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EDITORIAL: We deserve better than this Parliamentary mess

What a mess.

EDITORIAL: Thank goodness for helpful neighbours

THE United States has found itself with a welcome problem – more vaccines than it needs right now.

EDITORIAL: Listen to the voices of experts

Follow the science. That’s the mantra for many around the world in dealing with this pandemic, and it’s the same for Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis.

EDITORIAL: All adults eligible for vaccine - now's the time

IF you’ve been waiting and waiting to get your COVID-19 vaccine, now is the time.

EDITORIAL: Shanty town buildings knocked down - but what now?

THE video footage is striking. As people stand by watching, the bulldozers move in, tearing down building after building.

EDITORIAL: A glimpse of a normal world - after a jab

PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis dangled a carrot yesterday for those still reluctant to get their vaccinations. The world can start getting back to normal – if you’ve had your jab.

EDITORIAL: Vaccinations and the workplace

SHOULD an employer be able to require a worker to be vaccinated if they want to keep their job?

EDITORIAL: Plenty of reasons to be concerned about virus

IF Education Minister Jeff Lloyd truly has “no concern at all” over an outbreak taking place at schools despite a third wave of COVID-19 hitting the country, then we suggest he think again.

EDITORIAL: Something is going to have to change in our attitude to vaccination

THE road out of the COVID crisis was always going to be bumpy and right now it seems we’re being bounced all over the place.

EDITORIAL: Nothing adds up in Abaco shanty raid

THE raid on The Farm shanty town in Abaco yesterday was a big operation.

EDITORIAL: Another detention, another court defeat for govt

AFTER holding seven people in detention for nearly two years, it turns out that the government couldn’t even explaining why they had done so.

EDITORIAL: Cases must not be delayed further

IN this column yesterday, we discussed the principle of justice delayed being justice denied – and just how much it is delayed in the case of police-involved killings has become clearer still.

EDITORIAL: We must do all we can to stop third wave

THE concerns over mounting cases of COVID-19 continue – with 92 new cases over the holiday weekend.

EDITORIAL: We know the problems - where are the solutions?

Perhaps the most shocking thing in the latest report on human rights in The Bahamas by the US State Department is that so many of the problems are already known.

EDITORIAL: How do we give women a fair chance in politics?

IN two separate articles in today’s Tribune, the question of gender in politics is raised.

EDITORIAL: Don’t close the beaches, police them

THE scene pictured on our front page ought to annoy everyone who has been doing everything they can to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

EDITORIAL: The last thing we want is a third wave

THE numbers tell the tale. Steadily, the number of cases of COVID-19 have been rising.

EDITORIAL: In the shadow of Stalin and Chairman Mao?

FRED Smith, QC, certainly knows how to catch attention. In his latest collision with the government over shanty towns, he compares government policy to that of Stalin. Asked to tone it down by the court, he offered an alternative of Mao Zedong in China, whose cultural revolution “destroyed the homes of 20 million people”.

EDITORIAL: $1 for an airport - but it’s no bargain

YOU can’t even get a jitney ride for a dollar these days – but that’s how much is being paid to buy Grand Bahama International Airport.

EDITORIAL: Talk of herd immunity is premature

THE sun always shines in the world of Renward Wells.

EDITORIAL: Casting a shadow of political victimisation

THE allegation that members of the Democratic National Alliance were carried out on the instruction of “someone higher” than the police are very disturbing.

EDITORIAL: Give people in need some certainty

WE have written before in this column of the need to extend aid as each deadline for its cut-off has drawn near – and it is encouraging to see we are not alone in recognising the need.

EDITORIAL: Why do we allow this abuse to continue?

IT happens every day.

EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way

HERE’S the good news – the vaccinations are under way.

EDITORIAL: When is a gathering a safe gathering?

THE large gatherings being held as political parties hit the streets to campaign ahead of the next election beg an obvious question – if they can do it, why can’t we?