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Can anyone fill the prime minister's shoes?

ALTHOUGH the next general election is some three years away, speculation is rife about who will lead both major political parties into the fight in 2017.

Fear and loathing in the Bahamas

AN OFTEN overused term in political and legal spheres is that “justice must satisfy the appearance of justice”. Just as critical as the need for the courts to appear to be free from political impunity, the police must also appear to be fair and transparent in its administration of the law. Both play a critical role in maintaining law and order and in fostering respect for law and order - an interdependent cycle.

European elections will be defining moment for UKIP

IN THE run-up to the European Parliament election this week the debate in Britain about the European Union (EU) has taken centre stage. The impetus has been the emergence of a new political party – the United Kingdom Independence Party, known as UKIP, whose principal aim is to secure Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.


Suddenly there is renewed new interest in aragonite and a belief this natural resource could pay off the national debt. Bill Bardelmeier draws on history to urge caution.

Media freedom for a better Bahamas

NEWS media practitioners in the Bahamas have broad shoulders. Newspaper readers lament sensationalist slant while chastising journalists for not tackling more controversial topics.

LGBT community: Too tiny to count?

THIS is the second time in my life that I’ve agreed with the Bahamas Christian Council on an issue. Our first mutual agreement came earlier in our conversation when Rev Patterson said that Bahamians were too passive. Try not to be too shocked, times are changing. As the vocal religious community shouts at an even smaller yet silent advocacy grouping, has anyone ever bothered to ask the Bahamian people how they feel?

Slaves to a new 'massa'

BAHAMIANS are not adequately critical of authority. We are subservient to it. We fear it. We are awed by title, wealth, social station, pomp and circumstance.BAHAMIANS are not adequately critical of authority. We are subservient to it. We fear it. We are awed by title, wealth, social station, pomp and circumstance.

'Spoken from the heart' - Tribute to Edmund Moxey by Sir Arthur Foulkes

GOVERNOR General Sir Arthur Foulkes, in a tribute paid to Edmund Moxey, creator of the Jumbey Village dream, recalled their years in the political trenches together, nourishing a single ambition – the “salvation of a people.”

Breaking the habit

“WE LIVE in a country that is addicted to incarceration as a tool for social control. As it stands now justice systems are extremely expensive, do not rehabilitate but in fact make the people that experience them worse and have no evidence based correlatives to reducing crime. Yet with that track record they continue to thrive, prosper and are seen as an appropriate response to children in trouble with the law. Only an addict would see that as an okay result.” – James Bell

The Bible and LGBT rights

THE discussion between popular preacher Dr Myles Munroe and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell has been an interesting one. Interesting only because it is fascinating watching someone with a bigoted position attempt to maintain their civility while still holding fast to their bigotry.

Bahamians speak out against domestic abuse remarks

A DEMOCRACY lives and dies on the outrage of it’s citizenry. That is, it thrives based on the signals the people of that democracy send to their leadership. The level of what is acceptable in their society, or even what their leaders can get away with, rises and falls on how the public responds to the actions and words of their political, civic and religious leaders.

Seeking penance or change

IN attrition warfare an army attempts to destroy its enemy by grinding down their opponent with superior numbers, hoping to obtain victory through the absolute devastation of their enemy’s resources.

The stone that the builder refused

WE’RE at war. We are battling against crime, poverty, and the many other social ills we are experiencing. Wars are always fought by kids and so it should be with this one.

VAT pitfalls and how to avoid them

NOTHING has been debated more this year than the single acronym known as VAT, or “Value-Added-Tax,” which came into the spotlight following the current government’s announcement as supported by the IADB (Inter-American Development Bank) and IMF (International Monetary Fund).

Bahamas flag given a hike up!

European born, Bahamians at heart, Peter Wirth, Senior Relationship Manager Credit Suisse, and Harry McPike earlier this year successfully returned from climbing Lhakpa-Ri, one of several 7000m plus peaks in the fabled Himalayas. Conquest of this peak could qualify one for a climb of Mt Everest.

Peddling false hope

How last week’s attack on the Acting Prime Minister Philip Davis has highlighted the failure of the PLP’s pre-election promises on crime.

A holistic approach to an efficient water supply system

WITH an eye on the goal of making its water supply system more efficient, the Bahamas Water and Sewerage Corporation is making a bold move with a 10-year comprehensive water efficiency project that began in April 2012, funded by an Inter-American Development Bank loan.

It's about animals, not vets

“Either for reasons of pride and insecurity, or for financial gain – whichever you believe – local vets are willing to tolerate the suffering of more animals in the short term than would have been the case had they allowed the original plan to go forward.”

Citizens must unite to be heard in the VAT debate


Why not blaze a trail Mr Speaker?

But last week, when issued a dictate severely curtailing our ability to cover parliament, and interfering with how we do our job in general, journalists were of one accord in rejecting it.

Bimini: What we stand to lose


Support for the 'little man': A political myth

By Rupert Missick Jr

Eatin' piece of da pie: Second home ownership

For a country that abhors idolatry on the basis of its Christian faith we certainly do have a lot of sacred cows.

Reputational damage

ALL Caribbean nations have well-developed contingency plans in the event of a natural disaster. However, few have established procedures to address the issue of the damage caused to a nation’s image and reputation.

How soon is 'soon as possible'?

IN 1986, former Jamaican senator and Gleaner editor Hector Wynter said that cultural dominance should never deny press freedom. Three decades later, public dissatisfaction with the role that the media plays is still directly correlated to the level of access to information.