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EDITORIAL: We hear the outcry, now where is the action?

THERE has been an outcry following the death of Heavenly Terveus.

EDITORIAL: Prime Minister must answer over quarantine trip

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis has some serious questions to answer.

EDITORIAL: A penalty that doesn’t measure up to the crime

BRENT and Eulona Johnson were much loved. When they died in a fatal crash on Christmas Day 2020, the tributes were heartfelt.

EDITORIAL: Tourism market remains volatile

THERE was mixed news on the tourism front yesterday – and it shows how the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy are very much still with us.

EDITORIAL: Throwing away vaccines is shameful

THE news that we are throwing away vaccines should be a cause for national shame.

EDITORIAL: Is Dubai spending the best use of our money?

THE trip by a Bahamian delegation to Dubai was always going to raise questions about the cost.

EDITORIAL: Next stop Dubai for Davis

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis is off globetrotting again.

EDITORIAL: Protecting our children in the pandemic

THROUGHOUT our efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the focus has been in trying to protect those who are more vulnerable to the virus.

EDITORIAL: We cannot lose a generation of students

IN ALL of the talk about COVID-19 and its effects, it is easy to be swamped by the numbers.

EDITORIAL: Chopping and changing on COVID

ANOTHER 375 cases to add to the soaring COVID count yesterday and if you were confused about where we are heading, we’re not surprised.

EDITORIAL: One test for travellers, another for citizens?

MEASURES to combat the rise in COVID-19 cases are clicking into place – but they seem a bit mixed up.

EDITORIAL: Hospitals not overwhelmed - but we can’t count on that

THE fourth wave is upon us – of that there is no doubt now.

EDITORIAL: The rising numbers of cases don’t lie

IN all the talk about COVID-19, there is one thing that is inescapable – the numbers.

EDITORIAL: A decision at last - but no solution for Grand Lucayan

WELL, so much for the Grand Lucayan deal.

EDITORIAL: Good news - but omicron is on its way

FIRST, the good news – and there’s quite a lot of it to be seen.

EDITORIAL: Accusation and counter-accusation over contracts

IT would seem any suggestion of bi-partisanship in politics is long gone.

EDITORIAL: Safety first is the right approach over carnival

THE Christmas Carnival will not open.

EDITORIAL: A glimpse of sunshine at last

WITH every cloud, there comes a silver lining – but what a cloud we’ve been living under.

EDITORIAL: Will there be an end to victimisation?

VICTIMISATION is a word often thrown around in political debate – but the FNM is seemingly ready to take that beyond talk and into court.

EDITORIAL: A Christmas party for the party in power

A NEW twist on the Christmas Carnival saga emerged yesterday – that the request for temporary approval to bring in equipment, apparatus, trailers and supplies for the event came from no less than the Progressive Liberal Party.

EDITORIAL: What will we do about the tidal wave that’s coming?

TWO national leaders spoke yesterday about the omicron variant of COVID-19. One, a current Prime Minister, the other a former one.

EDITORIAL: We must act to protect our environment

WHEN Hurricane Dorian tore through The Bahamas, the main worry was for the people in its path.

EDITORIAL: Bain case admission deserves a full investigation

SOME remarkable scenes played out in court recenlty – where Lincoln Bain, leader of the Coalition of Independents in the election – was ordered to pay $64,000 to a woman who wanted him to hold it in a trust for her for three years. He neither invested it nor returned it.

EDITORIAL: Decisions to be made on taxation

THE past week has seen a political back-and-forth over a report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

EDITORIAL: Can we pay for the promises?

PROMISES, promises. Promises have been put on the table by the administration of Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis – now let’s see if the government keeps them.