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Mental illness or possession

The print media published some months ago a tragic incident involving a mentally ill individual who was put down by law enforcement officers in New Providence. I believe that it was in December that the Senate rubber stamped the Progressive Liberal Party’s Mental Health Bill (2022), which repealed the Mental Health Act of 1969.

Growing cruelty to animals

Please allow your valuable space to express the utter disgust toward the RENTOKIL sign mounted on Shirley Street across from the old Gleneagles Hotel.

Why would killing raccoons be okay?

It has come to my attention that some people in Abaco and Nassau have decided it is ok to hunt and eat raccoons.

Abuse of animals

We have recently seen a large billboard from Rentokil advertising raccoon removal with an endearing picture of the animal.

Tattered flag at OPM

Haven’t driven west for a while but had reason to today as we start the celebration for the 50th anniversary of taking Independence and we are for the coming six months chair of CARICOM one would have thought where our proud national flag flies it would be fresh - not faded and not tattered?

Money, money, money

As a former Love Beach owner, I read with much sadness the articles about the wanted Passion Point development.

Downtown revitalisation being unfair?

Where is the fairness? Please permit me to offer a few comments relative to remarks reportedly made by Mr Michael Maura at the recent Bahamas Business Outlook regarding the state of waterfront properties to the east of East Street north connecting Bay and the expectation that the movement of shipping operations away from Bay Street along with the attendant tax breaks and concessions, would encourage the owners of these properties to undertake improvements.

Modernisation of healthcare needed

Please allow me space in your daily to express a concern. It is said that the Health of a Nation is the Wealth of the Nation. If this is to be taken literally, then we are not amongst the wealthy.

Alternatives are needed to reach source of crime

It has become very clear that we are losing the war against crime despite the idea that things are under control; and what is nerve wracking is that the year has just begun. The crime rate is climbing, and we are crossing into dangerous waters.

BTC mishaps?

I think that BTC has completely lost the plot now.

Mitchell’s comments ‘unacceptable’

I am persuaded that the Hon Minister Frederick Audley Mitchell (PLP-Fox Hill) is one of the best National Chairman which that party has ever had, with the stark exceptions of the late Andrew ‘Dud’ Maynard and the irreplaceable Hon. Bradley Roberts. They were political giants and living legends in their hey day. Brother Mitchell has some big shoes to attempt to fill.

Age is but a number

Attorney Jeanne Thompson answered Minister Mitchell very well. Ms Thompson you may have to give knitting lesson though!

Immigration problem needs continuous enforcement

The headline in The Nassau Guardian dated 13/1/23 reads “Harbour Island’s Migration Woes” Bahamians, in particular residents of Harbour Island must be concerned for their security, safety, health and peace of mind after reading the contents of the article, the revelations of the Member of Parliament and Chief Councillor. The video describes a situation, that is unsafe, insecure and unhealthy for Harbour Islanders, residents and visitors.

Doctors at PMH, where is your care?

I write this letter with a heavy heart as Iearn of the passing of my dear friend, Kenise Darville. She was a patient at Princess Margaret Hospital at the time of her passing on Thursday, January 19.

Pandemic effects on the region

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, climate change, and the general economic slowdown have brought the fight against food insecurity to the forefront of global public debate. Latin America and the Caribbean is not on the sidelines of this situation.

Independence ...from what?

I must once again give a salute to the amazing Lady Pam Burnside. She states the truth that this country will never move forward until the majority of the people are elevated to receive the goodness and richness of our land. Majority is ruled, rather than given the power to rule. It is blatantly evident that the oligarchy and the rich still wield the heavy hand in this land.

Montagu billboards

While continuing to beat a horse after it has succumbed is a waste of time I know. But it is said that a dripping tap, left long enough, can drill a hole through a concrete block.

Will Fred take his own advice?

Is it too much to Hope that the Hon Fred Jetson Mitchell will take his own advice, and, as a mature person in public life fly off into the sunset and leave the governance of the nation to a younger generation?

Price fixing after the pandemic

The softwood industry is continuing to cut back production, while the prices of those products it produces domestically continue to rise to levels not seen in many years.

Lobster hunting

We heard probably now nearly a year ago that the popular US fast food restaurant chain had been granted a franchise for The Bahamas and a group was going to cloud fund the project. If I recall some $1.8m plus was announced had been placed.

Poor show for visiting tourists

I recently went on a Royal Caribbean cruise with a group of friends from Cayman and the United States. One of the stops was in our own Nassau, Bahamas. We were actually advised to leave our valuables and cash on the ship if we got off in Nassau!

Dame Marguerite

Seems she did not receive an “official invitation” - who organises the national events? Cabinet Office and mostly Ministry of Foreign Affairs - suggest possibly the plot thickens here and now - so Foreign Affairs who invites presumably omitted Dame Marguerite.

VAT on health

INFLATION....did anyone notice like me that Health Insurance Premiums have gone up 12-14%?

Cut the ceremony and get on with it

Official opening of Assize in Nassau of The Supreme Court surely should suffice and the repeat ceremony in Grand Bahama is just fanciful political artificiality?

Yet more pain for businesses

Despite the compulsory pain Bahamas Customs put small businesses through just a few short years ago with “Click to Clear” (which was anything but clear by the way. Months of training and numerous glitches, repetition, etc. in which finally most small business got “use”), here we go again with mass increase in business expense.