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Forum held on responsible drinking

THE University of The Bahamas partnered with Commonwealth Brewery Limited (CBL) to host an open forum on responsible drinking yesterday.

Consumers still struggle with costs

CONSUMERS faced with inflationary costs say they are doing their best to cope.

Olympian Miller: Still much to do

OLYMPIAN Ramon Miller said there is still much more work to be done with the infrastructure and development of Olympia Heights, despite the fast-approaching deadline for completion.

All clear for Exuma spill site

THE Exuma diesel spill site was given the all clear to reopen yesterday.

Lewis raises suspicion of arson over Bazaar fires

CENTRAL Grand Bahama MP Iram Lewis believes fires at the International Bazaar in Freeport have been “deliberately” set and that arson is “certainly in play”.

Camp offers ‘a unique opportunity’

THE Bahamas Coalition for Disability Awareness and Services’ Camp Inclusion ’22 is underway at the Anatol Rodgers High School - providing a unique opportunity for disabled and not so disabled persons to come together.

FOAM appeals for more back-to-school support

DESPITE generous contributions from Senators last week, the founder of Families of All Murder Victims (FOAM) says much more help is still needed to support the organisation’s two back-to-school initiatives.

‘Learn to swim’ – a warning to parents

SWIM instructors have echoed police warnings to parents to make certain that their children are supervised while swimming.

National player in forgery offence

A member of the national women’s basketball team appeared in court yesterday accused of trying to use a fake police record to travel through Lynden Pindling International Airport.

Vaccine facilities to be sited on campus

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis says plans are underway to set up vaccination sites at school campuses in an effort to get more children inoculated against COVID-19.

School repairs to meet deadline

THE Ministry of Education is moving full steam ahead with plans to revamp and redevelop public schools, according to Education Minister Glenys Hanna Martin. The minister said yesterday at least two schools - including Government High - were in “deplorable condition”.

PREVENTION OR PROSECUTION?: PM says priority must be tackling causes of crime not just catching criminals

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis has described as “alarming” this year’s current rise in cases of murder.

Man accused of indecent assault of 18-year-old

A MAN was charged in a Magistrate’s Court yesterday for allegedly indecently assaulting an 18-year-old woman.

$1,500 fine for bail breach

A MAN was ordered to pay a fine of $1,500 in a Magistrate’s Court yesterday after admitting to violating bail conditions.

13-year-old on theft charge

A boy was charged in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday with stealing $1227.20 worth of goods from a church.

As murder toll hits 85, police aim to stop year’s total exceeding 100

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander is of the view that there is room to “finish the year strong” in the country not surpassing 100 murders this year, while the murder count stands at 85 with four more months in 2022.

Celebrating Fox Hill Day

PRIME Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis, several government ministers and members of the Official Opposition visited Fox Hill Baptist churches that yesterday held ecumenical services to commemorate this year’s Fox Hill Day celebrations.

PM plans to table Procurement Act amendments ‘very early’

THE Prime Minister has said his administration is hoping to table amendments to the Public Procurement Act in Parliament “very early” after it convenes following the summer recess.

‘Irresponsible’ to say 150,000 Haitians live in Bahamas

LABOUR and Immigration Minister Keith Bell believes it was “irresponsible” and “callous” for a Haitian official to claim that more than 150,000 Haitians currently live in The Bahamas.

Davis: We will not sit idly by as country is hit by inflation

DESPITE warnings from experts to brace for higher inflation rates, Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis insisted that his administration will not just sit idly by and allow the country “be swallowed up by inflation”.

‘Dorian announcement may have been taken out of context’

IN the wake of backlash over plans for a week-long Hurricane Dorian memorial, Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis says he believes announcements about the planned events may have been taken out of context.

Police ‘to deal with’ leaks of sensitive pictures

PEOPLE found disseminating sensitive information from active investigations will be dealt with, this according to Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander yesterday.

Shelter - we can’t take any more animals

THE Bahamas Humane Society has announced it is currently unable to accept stray or owner surrendered animals. This will continue to be the case until BHS is able to find homes for the animals it now has leaving additional room to accommodate new intake.

Police chief: Scrap bail for serious criminals

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander says he fully supports Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe’s position that people charged with serious crimes should be kept in custody rather than be released on bail.

Parents warned after boy drowned in canal

A TEENAGE boy drowned while swimming with friends in the Seabreeze Canal yesterday.