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Gonsalves was right

It is clear that, instead of feeling acute embarrassment that Ralph Gonsalves had to point out from St Vincent the stark insanity of our bail situation in The Bahamas, some members of my profession chose instead to defend the indefensible.

Collectively we can make a difference

This past weekend the Bahamas lost another promising young man to the streets. He was filled with hope, enthusiasm and was committed to putting in the work necessary to maximize his potential. They say luck is attained when preparation meets opportunity. He was prepared. He needed the opportunity.

BBSQ failed to protect workers

I am bewildered on how poorly we treat the safety of our construction workers in The Bahamas.

Criminal justice in our nation

Looking at the criminal justice system in The Bahamas today, we may see criminals getting some sort of justice, but hardly any justice going around in the direction of victims or society at large.

Defending the party

I always find it sadly amusing that the overtly and shamelessly blind, and arrogant supporters of the PLP and FNM on social media would always defend the serious wrongdoings of their respective parties and high-ranking members by pointing out an egregious error of the past by the other party or a dear member thereof.

Atlantis and its sudden concerns

It is with great interest and mostly baffled as I read in the daily newspapers about the various articles penned by Atlantis president and managing director Audrey Oswell that were published in protest of Royal Caribbean International (RCI) Royal Beach Club proposed to be developed on the western side of Paradise Island. As we all know by now that RCI was given Government approval pending environment impact assessment reports to go forward with its $100m project.

Life on Mars

Please permit me space in your column to respond to Vincentian Prime Minister Ralph (“Comrade”) Gonzales, who suggested recently that the Bahamian Judiciary must be residents of Mars if they seriously feel that it is justifiable to continue bailing murder accused in an environment where they now make up a solid proportion of victims and reoffenders.

Downtown development lack of will?

Firstly, let me say that the unvarnished truth is hard to acknowledge. Every twelfth grader knows that most, if not all of the properties downtown are owned by the once powerful white rich families, who controlled the affairs of this country prior to 1967.

Availability of telephone directories

Earlier this morning, I hopped onto a public service jitney bus for Route 10-A, which means that it would have taken me by the Bahamas Telecommunications Corporate building on John F Kennedy Drive.

Non-payment of gratuities

I wish to bring to your attention a pressing matter that is negatively affecting the lives of hundreds of Bahamian workers in the ground transportation industry, which has been doing so for decades.

Bahamas at a political crossroads

Greetings. And thank you very much for the space in your five-day publication, I appreciate it, as I tried to rummage through some actual facts, pointing to an extinction of the Bahamian populace, as it were, and not too distant from now.

We must stand up and speak

The victim of alleged physical and sexual assault by a sitting parliamentarian is to be supported and commended by all right-thinking Bahamians. As we all know, it is no easy thing to go up against powerful people in this country.

Is RCI project really right for Bahamas?

Please permit me to share my views on recent remarks made by Michael Bayley, Royal Caribbean’s president and chief executive, and our Prime Minister, Phillip “Brave” Davis, as reported in the local press.

We must change our attitudes on gender-based violence

Please allow me space to express great concern over the rise in domestic and gender-based violence. No form of violence is acceptable and we, as a nation, as a people, should ensure that legislation that speaks to the condemnation of this action is given priority. We must ensure the enforcement of those laws already on the books. We must be the change.

No new taxes! More growth!

New taxes seem to be on the agenda. We are hearing about family islanders paying real property tax, corporation tax, income tax, increased NIB contributions and so on.

A comprehensive crime reduction and prevention plan

Three murders in 24 hours, the continued failure to reduce murders, robberies and crime by Prime Minister Philip Davis and the PLP Government of the Bahamas.

Portland has become another Freeport City

On Easter Monday, CBN uploaded a video report on its YouTube channel titled Portland’s Meltdown: A Progressive Experiment That Has Gone Colossally Bad. Dale Hurd was the reporter.

End corporal punishment now!

It is unfathomable that in the 21st century, teachers and parents are beating our children to a pulp. ALL teachers and parents who resort to beating lack communication skills.

Realtor: Extend resort tax breaks to vacation rentals

A prominent realtor is advocating that Bahamian vacation rental owners whose properties meet the necessary standard be granted the same tax breaks and incentives as large resort properties.

Tribute to my aunt, Dame Marjorie Davis

My aunt Dame Marjorie Davis will be laid to rest today at St Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral. She lived an exemplary life, having dedicated her life to God and fulfilling the work of our Lord throughout her long life of nearly 95 years. A Bahamian icon and heroine, Dame Marjorie Davis was instrumental in improving and furthering many facets of Bahamian society, including in the fields of education, Girl Guides, the Zonta Club, the Legion of Saint Mary, the local Catholic faith and countless others.

Thanking Allyson Maynard Gibson for invitation

On Friday, 31/3/23 at 11am on an invitation from Mrs Allyson Maynard Gibson I was welcomed at the University of The Bahamas by Mrs Gibson, the Principal of the University and several members of the senior staff.

Colonialism and Haiti

Colonialism: The policy or practice of acquiring fully or partial control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.

Jesus focal point of our history

CHRISTIANS throughout the world are currently reflecting on the death, burial and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ during the Holy Week. In his classic little book titled More Than a Carpenter, American Christian apologist Joshua McDowell said that Jesus entered the human race in a small Jewish community 2,000 years ago, yet people everywhere still remember Him.

Coalition best suited to bring change

I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel extensively, participate in certain cultures and observe opportunities citizens have in their respective countries. The Bahamas is a wealthy nation and in my humble opinion should be further along in it’s development had we adopted certain ideologies to empower it’s people, fifty years ago.

The battle is raging

“I keep telling myself not to give up hope to be brave and stay strong because I believe there are people out there who will believe in me and will help me through these hard times”.