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Man in hospital after shooting off Joe Farrington Road

A man is in hospital after a shooting off Joe Farrington Road on Saturday.

Dismal start to the year for Port Lucaya Marketplace

The Straw Markets are closed and there are no visitors buying authentic souvenir straw crafts or browsing the stores and eating in the restaurants at Port Lucaya Marketplace - making it a dismal start to 2021.

Bannister: BPL aiming for lowest prices possible

PUBLIC Works Minister Desmond Bannister said yesterday that Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) is going to do whatever is in the best interest of Bahamians to ensure electricity is at the lowest possible cost.

PM optimistic on economic rebound

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has expressed optimism that the country’s economy will rebound as the new variant of the coronavirus grips other nations around the world.

21,000 travellers haven't taken rapid antigen test after five days

FORTY-SIX percent of travellers required to take the rapid antigen test five days after arriving in The Bahamas have not complied with the requirement, health officials revealed during a press conference on Friday.

COVID-19 vaccine available in Bahamas in first quarter of 2021

A COVID-19 vaccine will be available in the Bahamas in the first quarter of 2021, Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan assured during a press conference on Friday.

Nurse chief: Why have we still not been paid?

THE president of Bahamas Nurses Union is disappointed her members have still not been paid money owed to them.

Minister hails drones as crime-fighting tool

NATIONAL Security Minister Marvin Dames attended drone testing at the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Coral Harbour Base yesterday, which will be rolled out in law enforcement agencies soon.

PLP: Govt must act now before it is too late

THE Progressive Liberal Party is calling for the government to be more proactive in its COVID-19 response, saying a feasible action plan is needed to safeguard the country against a new, more contagious COVID-19 strain that’s already spreading worldwide.

San Salvador residents call for more curbs as cases rise

SOME San Salvador residents are calling for more restrictive measures to curb COVID-19 spread on the small island after four additional cases were recorded there on Wednesday, pushing the island’s total to six.

PLP ‘will have full slate’ if early election is called

PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell said yesterday Bahamians can look forward to soon seeing a “full slate” of PLP candidates as the party expects Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis will call an early election.

Heavy metals found in high levels in sharks

ALARMINGLY high levels of 12 heavy metals, including mercury, have been found in the muscle tissues of large reef and tiger sharks in The Bahamas.

Girls escape school gate ‘snatching’

GRAND Bahama Police arrested a man yesterday in connection with two alleged attempted child abductions at separate government primary schools in Freeport.

Doctors call for vaccine timetable

CONSULTANT physicians are hoping officials will soon release a timeline regarding when a COVID-19 vaccine will be available for administration in the country.

NO QUICK FIX TO END THE KILLING: Dames concedes efforts to rein back gun violence will need time to succeed

WITH six people already dead just days into the new year, National Security Minister Marvin Dames conceded there will be “occasions like this when you have a spike” in killings.

Pilot launched for single-sex classes

THE government has launched a small-scale pilot programme involving single-sex classes following a promise made by the Free National Movement in its last manifesto.

Man punched victim who said he was gay

A MARRIED father-of-three who beat up another man who told people he was a homosexual was put on six months probation yesterday.

Slapped for refusing to share a joint

A TEENAGER who slapped a family friend in the face when she refused to share her joint with him was put on probation yesterday for three months.

A special gift for the first babies of the season

The first mothers to have their babies in Princess Margaret Hospital on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day have received gifts to help as they welcome their newborns.

PLP Chairman calls for government to condemn violence in U.S.

A DAY after the dust settled on Capitol Hill, Progressive Liberal Party chairman Senator Fred Mitchell called on the Bahamian government to condemn the violence in the United States by Trump supporters.

Some parents welcome return to classrooms

SOME parents were elation yesterday on learning that several schools had resumed face-to-face learning this week, allowing their children back into the classroom after months at home.

Drivers still speeding despite recent accidents

DESPITE Grand Bahama’s fatal traffic accidents in recent weeks, many motorists are still ignoring the speed limits on the island’s major thoroughfares.

Christian Council leader wants death penalty methods considered

BAHAMAS Christian Council president Bishop Delton Fernander has suggested the country may need to consider other methods of capital punishment in the face of a spate of murders, telling The Tribune a “strong deterrent” is needed for criminals wreaking havoc on society.

Doctor warns of possible need to tighten travel

A SENIOR physician has said the government might have to toughen COVID-19 travel restrictions if The Bahamas sees a surge of infections as a result of the recent holiday celebrations coupled with a new COVID-19 strain already spreading in some parts of the world.

50,000 travel visas show scale of tourism drop

ABOUT 50,000 people bought travel health visas to enter The Bahamas in December, suggesting arrivals declined by more than 90 percent compared with December 2019 despite relaxed entry requirements.