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Campaign finance reform on agenda

THE Davis administration plans to amend the Public Disclosure Act to include campaign finance reform with a view of prosecuting those “who run afoul of the law,” Economic Affairs Minister Michael Halkitis said yesterday.

PLP corruption trials cost $1.1m

ATTORNEY General Ryan Pinder revealed yesterday the Minnis administration paid some $1.1 million on the failed “political” prosecutions of former Cabinet minister Shane Gibson and former PLP Senator Frank Smith.

AG seeks axe for African lawyers

ATTORNEY General Ryan Pinder said he has requested the Judicial and Legal Services Commission to terminate the contracts of two non-Bahamian lawyers who were appointed to senior posts in the Department of Public Prosecutions under the former administration.

Schools restart in early January

ALL schools in the country will reopen for in-person instruction in the second week of January with just a few exceptions, according to Minister of Education and Technical and Vocational Training Glenys Hanna Martin.

Pedestrian dies after being struck by car

A pedestrian is dead after he was struck by a car on Sunday night in New Providence.

Marine tells court her husband ‘threw garbage at her’ and ‘punched her repeatedly’

A FEMALE marine yesterday testified how her spouse threw garbage at her before punching her repeatedly and accusing her of contaminating their marital home.

Man accused of burglary and indecent assault

A 50-year-old man accused of burglary and indecent assault was yesterday denied bail.

Two-and-a-half year sentence is affirmed

THE Court of Appeal has affirmed the two-and-a-half-year sentence of a man who was caught riding in a car with two loaded firearms three years ago.

Plans for hurricane shelter and soup kitchen in Grand Bahama

THE Evangeline Jervis Community Service Distribution Centre has resumed plans to build a 4,000 sq ft hurricane shelter/soup kitchen to serve as “a proper shelter facility” for Grand Bahama.

Darville preparing in case of fourth wave

WHILE daily COVID-19 cases continue to trend downward, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said officials are starting “to prepare for war when there is peace” in the event of a fourth coronavirus wave.

Pop-up sites to provide jabs

HEALTH officials have started offering COVID-19 vaccinations at pop-up sites recently, with shots being given out at Arawak Cay on the weekend.

Gibson upset his defeated rival was invited on Long Island trip

LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson has taken issue with Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville for inviting a defeated election candidate on an official trip to Long Island.

Govt targets vaccine for children under 12

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said yesterday officials are hoping to receive paediatric doses of the Pfizer vaccine for five to 11-year-olds as soon as possible to assist with the successful opening of schools for face-to-face learning.

FAMILY’S DESPAIR AT BELLA’S DEATH: Police quiz couple after four-year-old dies from ‘injuries’

THE family of a four-year-old girl who died in hospital on Friday after being brought to the facility with injuries is struggling to accept the situation, with one relative sorrowfully telling The Tribune yesterday “we sent her to her death”.

Obstacle course challenge raises cancer funds

AN obstacle course challenge put on in collaboration with the Cancer Society of The Bahamas, Chickcharney Chirren and Sun Oil Ltd has left gas consumers happy and the cancer awareness entity with a nice donation.

Survey being carried out of nation’s organisations

TO address the social, cultural, and economic issues that face the country, One Eleuthera Foundation, the Organization for Responsible Governance, Civil Society Bahamas, and Intel Cay are launching a national survey of not-for-profits, faith-based organisations, and other mission-based groups.

Man and woman in custody after death of four-year-old girl

A man and woman are in custody after a four-year-old girl died after being brought to Princess Margaret Hospital with injuries on Friday.

PM 'not minded' to allow oil drilling

PRIME Minister Philip Davis said he is “not minded” to allow oil drilling in The Bahamas and is completely opposed to oil exploitation in the country.

PM hopes COP26 summit is fruitful in climate change fight

PRIME Minister Philip Davis says he’s an optimist and hopes the COP26 summit is fruitful in the fight against climate change even though the cynicism of critics is warranted.

BUT president: Concerns were raised over virtual platform, school repairs

AN alarm was sounded several months ago that not only was the Ministry of Education’s virtual platform inoperable, but that schools were in a dire need for repair, according to Bahamas Union of Teachers President Belinda Wilson yesterday.

Man accused of indecent assault on remand pending probation report

A 60-YEAR-OLD man accused of indecent assault remained on remand pending a probation report to assist the magistrate in considering an appropriate sentencing.

Stolen US vessel found

A STOLEN US vessel was recovered at an apartment complex on the canal in the Lucaya area this week, Grand Bahama police said.

Govt house security report was never given to RBDF

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe said the Minnis administration produced a report into the security of Government House that was never shared with the Royal Bahamas Defence Force for its review and input.

‘Board should review prison’

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe said an important statutory board that should review matters related to the protection of inmates of the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services failed to do its job because the department under Commissioner Charles Murphy refused to cooperate.

Complaints unit ‘lacks staff’

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe said the Police Complaints Inspectorate, a civilian organisation that should provide oversight of the Royal Bahamas Police Force’s Complaints and Corruption Unit, has likely lacked the staff required to function properly.