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‘Valiant effort’ to close BTC deal

The Government and Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC) still have not closed their ‘2 per cent’ deal over the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC), despite making a “very, very valiant effort” to do so last week.

Chamber gets on the move

The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation (BCCEC) will introduce its ‘Board of Directors on the Move’ initiative on June 18, in a bid to provide more accessibility to its members .

Gaming 'double taxed' if subjected to VAT

A leading accounting firm has warned that casino gaming would be subject to “double taxation” if it was made ‘VAT-able’, undermining the industry’s competitiveness and ability to attract world-class tournaments.

Real estate market 'fair' in first half

NASSAU-based realtors have described activity during the 2014 first half as “fair” and “steady”, with some noting significant activity in the high-end market.

Poultry producer in feed cost challenges

AN Abaco-based poultry producer is still being challenged by high feed costs coming off a “terrible December and January”, calling for the 30 per cent duty on imported poultry to be “tweaked a bit” as it was selling certain portions at a big loss due.

KPMG urges Gov’t: Be ‘more aggressive’ over spending cuts

A leading accounting firm last night urged the Government to “take a much more aggressive approach” to cutting its projected $1.823 billion in public spending, describing the issue as “the elephant in the room”.

$4.1bn pension liability a ‘Titanic-sinking iceberg’

The Government’s unfunded public sector pension liabilities will hit $4.1 billion by 2032 without proper reform, a leading accounting firm yesterday describing this as “unsustainable” and akin to “the iceberg that sank the Titanic”.


Any failure to properly implement Value-Added Tax (VAT) and better collect existing taxes will have a “material” impact on the 2014-2015 Budget, a leading accounting firm yesterday expressing hope that the Government’s revenue projections were “conservative”.

Solomon's Mines owner: No Diamonds Int'l sale

Solomon’s Mines’ owner yesterday denied it was currently seeking to sell the luxury goods retailer to Diamonds International or any other suitor, saying it would let the new management team “do their thing”.

'Domino effect' concerns over minimum wage

The “domino effects” from a minimum wage increase are the private sector’s main concern, a leading executive explaining yesterday that it could result in ‘across-the-board’ salary rise pressures.

Minimum wage rise would impact some hotel staff

THE Bahamas Hotel and Restaurant Employers’ Association (BHEA) said yesterday it would welcome the opportunity to discuss changes to the country’s minimum wage, acknowledging it would have implications for certain categories of workers within the industry.

Trust aiming to 'jump start' nature tourism

CITING the “immense potential” for nature-based tourism in the Bahamas, the National Trust’s (BNT) executive director believes an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) funded project to promote the sector in Andros and Inagua could ultimately “jump start” the sector throughout the Family Islands.

Cash: Unpaid land bills 'instructive' for VAT

The Free National Movement’s (FNM) chairman yesterday charged that the Government’s multi-million dollar unpaid bill for land it has compulsorily acquired was a good indication of how the Christie administration will treat Value-Added Tax (VAT) credits, warning that businesses should not expect to receive their payments on a timely basis.

Development Bank moves to forge international ties

The Bahamas Development Bank (BDB) is moving to forge strategic alliances with similar multilateral and international lending institutions, as part of its 2014-2018 strategic plan.

The faults that can damage your brand

Many people have become familiar with the damaged brands of General Motors, Target and Paula Deen Enterprises. Each of these entities made gross errors in their delivery of products and services, resulting in reduced customer loyalty and, ultimately, lower output and profits.

Bank celebrates sixth Cat Island anniversary

Bank of the Bahamas’ Cat Island branch has celebrated its sixth anniversary with a business reception, community sponsorships and appreciation day for customers. Head office representatives also travelled to Cat Island to attend the reception that was held at the branch in New Bight on June 4.

Atlantis cautious but group pace 25% faster

Atlantis’s top executive is remaining cautious despite a group booking pace for 2015 and 2016 that is 25 per cent faster than this year’s, adding of 2014 to-date: “We’re exactly where we thought we’d be.”

Insurance fear on inflationary impact from VAT

A leading Bahamian insurer has expressed concern about a potential “one-time” balance sheet hit if claims reserves are not sufficient to absorb the 7.5 per cent Value-Added Tax’s (VAT) inflationary impact.

Bahamians urged: 'Pull hard for Leon's success'

Bahamians employed by multinational companies were yesterday urged to “pull hard for Leon Williams to succeed” at the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC), a leading businessman suggesting this could pave the way for them to take top executive posts.

Dissenter: Bimini dredge permit was 'rabbit out of hat'

Despite a dissenting judge finding that the “rabbit-like production” of a dredging permit “cannot pass muster”, the Court of Appeal majority yesterday ruled that the lower court was correct to remove the bar on Resorts World Bimini’s dredging.

Super Value chief: $200 minimum wage acceptable

Super Value’s owner yesterday said he could accept a 33 per cent increase in the weekly minimum wage to $200, agreeing that “nobody can live” on the existing $150 per week.

Bahamian resorts in improving trend

BAHAMIAN resorts appear to be trending towards a slight improvement in occupancy rates and overall room revenue for the first five months of 2014, the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association’s (BHTA) president said yesterday.

Bahamas pledges travel agent reward initiative

Top US travel agents have been given an authentic taste of the Bahamas via the Ministry of Tourism and premier travel magazine, Travel & Leisure.

ART OF GRAPHIX: The Picture across the digital divide

Is ‘film photography’ superior to ‘digital?’ Read any print or online photography magazine and you would think that digital photo capture just might be the ‘second coming’.

Fiscal deficit contracts 32%

The Government’s fiscal deficit contracted by 32.2 per cent to $260.8 million for the first nine months of the 2013-2014 Budget year, driven by a drop in capital spending and increased non-border tax revenue.