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Fred Mitchell's strange behaviour

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell, during the budget debate in the House of Assembly earlier this year, made it clear that he wants to retire in the PLP government “with a comfortable life” and “continue to prosper with respect while no longer actively involved in public policy”.

Where are the troops, Fred Mitchell asks

AS SOON as Opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis took his stand on the Nygard issue during the stem cell debate, the government planned to close him down.

Speaker reads from the wrong script

“The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry…”

A friendship too cosy for the good of the Bahamas

IN THE House of Assembly Wednesday, Prime Minister Christie complained that the PLP were held to a different standard of behaviour.

Difference between 'corruption' and its appearance

HISTORY was made in the House of Assembly yesterday when for the first time in 50 years – since the beginning of internal self government — the voice of an Opposition leader was silenced.

Bahamians need answers from Mr Christie

PRIME MINISTER Perry Christie declared on the eve of the July 17th House meeting that he could not wait to take the floor that day to clear up the controversy of stem cell research and his and his party’s relationship with fashion designer Peter Nygard.

Where did Nygard find the Ku Klux Klan?

AT LEAST two of our readers are holding us to our promise to research Peter Nygard’s far-fetched claim that a racist gene is embedded in Lyford Cay neighbour Louis Bacon’s DNA.

Nygard talks of his stem cell centre

AT a press conference at his Lyford- Nygard Cay home last Monday Peter Nygard called The Tribune “silly” to think that he would create a stem cell centre in his own backyard.

Wherever he goes his neighbour is there

PETER Nygard is trying to stop everyone talking about him, but wherever he goes he seems to have Bacon on the brain.

Peter Nygard's political blunder

LARGER than Life – he’s rich. He’s powerful. But what kind of a boss is Peter Nygard… asks the Fifth Estate in presenting an alarming documentary of interviews with former employees, who describe their experience over the years with Canadian fashion designer Peter Nygard.

Christie anxious to take the House floor

PRIME MINISTER Christie has said he cannot wait to take the floor of the House today to clear up the controversy over stem cell research and his and his party’s relationship with fashion designer Peter Nygard.

Nygard confirms financial support of PLP

BEFORE we comment on yesterday’s press conference by Peter Nygard, we want to first clear the decks. Mr Nygard seems to have a few operatives in his employ whose business it is to spread vicious lies and false rumours.

Who has taken the Bahamas back?

ALTHOUGH the PLP have tried to downplay the Nygard video posted on YouTube in the past few days, judging from comments on social media and the number of tapes e-mailed to us for our information, we do not think it wise for government to continue with its dismissive claim that the matter is of “no importance”.

The question of citizenship must be settled now

THE REPORT of the Constitutional Commission, appointed last year to recommend changes to our present constitution, contained a dire warning — a warning long overdue.

What will another 40 years bring?

YESTERDAY marked the close of the Bahamas’ celebration of 40 years as an independent nation.

Will the real Christie government please stand up?

ONE WONDERS if this nation realises the necessity of providing a first class telecommunications service if it is to maintain and strengthen its reputation as a financial centre?

'Revolving door for criminals' says AG

IN THE Senate on Wednesday Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson acted as though she had made an unusual discovery.

Community co-operation is the only answer to crime

ALTHOUGH our crime problem has taken years in the making, Prime Minister Christie campaigned in the 2012 general elections on the promise that if given the government his party would produce a crime free country.

Take heart Bishop Boyd, stand firm!

“Stand firm, Bishop. You are a voice in the wilderness.”

Call for action on crime and the economy

IT should come as no surprise to the hierarchy of this country’s PLP government that its record after just over a year in office has come under intense scrutiny.

Why blame the Anglican Education

ON FRIDAY evening, the Anglican Central Education Authority drew a line in the sand.

It's better in the Bahamas - promising beginnings

NOT too many moons ago — during the Pindling era – young Bahamians were encouraged to aim to be entrepreneurs. Success meant owning ones own business and hiring others.

'Oh what a tangled web we weave . . .'

“It’s better in the Bahamas” — or is it?

It's time for communities to unite

AT LAST, government has awakened from its Rip van Winklian sleep to sound the alarm that there is indeed a crime problem that threatens this country’s future as a tourist resort.

Will politics continue to divide this country?

WE HAD several calls over the weekend from a few Bahamians concerned about a statement made in the House of Assembly last week by Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell. Among the callers was a man who we have always thought of as a “true, blue” PLP.