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EDITORIAL: Seizing the weapons - but we need to stop the flow

ACTING Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander is eager to show the successes police are securing on the street.

EDITORIAL: Be guided by experts on rolling back restrictions

IN yesterday’s Tribune, we reported that officials are monitoring a “slight increase” in COVID-19 cases over recent days. In today’s Tribune, you can read that Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis is discussing getting rid of mask mandates by summer.

EDITORIAL: Do words match the reality of crime levels?

THERE is a childhood song that goes “One of these things is not like the other…”

EDITORIAL: Too soon to declare success in tackling murders

MURDER in our country is continuing at a pace – with two men shot dead yesterday, adding to a woman shot dead on Sunday, and following last month which was one of the deadliest months on record in our nation’s history.

EDITORIAL: We cannot turn back the rising tide

THERE is a well-known story about a long-ago King of England, called Cnut the Great, also known as Canute – you may well know the story.

EDITORIAL: Masks still serve a purpose

DEPUTY Prime Minister Chester Cooper sounded the bell yesterday that could bring the end to wearing masks.

EDITORIAL: CARIFTA bid sounds good - but thin on details

IT has been a successful sporting weekend for The Bahamas, with the country’s CARIFTA team bringing home four gold medals in its 17-medal haul from the event in Jamaica.

EDITORIAL: Is the PLP ship veering off course?

IS EVERYONE in the Davis administration on board the same ship?

EDITORIAL: Everything going up, now it’s NIB

IT seems like everything is going up.

EDITORIAL: Good news for science... if the rules allow it

HERE comes the cavalry!

EDITORIAL: Good intentions - but red tape stopping scientists

WHEN the Biological Resources and Traditional Knowledge Bill was passed in February last year, it was said that it would stop “the plundering” of The Bahamas’ genetic resources by foreign researchers without earning any money for our country.

EDITORIAL: What shall we do to stop wave of murders?

IT is now ten days since Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis held an “urgent” conclave to address the sharp increase in murders.

EDITORIAL: A transformation we should reach towards

WHEN a meeting was held last month to discuss the problems affecting Downtown Nassau – problems that frankly stretch back decades – Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper talked of the need for “aggressive transformation.”

EDITORIAL: Why do so many seek to blame the victim?

IF there is one thing this past week has shown, it is that we are ill equipped for a discussion of the issues surrounding sex crimes and underage children.

EDITORIAL: Prosecutions director is blaming the victim

YOU sometimes have to wonder what officials are thinking when they open their mouths and insert their foot. Or even whether they are thinking at all.

EDITORIAL: Officers back - but schools different this time

THE news that police are now back on school campuses might well bring a familiar feeling for many readers.

EDITORIAL: Being prepared is first step in crime strategy

BARELY had our recent Royal visitors departed the country, having brought the international spotlight our way, than Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis turned the media spotlight onto an old problem – crime.

EDITORIAL: Workers in demand as furlough scheme ends

WHILE all eyes are on the Royal visit that began yesterday, there is one story that should not be drowned out in the fanfare.

EDITORIAL: Atlantis pay rise a promising sign

FOR much of the pandemic so far, many businesses have been hanging on and waiting for better days.

EDITORIAL: Downtown dilemma that won’t go away

TO say that a transformation of Downtown Nassau is overdue is an understatement in the extreme.

EDITORIAL: Economy bruised by pandemic, but recovering

THROUGHOUT the pandemic, we have been aware of the economic effects hitting our country, without perhaps always being able to put a precise number to them.

EDITORIAL: Royal visit a chance to show off our future

THERE is sometimes a tendency to naysay by force of habit.

EDITORIAL: COVID is not gone and we should stay ready

THE news of nine more deaths from COVID-19 is a sobering moment.

EDITORIAL: Finger pointing and name calling won’t take us forward

THERE were some ridiculous political antics on show yesterday, with the leading figures of the PLP right at the heart of them.

EDITORIAL: Finding the right way to lift restrictions

AS difficult as some of the decisions were to introduce restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19, so too are we now finding it can be tough to find the right time to lift those rules.