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Time to face the problem raised by Richard Lightbourn

THERE was understandable outrage in the community to Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn’s recent suggestion in the House of Assembly that to solve today’s social ills legislation should be introduced that unwed mothers of more than two children should have their “tubes tied”. He quickly apologised for his indiscretion.

‘Bahamianisation’ more a curse than a blessing, says QC

IN AN interview with our business editor last week an outspoken QC declared that “Bahamianisation has been more of a curse to The Bahamas than a blessing”.

Ingraham disappointed with Christie’s decision on Baha Mar

TODAY The Tribune says without apology that Hubert Alexander Ingraham should be the man at the head of our government in this, its hour of urgent need.

Lynden Pindling said ‘tell the truth’ - that includes Baha Mar

“GET up and get going or you will be gone!” was the swift kick in the pants that the late Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling gave his MPs on the last night of the PLP’s 35th national convention.

The ‘millionaire’ promise at the root of today’s social problems

IN THIS column yesterday we confirmed Mr Richard Lightbourn’s statement in the House that students, caught up in the get-rich-quick euphoria of the drug era, were writing essays on how they wanted to become drug dealers like some of their family members and friends.

EDITORIAL: Richard Lightbourn challenged to support his accusations in the House

A MINOR kerfuffle was created in the House of Assembly on Thursday during the debate to create the University of The Bahamas.

EDITORIAL: Let's fire Moody's for telling govt the truth!

“FIRE Moody’s if The Bahamas is given a downgrade for poor performance,” suggested former State Finance Minister James Smith on learning that Moody’s was threatening to downgrade this country’s credit rating within the next two months.

EDITORIAL: Bahamas faces 'junk pile' because of Government's wrong decisions

MOODY’S has given The Bahamas a two-month reprieve in which to either initiate a programme that has the potential of improving this country’s economic growth rate or face its present Baa2 bond rating being dropped to junk status.

EDITORIAL: Chapter 11 gone but Beijing fails to deliver as promised

ON FRIDAY in its Investors Services newsletter, Moody’s announced that the Bahamas’ Baa2 rating was now on review for a downgrade.

EDITORIAL: Echoes of Adderley in PLP treatment of Izmirlian

On June 23 - a week after Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins launched a blistering attack in the House on government’s handling of the $3.5 billion Baha Mar resort, accusing the Chinese bank and construction company of “deceiving” Bahamians over the stalled development to protect their own financial interests - PLP national chairman Bradley Roberts decided to dip his own oar into the cauldron of discord.

Is Bradley Roberts conveniently losing his memory?

AFTER reading PLP chairman Bradley Roberts’ rant on Friday criticising FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis for “flip-flopping” in his support for the recently failed Constitutional Referendum there are those who are wondering whether the old political battle axe is starting to slip.

Yesterday’s referendum became a pawn to politics

NEW YORK Times’ op-ed columnist Frank Bruni, writing an appreciation of Cassandra Butts, President Barack Obama’s appointee as US Ambassador to the Bahamas, noted that she had been waiting for more than 820 days for confirmation in her post and was still waiting when she unexpectedly died on May 25.

EDITORIAL: Now is the time to do what is right - vote 'Yes'

TOMORROW – June 7, 2016 – could go down in history as the day that Bahamians wisely decided that all Bahamians — men and women— should be equal under the law.

EDITORIAL: The importance of the Constitutional Amendments

ON JUNE 7th, Bahamians will be given the chance to right the wrongs committed against the family - Bahamian women and children in particular - in a Constitutional Referendum that was lost just before the 2002 election.

EDITORIAL: Political ‘pay back’ time is next year, not for the June 7 referendum

DEPUTY Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis says he has no reason to apologise for having voted against the 2002 constitutional referendum that would have put Bahamian women on an equal footing with their male counterparts because it was Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham who had inspired the results when he “politicised” the vote.

Time for Mr Christie to list China’s investments in The Bahamas

WITH a foreign publication predicting that the once promising Baha Mar resort would bankrupt the Bahamas, the resort’s court appointed receiver has announced that there is a “good expectation” that the $3.5 billion hotel will be sold before September. Obviously, the hotel’s opening date will follow.

Judge to decide whether Constitution supreme

“WHO IS that woman?” snarled a Bahamian man with the curl of the lip. That woman happens to be Supreme Court Justice Indira Charles of St Lucia.

EDITORIAL: Creating confusion to defeat the June 7 equal rights referendum

THERE are so many red herrings, and scare mongering tactics being used to scuttle the June 7th constitutional referendum that confusion could end it in calamitous defeat.

EDITORIAL: Dame Joan condemns the referendum without reading the Bills

WE ARE more than surprised, in fact we are shocked at the position taken by the first Bahamian woman to serve as Chief Justice of the Bahamas (1996-2001) and President of the Bahamas Court of Appeal (2001 to 2010) on the referendum to be held on June 7 to decide whether Bahamian men and women should have equal status in our country.

EDITORIAL: Why can’t Bahamians understand fairness?

ONE WONDERS what part of equality some of these preachers do not understand.

EDITORIAL: If you have a conscience, vote ‘yes’ for June 7 referendum

BISHOP Walter Hanchell, instead of encouraging a “yes” vote on June 7th in the constitutional referendum that will at last give equal rights to Bahamian men and women, has chosen to play on the fears of insecure Bahamian men by warning that if Bahamian women’s foreign husbands were to be given status on marriage it would encourage an “influx” of foreign men using Bahamian women as a “ticket” to get work.

EDITORIAL: Data Commissioner commended for doing her job

IN THE debate on the recent brazen disclosure of an environmental group’s confidential e-mails on the floor of the House by a government minister, using parliamentary privilege as his cover, the unkindest cut of all got lost in the small print.

EDITORIAL: How did STB documents get in the House with the matter before the courts?

WHILE Prime Minister Perry Christie was desperately trying to ward off the fall-out from the “Panama Papers” by assuring foreign investors that the Bahamas has one of the most stringently regulated banking systems in the world, and secrecy was of top most importance, his Foreign Minister was busily defending the right of a government minister to leak the private financial files of an environmental organisation on the floor of the House of Assembly under the guise of parliamentary privilege.

EDITORIAL: Remember what happens when you lie down with dogs

IT LOOKS as though the two Freds — Smith and Mitchell — are on a collision course as they head towards 2017 and what promises to be a most interesting election.

EDITORIAL: The reason outside investigators were engaged by Save The Bays

A RECURRING question behind the police investigation into death threats against the Save the Bays environmental group comes from Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade who wants to know why there were no complaints to police about the death threats before now.