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Bimini business model

I don’t care how much money Genting has, the odds of making Resorts World Bimini successful stand about the same chance as making a Super Wal-Mart successful in Mayaguana. The business model just doesn’t work.

Answer to our rate of murders

Please publish this follow-up to my two earlier letters, in which I pointed out the obvious and insidious connection between the levels of violence in the Bahamas today and the ineptitude of a Judiciary that continues to release violent criminals to reoffend while on bail.

Debt collection laws

I have to question the statement of the Minister of State Finance as to whether it is legal that the Ministry of Finance has retained a private contractor to collect taxes due-owing?

Another waste of tax money

My letter today is in response to a letter sent from the Bahamas Festival Committee.

Please take care of Bimini

EDITOR, TheTribune.

Carnival plan

After reading the full page spread on The Bahamas Carnival Plans, I have to say I am very disappointed. It does not sound like anything more than Junkanoo in June. There is little that is innovative or new really.

$20m risk

Ministry of Agriculture Live Stock Feeding plant is unable to produce enough animal feed for local use other than live stock owned by government – this happens when the Ministry of Agriculture is expending $20 million plus on BAMSI, Andros, which must ask a simple question: Does anyone know what is going on at Agriculture or are they like a lost tribe in the desert?

Propaganda and spying debacle

A recent Nassau Guardian report stated that the deputy Prime Minister, the honourable Philip Brave Davis expects a report in short order regarding the United States listening to all of our cell phone calls.

Bodie is not the man to replace Nottage

I beg your indulgence in allowing me to use a little space in your valuable columns to address a letter by Mr Ortland H Bodie, a regular contributor to your columns of which I wish to take umbrage.

Spying is a sign of the modern era

THE headline yesterday on the alleged listening in by the US NSA to our cellphone conversations raises an obvious issue but surely it is not in the fact of the US listening but if our primary routing of our calls takes them through the US - if the listening occurs in the US do we have any beef or even legal position to object?

The only man who is always right

EDITOR, The Tribune

Dredging brings a predicament

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why we must keep Bimini blue

EDITOR, The Tribune.


EDITOR, The Tribune.

Concern over direction of Bahamas Carnival event

EDITOR, The Tribune

Davis suffers foot-in-mouth disease

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What is the link over aragonite?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Save our nation's resources

EDITOR. The Tribune.

Stop the tiefing!

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Farewell, Mr Cooper

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Stand up, people of Bimini

EDITOR, The Tribune.

United in protest

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Entrapped by the State

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Road done, will airport be next?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

MPs are too greedy

EDITOR, The Tribune.