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Halson Moultrie won't resign as Speaker

AFTER severing ties with the Free National Movement, Nassau Village MP Halson Moultrie said he has no intention of resigning as Speaker of the House of Assembly.

PM: Govt aiming to legalise medicinal marijuana

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis announced on Friday that government is currently completing legislation to legalise medicinal marijuana, bringing the country another step closer to marijuana reform.

Lloyd: Up to voters if I am re-elected

INCUMBENT South Beach MP Jeffrey Lloyd said that while he is satisfied with his personal record as the area’s representative, it is up to voters to decide if he is re-elected.

Talks are held on school reopening

EDUCATION Minister Jeffrey Lloyd said officials held meetings with education unions this week on the way forward for schools on certain islands that will return to face-to-face learning under a hybrid model.

Nygard attorneys to take appeal bid to Privy Council

ATTORNEYS for Peter Nygard are seeking conditional leave to appeal to the Privy Council over the Court of Appeal’s rejection of his appeal of a contempt conviction.

Airbnb industry suffering shortage of bookings

AS the COVID-19 virus continues to wreak havoc around the world many stakeholders in the Airbnb industry here are feeling the pinch having little to no bookings.

Equinor site clean-up continuing

EQUINOR’s clean-up work at South Riding Point in East Grand Bahama continues, with a target completion of forest cleaning early this year, according to a consultant who works closely with the multinational energy company.

Two BTVI staffers dismissed for theft

TWO Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute staff members have been fired for stealing following an independent investigation by its board of directors.

PM promises nurses: I’ll sort money

AFTER protesting several times this week over overtime pay concerns, Bahamas Nurses Union President Amancha Williams said nurses were finally able to meet with Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday, who she says promised to ensure the payments are made even if it comes out of “his own salary”.

Fake Nygard video reported to police

HUMAN Rights Bahamas yesterday insisted it did not sponsor a “sham” video that “maliciously and heartlessly exploits” the victims of embattled Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard’s alleged sex trafficking ring.

UPDATED: Halson Moultrie quits FNM

HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie resigned from the Free National Movement yesterday in a shock move, insisting his personal convictions collided with continued affiliation with the organisation.

OVER-65s WON’T HAVE UK VACCINE: Govt follows other countries in holding off rollout to elderly

OXFORD-ASTRAZENECA’S COVID-19 vaccine will only be given to people between 18 and 65, though this may change as scientific studies about the effectiveness of the vaccine in the over-65 population are reviewed.

Dispute resolution ‘can help to deal with case backlog’

ALTERNATIVE dispute resolution can bring resolve to the “burgeoning backlog of cases” in the court system, according to Michael Diggiss, chair of the Bahamas branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb).

Man charged with murder

A 27-year-old man was charged with murder in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday.


A MAN who claimed he violated the nightly curfew because he went to drop off his children at home was fined $600 yesterday.

Two Haitian men fined

TWO Haitian men who were found living on two different islands without the required legal documents were each fined $300 yesterday.

Teenager on sex charge

A TEENAGER who is accused of having sex with a minor was yesterday remanded in custody.

Aviation bills are passed in Parliament

THE House of Assembly passed a compendium of aviation bills yesterday, one of which seeks to set up the necessary infrastructure so that the country can monetise its airspace.

Hanna Martin ‘does not know extent of Nygard links’ to PLP

ENGLERSTON MP Glenys Hanna Martin said she does not know the extent of the personal or political relationships Peter Nygard cultivated with people in the Progressive Liberal Party.

Govt ‘very close’ to Grand Bahama airport deal

TOURISM and Aviation Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar said the government is “very close” to acquiring the Grand Bahama International Airport from the Hutchison Group.

‘We’ll listen to valuable ideas’

HEALTH Minister Renward Wells says while his ministry considers all recommendations made by medical experts to help strengthen the country’s fight against the COVID-19, it will only follow those that are “salient” and “valuable”.

Training for vaccinations has begun

HEALTH Minister Renward Wells says training for the administration of COVID-19 vaccines has already begun as the country awaits the arrival of its first vaccines.

Labour director has recommended severance packages

LABOUR director John Pinder said he has recommended to some major employers that they offer severance packages to furloughed workers who may need the assistance.

Complaint over AG’s ‘threat’ to be heard

HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie has referred a complaint Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis made against Attorney General Carl Bethel to the Committee of Privileges yesterday, despite opposition from the governing side.

Revenge porn post ends in jail

A 21-year-old man who sent naked pictures of his children’s mother to her co-workers was yesterday sentenced to nine months in prison.