honda

Delight for more than 600 families who are back in their newly-repaired homes

WITH the support of the Grand Bahama Disaster Relief Foundation and its partners the Rotary Clubs of Grand Bahama, over 600 families are now back in their newly repaired homes since Dorian. GBDRF, the charitable arm of the Grand Bahama Port Authorit

Three new cases of COVID-19 on Grand Bahama

The Ministry of Health confirmed on Saturday that there are three new cases of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama.

Man dies in Exuma crash

Police are investigating after a man died in a traffic accident in Exuma on Friday night.

Man in custody after boy indecently assaulted

A man is in custody after a boy was indecently assaulted at a party in New Providence on Friday night.

FRIDAY UPDATE: One new case of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health announced on Friday that there is a new confirmed case of COVID-19.

BPL Skyguard Severe Weather Alert 10th July: Nassau

STARTS: 07/10/2020 4:14 PM EDT EXPIRES: 07/10/2020 9:00 PM EDT

New case of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama

The Ministry of Health announced on Thursday that there is one additional confirmed case of COVID-19 on Grand Bahama.