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• Baidu Inc., which operates China’s most popular Internet search engine, said Tuesday it has hired a former Microsoft executive and artificial intelligence specialist to improve its competitiveness in the field.

Nintendo Switch console unveiled

Nintendo is trying to Switch it up. The Japanese video-game company revealed details Friday about its hotly anticipated Nintendo Switch, a video game console that also serves as a hand-held gaming device, during a global rollout on Friday.

10 YEARS OF THE iPHONE: Apple proved a phone can change the world

Few people realised it at the time, but the world shifted fundamentally a decade ago when Steve Jobs pulled the first iPhone from Apple’s bag of technological tricks.


• Ethiopia says it will launch a civilian satellite into orbit in three to five years to better predict weather conditions and for remote sensing activities inside the country.

Tech jeans lead the way

Tired of having to constantly check your cellphone for directions?

Volvo gets real with self-driving

Volvo Cars is putting real people into its self-driving cars to better learn how they’re used.

Voice-control and AI to feature at 50th annual CES

The 50th annual Consumer Electronics (CES) show gets underway in Las Vegas this week with highlights expected to be an explosion of voice-controlled interfaces, subtle integration of artificial intelligence into everyday life and increasing digitisation in areas like health and wellness.

Tech Talk

• A self-driving car is hitting the streets of Boston for the first time.

Pepper the robot: Amusing, but is it practical?

While merrily chirping, dancing and posing for selfies, a robot named Pepper looks like another expensive toy at a San Francisco mall. But don’t dismiss it as mere child’s play.

Custom Computers gets HP Platinum Partner honour

AS ONE of only two official Hewlett-Packard (HP) partners in the Caribbean region, Bahamian tech company Custom Computers Ltd has been honoured with the prestigious title of Platinum Partner for the global brand.


Museums are always looking for ways to make their exhibitions more exciting. Now, new technologies are making that easier.

Tech Talk

• The WNBA is offering an assist to players trying to stay safe while traveling overseas.

China plans to land probes on far side of moon, Mars by 2020

China vowed Tuesday to speed up the development of its space industry as it set out its plans to become the first country to soft land a probe on the far side of the moon, around 2018, and launch its first Mars probe by 2020.

‘Super Mario Run’ makes missteps

Super Mario might be running, but a hefty price tag for a mobile game just won’t fly with the masses.


• Facebook is taking new measures to curb the spread of fake news on its huge and influential social network.

Uber will keep self-driving cars in San Francisco

Uber’s self-driving cars will keep ferrying passengers around San Francisco, the ride-hailing company said Friday — a few hours before state prosecutors threatened to haul Uber before a judge if the service is not suspended immediately.

Production begins on batteries based on nanotechnology

A Czech company opened on Monday a production line for batteries based on nanotechnology, which uses tiny parts invisible to human eyes.

Wacky tech-savvy gifts

The latest technology can make for an easy holiday gift, but when it comes to the ultra-tech-savvy people in your life, finding a cool gadget they don’t already own can be tough.


• Scientists have developed a mind-controlled robotic hand that allows people with certain types of spinal injuries to perform everyday tasks such as using a fork or drinking from a cup.

Google hits renewable energy goal in quest to pare pollution

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is crossing a milestone in its quest to reduce pollution caused by its digital services that devour massive amounts of electricity.

Rio 2016, Election 2016, Pokemon Go are top global Twitter trends

The Rio Olympics, the American presidential election and Pokemon Go were the top global trends on Twitter in 2016.

Cool tech toys for your child

Tablet screens and apps haven’t gone away, but they’re just not enough on their own. With these toys, kids can create and build with their hands, not just a tablet.

Apps lockout to keep drivers’ eyes on the road

THE US government wants smartphone makers to lock out most apps when the phone is being used by someone driving a car. The voluntary guidelines are designed to reduce crashes caused by drivers distracted by phones. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also wants automakers to make ‘infotainment’ systems easy to pair with smartphones.

Failed botnet attack blamed for outage in Germany

A FAILED attempt to hijack consumer routers is being blamed for network outages that left almost a million people in Germany without internet service last weekend.


• FACEBOOK has added the option to play games with your contacts on the messaging app. You can access the feature in the latest version of the app by tapping a game controller icon.