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EDITORIAL: The manmade disaster of BPL

WE have had our share of disasters already in The Bahamas – but a manmade one lies in wait just ahead.

EDITORIAL: This is no time for union squabbles

WHEN Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis sounded the call for members of the medical profession to come to the front line of the battle against COVID-19, it seems he could hardly have met with a less enthusiastic response.

EDITORIAL: Choosing the right solution

TWO futures to choose from – but which path will we take?

EDITORIAL: It’s time for the doctors to show up, too

AS Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis gave his national address yesterday on the latest state of the battle against coronavirus, there was one note that sounded odd.

EDITORIAL: We must adapt to survive

WHEN something is not working as you planned, there are two things you can do.

EDITORIAL: It’s going to be a long week

WHEN the country shuts down again on Wednesday, through the Easter Weekend until it returns to 24-hour curfew status on Tuesday morning, it will be an experience few of us will have experienced.

EDITORIAL: A Bahamas for Bahamians

IT’S hard to imagine just now – but picture what life will be like when this current crisis is over.

EDITORIAL: Where's the firm 'no' we gave to the Braemar?

YOU would be forgiven if you were not comforted by the words of Renward Wells MP with regard to cruise ships.

EDITORIAL: An economic crisis - but don’t forget those at the sharp end

AS the grim landmark of the nation’s first death from coronavirus was confirmed yesterday, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis tried to make the country realise the scale of the problem facing us.

EDITORIAL: The numbers and the need to talk

Let’s talk numbers for a moment. There are around 400,000 people living in The Bahamas. According to the World Bank, last year 74.51% of the population were part of the workforce. That’s about three-quarters, so 300,000 people.

EDITORIAL: The cost of the coronavirus battle

A BILLION dollars by July.

EDITORIAL: Get off the roads and stay at home

STILL too many people on the road – that’s the key point to be drawn from the latest tightening of regulations to curtail movement.

EDITORIAL: Stop this virus spreading within our community

TWO hammer blows struck last night – one on our shores, and one across the water in the US.

EDITORIAL: Saving lives, then saving the economy

THE extent of the economic crisis we are facing is beginning to become clear.

EDITORIAL: Get used to the curfew - it'll be with us for a while

THE confirmation of a new case of coronavirus seemingly unrelated to the previous patients is a reminder of the urgency to maintain our discipline in the lockdown presently in place across our nation.

EDITORIAL: At the end of it all, there remains hope

THE Bahamian people were asked to behave sensibly, to choose to act wisely to limit the spread of coronavirus. Collectively, we failed.

EDITORIAL: The disaster that has hit our economy

AN economic earthquake has hit The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: It’s a virus, do as the doctor says

ON Wednesday, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis unveiled regulations that gave him powers to tackle the spread of the coronavirus. Yesterday, he used them.

EDITORIAL: PM declares war, but no march to action

WE are at war, declared Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, as he announced new regulations that give him sweeping new powers to tackle the spread of the coronavirus.

EDITORIAL: No easy solution for Prime Minister to choose

AROUND the world, governments are trying to work out how to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.

EDITORIAL: Plan for bad times - but remember the good times will come again

AS much as the coronavirus has medical consequences, so too it has become clear that it has economic consequences.

EDITORIAL: We must be united, Bahamaland

THE day we feared would come has finally arrived. A patient from The Bahamas has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus. The woman concerned had not travelled recently, so she contracted it here.

EDITORIAL: The worst thing we can possibly do now is panic

With coronavirus news sweeping the world, it is easy to get caught up in the reports of flight bans, Disneyland and Broadway closing and let fear get to us.

EDITORIAL: Travel ban brings economic effects of virus to The Bahamas

WITHOUT a single case of coronavirus yet recorded in The Bahamas, the economic effects arrived at our doorstep last night.

EDITORIAL: Casting doubt on the value of insurance

IN the wake of Hurricane Dorian, the government announced its plans for financial assistance for people whose uninsured homes had been damaged by the storm. But for those affected, this was no pay day – the sums being paid out were such that they were a little help in the pocket, not a chance to rebuild completely.