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EDITORIAL: Is it really safe to cast our votes?

THEY stood in their thousands yesterday to vote. In the heat. In crowded lines. In the middle of a pandemic.

EDITORIAL: Delta is here - so what can you do about it?

THE Delta variant is here.

EDITORIAL: Tax talks ahead - no matter who wins

THE comments of James Smith about our economy shouldn’t come as a surprise.

EDITORIAL: Picture tells the story of our COVID failures

IN this column last month, we said that as a country we had failed to protect our healthcare system.

EDITORIAL: We need policies, not childish insults

YOU would hope we could do better.

EDITORIAL: Free school food could make a big difference

THE word ahead of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ speech last night was that there would be a big announcement – and a free school meals programme certainly fit the bill.

EDITORIAL: Why is there no plan for the quarantined?

A DEBATE is stirring over whether people in quarantine will be able to vote in the election.

EDITORIAL: The cost of those PLP promises to the unions

PROMISES, promises. It’s election time, and that means that candidates are making their pledges to would-be voters in hopes of winning their support.

EDITORIAL: A nomination day of crowds and COVID

NOMINATION day is a landmark in the Bahamian political world. Normally, it is a riot of colour and sound as candidates make the most of their moment as they hand over $400 to confirm their nomination. Would COVID-19 make a difference? Sadly, not as much as it should have done.

EDITORIAL: A lack of due diligence over PLP deal

IT didn’t take long for the house of cards that was the PLP deal with unions to come tumbling down.

EDITORIAL: The unknown cost from excess deaths

WHAT is the real price of COVID-19?

EDITORIAL: If you promise to fix a date, why call an early vote?

WHEN the FNM laid out its manifesto for the 2017 election, one item was very clear – a fixed date for General Elections. It’s a promise that remains unfulfilled.

EDITORIAL: A family torn apart by COVID

It started with a scratchy throat.

EDITORIAL: PM calls on citizens to get vaccinated

WITH COVID-19 still surging and after the election bell was rung last week, there was a lot of expectation around last night’s national address by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

EDITORIAL: It's not just a vote, it's the country's future

WHO do you trust? That’s the question our front page headline asks today, and it’s a question that voters must find an answer to. Who do you trust with the future of our country?

EDITORIAL: Is the election bell about to ring?

IN a flurry of ceremony, Police Commissioner Paul Rolle not once, but twice made the trip to Parliament to announce first that Parliament has been prorogued, then some hours later announcing when Parliament is to reconvene.

EDITORIAL: We have failed to protect our healthcare system

THE point of imposing restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 was to give our healthcare facilities the best chance possible to deal with the pandemic. We have failed.

EDITORIAL: How can immigration defy a court order?

TWO young boys have not been heard from since the earthquake in Haiti last week – and they should not have been there at all.

EDITORIAL: Wrong time for hospital staff to take action

THE hospitals are full of COVID patients, we are in the middle of a surge that has already seen us have the record number of cases in a single day… and hospital staff are choosing this moment to stage industrial action.

EDITORIAL: No more supply issues - so get your jab

THROUGHOUT the battle against COVID-19, one of the repeated questions has been over the need for the government to secure enough vaccines for everyone. That question has now been answered – and emphatically so.

EDITORIAL: Show us the money

WHO owns the companies that received contracts related to COVID-19?

EDITORIAL: We must stop the surge

THE state of emergency is about to be extended, it would seem.

EDITORIAL: Gardiner brings home the gold

EVEN the darkest day can be transformed by a ray of sunshine.

EDITORIAL: The vaccine is here - so get your jab while you can

IF a shortage of supply has been your excuse for not getting vaccinated, then today you have no reason not to book your jab.

EDITORIAL: A swift response - now make sure it is a thorough one

WHEN The Tribune reported last week on wood infested with an invasive beetle in Grand Bahama, this column called for swift action.